The Charleston Gazette
Charleston, West Virginia, Wednesday Morning, February 24,1943
Nazi Tunisia Drive
Reds Gain West of Kharkov
Rommel Repulsed
In One Sector
Both Sides Now Bringing
Up Reinforcements
Hurled back in one sector and stalled in another, the German
armored units of Marshal Erwin Rommel relaxed their pressure
along the Tunisian front today, giving the .stubborn Allied defense
forces their first rest of the bitter three-day struggle to
keep Nazi spearheads from cracking their lines.
"The fighting has died down," said a terse dispatch from the
front, and both sides apparently prepared to make the most .of the
lull by regrouping and bringing up supplies and reinforcements,
In the hills north of the Kasserine gap, Rommel's most dangerous
thrust had been halted by British md American tanks and infantry
our miles from Thala, the gateway to the strategic Kremansa
plateau near the Tunisian-Algeran frontier.
Yanks, British Hold On
30 to 50-Mile
Advances Made
3 Enemy Strong Points
In Ukraine Taken
LONDON, Feb. 23.—(AP)—The triumphant Red army, spurred
by Premier Stalin's praise and exhortation to drive the Germans
from Russia, marked its 25th anniversary today by accelerating
its smash westward through the Ukraine, recapturing
three important Nazi strong points along the route leading
from Kharkov to Kiev.
Answering Stalin's order to Rive The invaders no respite, the "army
of avengers." as he termed them, drove into Sumy. 100 miles northwest
of Kharkov: Akhtyrka, 42 miles to the south, and Lebedin.
about half way between them and 20 miles farther west.
Lebedin lies only 175 miles east of Kiev, and the recapture of the
three towns, announced in a special communique broadcast by Moscow
and recorded here by the Soviet monitor, marked advances of from
30 to 50 miles in the Red army's continuing offensive, freeing hun-
dreds of square miles more of the rich, productive Ukraine.
Rail Town Taken
Jap Warship
Hit at Rabaul
Heavy Bombers Assault
Ships, Shore Bases
AUSTRALIA. Wednesday. Feb. 24 ,
—(AP)—A Japanese cruiser or destroyer has been bombed and dam-
aged at Rabaul. New Britain, the Allied high command announced
Scheme to End
Fast Rejected
Viceroy Rejects Gandhi
Friends' Compromise
NEW DELHI, Feb. 23.—(AP)—An attempt to end the 21-day fast of
Mohandas K. Gandhi, now in its 14th day, by a compromise between
the Indian nationalist leader and Viceroy Lord Linlithgow ended in
failure today.
The latest scheme designed to end the hunger strike was instituted
by a combination of English men and Indians. Horace Alexander, member o
the British parliament, who had been serving in India recently as a
representative of the Quaker Relief Agency, first conferred with
the fasting Hindu leader at Poona. After the conference, he advised
Chakrayarthi Rajagopalachari, a member of a recent conference of
Indian leaders seeking Gandhi's unconditional release, that under certain
conditions Gandhi might end his fast.
Wooden Guns, Rag Soldiers
Guard Chagrined Congress
WASHINGTON, Feb. 23.—(AP)—Grim, gray, anti-aircraft "guns,"
which have peeked skywards for months from congressional office
building roofs to provide "protection" for the nation's lawmakers
are made of wood and manned by "decoy soldiers," it was
disclosed today. "
His curiosity piqued over just what protection was being furnished
congress, Rep. Cooley (D.-N.C.) climbed, unchallenged in civilian
clothes, to the rooftop of its new office building and discovered the
He told the house about it today during discussion of a billion dollar
naval shore construction bill. Expressing the hope that none of the
'money would be spent for the construction of "painted ships upon a
painted ocean—or for wooden guns," he cried:
"We are being protected by wooden guns and decoy soldiers. In
high heavens' name, why have they been placed over our heads? I
am something of a duck hunter, and when I place out decoys, I expect
to attract ducks. And when I place out decoy soldiers and decoy guns,
I would expect to attract enemy planes!'
"Was Gruesome Sight"
"Gentlemen, it was a gruesome sight," he complained, as the house
roared a mixture of amusement and amazement. Later; he told newsmen
that the guns were "as wooden as Charlie McCarthy."
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