Balikpapan Afire;
2 Honshu TargetsPounded Heavily
Pounded By50 Warships
MANILA, June 30.—(AP)—An
Allied fleet of 50 ships pounded Borneo's oil refining city of Balikpapan all
day yesterday and poured more shells into shore defenses today in preparation
for an "imminent landing," the Tokyo radio reported today. The enemy
account said Allied mine sweepers were clearing waters off shore, braving the
fire of Japanese shore batteries, which Domei Agency described as "heavy. The
Japanese said other small Allied craft, moving in under cover of the
"furious bombardments," had neared the shore for "close and
careful reconnaissance."
The broadcast was unconfirmed
although Gen. Douglas MacArthur acknowledged today that guns of "light
naval units" have taken up the bombardment of the oil-rich eastern Borneo
Hit JapanTwice In Day
______ y ~
GUAM, June 30— (AP) The B-29 knockout' campaign against oil plants on Japan was extended last midnight
to the eight rich target. Raiding the enemy homeland for the second time in one
day, nearly 50 Superforts bombed the Kudumatsu oil refining plant with high explosives.
The plant, Nippon's fourth largest, is on the inland sea coast of southwest
Tokyo radio in a broadcast, heard
by the American Broadcasting Company, said at noon the-same day B-29s raided
the southwest area of Hokkaido Island and one was damaged by interceptors.
(The F e d e r a l Communications
Commission heard Tokyo say that last night 10 "large enemy planes"
sowed mines in the north Honshu harbors of Niigata and Sakata).
New Base
Seized WestOf Okinawa
Press War Editor)
Four Chinese towns and Kume sland
on the invasion seaway to Japan were added to Allied conjuests today as Tokyo
American naval forces were preparing
for two more possible landings.
A growing Allied task force, Tokyo
said, engaged in a day-long artillery duel yesterday with Japanese shore
batteries guarding Balikpapan, prized oil refining center on southeast Borneo.
A force of 50 warships and transports was reported operating off Balikpapan.
Tokyo said the much talked-about invasion was
Nipponese broadcasters suggested scouting
U. S. naval craft were preparing for another amphibious assault in the Okinawa
area where Yank landing troops added Kume island to their potential invasion bases.