Helena, Montana
Wednesday, January 31, 1945
German Reports Place
Invaders Only 58 Miles
From Reich Capital;
Advance Is Swift;
Prongs of Pincers Are
Expected to Meet Soon
London, Jan. 31.—(AP)—
Marshal Gregory Zhukov's troops today
captured Landsberg, 68 miles east of Berlin, Marshal 6' Stalin announced
tonight, and Berlin broadcasts said the Red
Army had plunged to towns only 58 and 62 miles
from the Reich capital.
Landsburg, great rail and road
hub on the Berlin-Danzig rail line, was conquered along with the strong points
of Meseritz Schwiebus and Ztillichau to
the southeast as Zhukov's forces broke through the German defense guarding
Frankfurt on the Oder river 39 miles from Berlin.
In 2
New Places
Artillery Is
At Siegfried
Paris, Jan. 31.— (AP) — A
whiteclad infantry of the American First army stormed across the snow-drifted
German border at two new places today and Lt. Gen.
Courtney H. Hodges' artillery
started pouring shells into the main concrete works of the thinly held Siegfried1
along the 35-mile
assault front from below St. Vith to the Roer river northeast of Monschau the
First and Third armies had a full scale assault under way with
gains which carried the First to the
ramparts of the west wall and broadened the Third army's foothold inside
Germany to five miles.
Americans Make
New Landing
On Luzon Coast
From Manila;
Eighth Army Units
Pour Ashore,
Block Japs' Flight to Bataan
General Mac Arthur's
Headquarters, Luzon, Jan. 31— (AP)—
Landing unopposed from 150 ships
60 miles northwest of Manila, strong U. S. Eighth army forces blasted any hopes
the Japanese may have held for a large scale
withdrawal to Bataan by driving
swiftly east today toward a juncture with the Sixth army which would seal off
the historic peninsula.
second invasion of Luzon, timed with a Sixth army push now within 30 miles of
Manila, has disclosed in today's communique of Gen. Douglas Mac- Arthur. The 38th
division and a combat team of the 24th, which fought so heroically on Leyte in
the central Philippines, were put ashore Monday on Zambales province in the 10
miles between the Santo Tomas river mouth and San Antonio without loss of a man, plane or ship.