Wednesday, October 30, 2013



Weather Clears Up on
Western Front—Mud
Havas Staff Writer.
PARIS, Oct. 30.— (C.P.-Havas)
—The opening of a week during: which many believe Germany Will begin an offensive was marked today by the first brisk, clear, dry day the Western Front has seen in more a week..
Over the ground drenched by driving rain and snow, the sun shone and the misty, grey obscurity of the past eight days gave way to clear weather. 'The drop in temperature will have to be maintained for some days, however, before the ground will be sufficiently dried out for extensive operations.
Activity continued light. Tills morning's French communique said the night was calm, "We repelled several enemy raiding parties." There were no changes noted in German concentrations behind the front and farther back in Germany.
Many Alarms Sounded Over
British Isles at Approach
of Enemy
LONDON, Oct. 30.— (U.P.) —
German aircraft attacked a flotilla, of British destroyers in the North Sea today. There was no damage to the destroyers.
A statement issued by the admiralty said: "This morning off the Dogger Bank flotilla of our destroyers came into action with two German bombers. There were no casualties in, or damage to, our destroyers, and it is not known whether the enemy suffered damage."
LONDON, Oct. 30—CP—British fighter planes went up to investigate the presence of unidentified aircraft off the Essex coast today and a German plane also was seen over the northeast coast, the air ministry announced.
Air raid signals were, sonnded in London by mistake.
The ministry issued two communiques, the first saying:
"An air raid warning which was given In the east Kent area this morning was due to the presence of unidentified aircraft off the Essex coast proceeding south
Bill To House i
Hope is Held For Final Vote
By the End of
The Roosevelt administration's neutraliy;' bill, fought over for four weeks in the senate, was received by the house of representatives today. Hopeful for a final vote by the end of the week, leaders arranged for the rules committee to meet today.
A special "rule," which the committee was expected to adopt, will provide that the bill, which substitutes a cash and carry plan for the present arms embargo, be sent to Joint senate-house committee compose differences between the two.
The house approved a neutrality bill in June which provided for a limited embargo. The house is expected to take up the investigation tomorrow.



Tuesday, October 29, 2013



International Law
Violation Is

Resentment Over
Ship Incident

The United States government tonight issued a sharply-worded statement criticizing the Soviet Union government for its reported ' surrender of the American freighter City of Flint to a German prize crew.

The state department further charged the Nazi destroyer crew, which seized the City of Flint at sea, with apparent violation of International law in taking the vessel into the neutral Soviet Arctic port of Murmansk.

Expressing mounting indignation over the Soviet's reported release of the ship to the Nazi prize crew, the state department contended it was the "clear duty of the Soviet to turn the vessel back to its American 'crew.

Apparently laying diplomatic groundwork for a stern, formal protest to Moscow, the department charged the Soviet government with ' failing to co-operate with this nation in disclosing tile true facts of the vessel's whereabouts and condition, or the fate of the American crew.


David Lloyd George Deplores
War to Finish' Decision

Prlme Minister of Great Britain During the World War.

. (Copyright, .1939, by United Feature; Syndicate Inc. Reproduction, In whole or In part prohibited).

LONDON, Oct. 28.—I fear that .we must, dismiss the hope that was engendered In many breasts that peace talks on an international scale might be arranged to avert the impending horror, .

Three great  and brave nations, armed with every device for the destruction of human life and civilization which science can Invent and highly skilled industry can produce, are about to hurl those diabolical contrivances at each other—for years. That is the ghastly prospect that lies in front of hundreds of millions of people who are not personally responsible for the catastrophe.

I had a faint, lingering expectation that the stern speech of the prime minister in reply to Herr Hitler's overtures might not be regarded as a slamming of the door on peace negotiations ,

It took the German government several days finally to make up their minds as to whether they should take that view of the last sentences In Mr. Chamberlain's speech. . No Doubt Left
Herr Von Ribbentrop's Danzig deliverance,, strengthened by Marshal Soering's outburst, has left no doubt in anyone's mind that we must face long, cruel and devastating war.



Nazi Ship Raids British Craft

LONDON, Oct. 28.—(INS)—A bigger, more powerful, and better armed fighter than the famed cruiser Emden, which ravaged the South Pacific In the World war, the German pocket battleship Admits! Von Scheer may have rounded Cape Horn and now is raiding British shipping In the Pacific, the Dally Telegraph's authoritative naval correspondent suggested today.

Since sinking the British merchantman Clement, the Admiral Von Scheer IIM been dodging British cruisers for more than a, month o» the east coast of South America.

War at a Glance

By International News Service.
State of war in Europe late Saturday night:

Two German fliers were killed when a Nazi fighting plane was forced down by British aircraft after a thrilling air battle in view of hundreds of spectators near Dalkeith, Scotland.

New successful R. A. F. reconnaissance flights over southern Germany last night were announced by the air ministry.

Bodies of five German sailors picked up at sea testified to sinking of a German U-boat by French patrol vessels.

The City of Flint, with 41 American seamen aboard and commanded by German crew, believed bound for some unknown German port, while a Stockholm newspaper predicted a "disagreeable situation" if she is intercepted by the British.

London and Paris hailed the senate vote on repeal of the arms embargo, while Berlin said that only future developments and practical application of the measure would determine, whether Germany will consider it a "hostile or unfriendly act," The reich withheld any threats of counter-action however.

Systematic German artillery fire, reported on the western front. Germany admitted losing three submarines.


Saturday, October 26, 2013



Von Ribbentrop Is
Given Answer In
Defiant Manner

Prime Minister Says
Britain Is Prepared To
Pursue War To End; Russian
Envoy Laughs At Accusation
LONDON, Oct. 26—W—Germany was accused by Prime Minister Chamberlain today of inviting Soviet Russia "to join a crusade against the British Empire" in the war which he indicated Britain was ready to pursue to the end.

The prime minister, giving his eighth weekly war report to the House of Commons, replied directly to the Danzig declaration of German Foreign Minister Joachim Von Ribbentrop that Germany would make a finish fight. "There can be but one reply," said Chamberlain, "and we are prepared to give it."

His accusation that Germany sought to bring Russia into the war against Britain brought laughter from Soviet Ambassador Ivan Maisky who was listening from the diplomatic gallery.
Confirms Stonegate Sinking
Chamberlain gave official confirmation that the German pocket battleship Deutschland sank the British freighter Stonegate, indicating that the swift warship was operating on the high seas far outside the British blockade.


Britain Shows Its
Desire To Keep
Russia's Goodwill

LONDON, Oct. 26—W—The British government partly excused Russia's share in the partition of Poland today 'as it was pressed in both houses of parliament to seek once more Russian friendship for the British-French alliance.

Foreign Secretary Lord Halifax declared that Russia had occupied eastern Poland only after Germany had "started it and. set the example" and that the new frontier thereby established was "substantially the boundary" recommended by a British delegate at the time of the Versailles conference.

Lord Halifax said Britain's pledge to Poland has been only "to provide against the case of aggression by Germany though he admitted "it is quite true that it makes no difference to the Poles whether they are invaded from the east or west."

In both houses the call was made for a quick understanding with Russia—in the upper by Lord Listonwel, opposition Laborite, and in Commons by Sir Archibald Sinclair, opposition Liberal leader.

Lord Listowel urged the recognition of Russian occupation of eastern Poland at not too high a price "for the goodwill of a first class power in wartime."


Nazis See Soviet
Action As Protest
Against Blockade

Russia Rejects Britain's
Contraband List, Claiming
It Violates Principles Of
International Law

BERLIN, Oct. 26.—(AP)—The German press today interpreted Soviet Russia's rejection of Britain's contraband list as a "sharp protest against blockade warfare" which might lead to serious trouble between the two powers.

Propaganda Minister Paul Joseph Goebbels' newspaper Der Angriff said "Moscow's note contains a clear warning susceptible of causing far reaching consequences unless it is observed."

The paper declared Britain has two alternatives — either to alter her contraband list or take the consequences which might result from any seizure of Russian ships.

Her Angriff said "A decisive word has been spoken. "Soviet Russia established in this note that England's method of conducting war contradicts all international conventions relating to wartime sea commerce.

"England's methods are nothing more than open piracy, made no better by the fact that it is practiced by a great sea power."
Claims Britain Covering Up
Meantime a German –spokesman hinted today that Great -Britain- was not telling the whole story of the cost in British: tonnage of 'the bitter war at sea.


Assurance Given
Of Safety Of
U. S. Crew Of 42
German Sources In Berlin
Promise Full Explanation
Of Ship's Situation; Hamburg
Court May Decide Case

BERLIN, Oct. 26—m- -Authoritative Germans declared today that Soviet Russia had agreed to allow the United States steamer City of Flint to leave-the port of Murmansk in charge of her German prize crew as soon as they considered the vessel seaworthy.

A spokesman indicated the vessel would be brought to Germany as a prize. "The German prize crew will get aboard again," he said, "and you may rest assured the ship will not be headed for the United States."

The United States embassy said the German foreign office at noon (5 a. m. CST) had "informally communicated" to the embassy that the City of Flint e:vtere< Murmansk because she had suffered "havarie" (sea damage) and that her American crew ' was safe and unhurt. Sources close to the foreign office indicated that the communication' was oral.
U. S. Crew Safe
(In Moscow, United States Ambassador Laurence A. Steinhardt said he had been assured the City of Flintt's crew of 42 was safe aboard.

Tass, Soviet news agency, said the vessel was taken to Murmansk after a brief .halt at Treimsoe, Norway, because her machinery had been damaged.)



Tuesday, October 22, 2013



Berlin Asserts Turkey
Faces Fate of Poland

Press Quotes From Moscow Dispatches
To Show Danger Facing Ottomans;
See Rough Dealing at Soviet's Hands

BERLIN, Oct. 21 (AP)—Authorized officials held Saturday night that Turkey's step in allying herself with Great Britain and France might turn her into another Poland—meaning she would lose her independence. Signs taken as ominous for the republic were seen as the press reproduced an article from Izvestia, soviet Russian government newspaper in Moscow, which authoritative quarters interpreted as "a warning to Turkey."

Izvestia's article said the three power mutual assistance pact "cannot be evaluated as an instrument of peace," but assertions the treaty could injure Russia were wrong." It also said Russia "has no ground to regret what has happened." Authoritative sources said those passages "are a threat to Turkey."

"Russia does not need to regret Turkey's new alliance," it was said, "because she is free now to occupy the Dardanelles if she desires. Before, with Turkey friendly toward Russia, it would have been harder."
Foresee Stern Action
There was a general German belief that Russia had made up her mind to deal roughly with Turkey. Dienst Aus Deutschland, informed news commentary close to the foreign office, said Russia's reaction to "the new situation"— as Izvestia called it—"its background and repercussions leave no room for the slightest doubt or misunderstanding."

(Turkish Foreign Minister Sukru Saracoglu, returning to Turkey Friday from fruitless negotiations for a Turkish-Russian pact, declared he was convinced the British-French-Turkish treaty "will not have the slightest detrimental effect on the old and sincere Turkish-soviet friendship.")


Mines Blast 70
To Death in
German Ship

STEGE, Moen Island, Denmark,
Oct. 21 (UP)—The German coast patrol boat No. 701 struck two mines in Fakse bay Saturday and sank within one minute with an apparent loss of 70 lives, Willy Gehring, one of four survivors, told the United Press Saturday night. Seventy-four were aboard the


The four survivors, clinging to a spar in icy water and holding a dead companion, were afloat six hours without lifebelts before they were rescued by Danish seaplanes.

"We saw our companions disappear one by one in the heavy swells," Gehring, an able seaman, said. "When the Danish patrol plane was sighted late in the afternoon we four were apparently the only survivors."

Gehring said many of the crew perished in the sudden shock of being hurled by the explosion from the heat inside the patrol boat into the ice-cold sea.


London Hears
New Plan of
U. S. Mediation

LONDON, Oct. 21 (UP)—A neutral diplomatic source reported Saturday night that Paul Van Zeeland, former Belgian premier now in America, hopes to discuss with President Roosevelt the possibility of United States mediation in the European war.

Official confirmation of the re-, port was lacking and it was said that Van Zeeland's efforts in that direction would be entirely unofficial.

The announced purpose of his trip to the United States is to attend meetings of the international committee on refugee problems.

Without attempting to guess the attitude of the American government, the usually well-informed neutral sources said that Van Zeeland's talks with Mr. Roosevelt and Secretary of State Cordel Hull might be of great importance, because it was believed Adolf Hitler was awaiting the outcome.



Wednesday, October 16, 2013

October 16, 1939; GUNS BOOM AT EDINBURG:


Three German Planes Shot Down,
Foray Failed, British Report;
Tempo of War Is Increased

Battle Cruiser Repulse Attacked by U-Boat,
Berlin Asserts; Nazi Vessel Damaged in
Battle Off Norse Coast, Fishermen Say

LONDON, Oct 16----(UP)
Three German planes were reported shot down during a nazi air raid against Scottish naval bases. One of the nazi craft was said to have been brought down in the Firth of Forth, and two in the Fife district, on the eastern coast.

"Reports to date indicate no civilian casualties and no damage to property as a result of the attempted attack by enemy aircraft on Scotland." The objectives of the raiders which met counter-attack by Royal Airforce planes and anti-aircraft batteries—were understood to be the Firth of Forth bridge and Rosyth naval base. No bombs struck the bridge.

If attacking bombers should hit the Firth of Forth bridge and cause its spans to fall into the water they would effectively block the Rosyth naval base from access to the sea.

Guns Boom at Edinburgh.
Anti-aircraft guns boomed at Edinburgh as the German planes— three of- which were reported over the city — aimed at the vital dockyards and bases along the Firth of Forth.

Royal airforce craft fought with the raiders and, the air ministry announced, "inflicted casualties upon them." The ministry's announcement characterized the raid as an "attempted attack."


PARIS, Oct. 16. — (U.P) — The French war ministry announced tonight that the Germans had started to attack on a four-mile front and had occupied Schneeberg
mountain before French fire halted their advance


Saturday, October 12, 2013



French Premier, in Address
Asserts "War Accepted Because
Germany Wants to Impose
Domination of Europe."
Recalls Conquests

(By H. Taylor Henry)
Paris —(AP)— Premier Valadmer replied to Adolf Hitler's peace overtures today with a declaration that France and Britain "will continue to fight to obtain a definite guarantee of security" for the "lasting peace of Europe."

The premier's declaration, made in a nationwide broadcast, apparently closed the door to peace negotiations on the basis of the formula advanced by Hitler in his reichstag speech Friday.

Careful consultation with Britain preceded the address in which Deladier and the allies had entered the war "because Germany wanted to impose her domination on Europe."

Fuehrer Points Out How Poland
Was Demolished in Few
Weeks As He Makes Plea for
Winter Relief Work — Again
Blames Allies

Berlin —AP— Adolf Hitler declared today that if Germany's "readiness for peace" was declined Germany was determined "to take up the fight and fight it out one way or the other. "In a few weeks the state which thought it could threaten German interests most insolently (Poland) has been demolished—thanks to our soldiers and our military strategy," the Fuehrer declared.” What the future may bring we do not know. But of this we are certain: No power on earth ever again will be able to force Germany to her knees.  "They will not defeat us militarily, economically or psychically."

Tremendous cheering greeted this declaration, delivered in a speech in Berlin's huge Sportspalast winter relief campaign.
Hitler declared Germany was determined to fight the war to the bitter end if necessary and once more laid-the responsibility for continuing the struggle on the reich's adversaries.

Administration Forces Defeat
Move to Separate Shipping
Provisions Front Arms Embargo
Repeal Issue—Vote Is
65-26—Wagner Makes Plea
for Adoption.

Washington —{AP)— Administration forces in the senate defeated today1 a, motion to separate shipping provisions of the neutrality bill from the arms embargo repeal issue.

The' vote was announced as 65 against to 26 for the motion. There was a division of opinion among leaders as to whether the administration's victory could be counted a test of-strength on the neutrality bill itself—the most controversial section of which is that providing repeal of the present embargo on arms.
Majority Leader Barkley of  Kentucky told reporters he regarded the vote as a measuring stick but Senator Borah, Republican, Idaho, a leader of the opposition in the neutrality fight, said it could not be so considered.

The motion to split up the bill was made by Senator Tobey", Republican, New Hampshire. He proposed to send the measure back to the foreign ., relations committee with instructions ,to write two. bills—one the embargo repealer, the other setting forth restrictions on American shipping and travel to belligerents.


Wednesday, October 9, 2013



Would Permit
Roosevelt to
Obtain Peace

Colorado Solon Says Whole
World Would BE Gratified
by Three-Day Adjournment
—Rep. Fish Is Target

The senate agreed late today to vote by 2 PM. (E.ST) tomorrow on a motion by Senator Tobey (R-N'.J.) to split the administration neutrality bill into two parts.

Tobey's motion would send the bill back to the foreign relations committee with Instructions to draft separate legislation to repeal the existing arms embargo
and to impose restrictions on American shipping and travel policy has concluded the restrictive provisions should be enacted at once and that embargo repeal should  be considered later.

WASHINGTON. Oct. 9.—(AP)—The senate leadership blocked temporarily today an effort by Senator Johnson (D.-Colo.) to recess the chamber to give President Roosevelt a free hand to work for European peace.

Johnson told the chamber "the whole world would be gratified" If the senate would recess for three days. This, he said, would be considered a sign the United States wanted peace in Europe, and the people were counting on the chief executive to do what he could to effect it.

Russia Throws
Weight Behind
Peace Gesture

Soviet Government's Official
Newspaper Accuses Great
Britain and France of "Returning
to Middle Ages"
Soviet Government's Official Newspaper Accuses Great Britain and France of "Returning to Middle Ages"

AMSTERDAM, Oct. 9.—(AP)— Rescue boats from The Netherlands reported the Finnish freighter Intlra, 2,020 tons, sank today lifter striking a mine off the island of Terschelllng.

Only wreckage of the sunken freighter was found but the entire crew of the Intlra was believed rescued by nearby Finnish ships, which proceeded on their way, Netherlands, sailors said.

Associated Press
Soviet Russia threw her weight behind Adolf Hitler's peace gestures today in an editorial in the government newspaper Izvestia, accusing Great Britain and France of "returning to the middle ages" for waging war to "exterminate Hitlerism."

At the same lime, it was announced Premier-Foreign Commissar Vyachcslaff Molotoff had reached a quick decision last night at Moscow with leaders of a German trade delegation.

The delegation arrived only yesterday to expedite stimulated trade between Russia and Germany under the recent formal trade and credit agreement between the Nazi-Communist partners, It was not specified what goods were involved. Besides the German delegation  Russia was host lo the foreign ministers of Turkey and Lithuania and expected a third diplomat, former Premier Juhu Kusti Paasiklvi of Finland, tonight or tomorrow she pushed forward her bargain driving campaign on Russian frontiers from the Gulf of Finland to the Black Sea.



Tuesday, October 8, 2013



Britain Expects Better Terms
From Hitler to Avoid Long War;
Will Demand Rigid Guarantees

LONDON, Oct. 7-(U.P.)-Great Britain and France would be inclined to accept mediation by President Roosevelt only on the basis of restoration of Polish and Czechoslovak independence and cast-iron guarantees against future aggression in  Europe, it was indicated tonight in responsible quarters.

With the Government of Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain understood to be exchanging views with France.

British circles believe that any feasible proposals would have to go far beyond the terms indicated in Adolf Hitler's Reichstag speech.

If it is assumed that Germany is worried about the prospect of a long war, some British sources point out that it is possible there may be successive German proposals offering a better basis for peace. Such proposals, it is believed, would receive consideration in Allied Governments.
So far, it is understood, the Allies have received no official intimation from Washington of any German peace feeler. Unless German proposals go far beyond the Hitler speech, the British do not believe that Roosevelt would deem it advisable to convey them to London.


F.D.R. Ignores
Germany's Bid
For Mediator

HYDE PARK, N.Y., Oct. 7.—(U.P.)—
President Roosevelt today ignored semi-official suggestions from Berlin that he initiate a move for peace and advanced his program for American neutrality by revealing presence of a foreign submarines off the coast of Florida.

Roosevelt indicated he is not ready to respond to intimations from Berlin that Adolf Hitler would be willing to accept mediation by him to halt the European War.

Refusing to commit himself on such suggestions, Roosevelt concentrated on problems of maintaining the neutrality of the United States.
He announced that a submarine of some foreign power was sighted yesterday 15 miles off the coast of Florida. That information was forwarded to the Navy Department and the Federal Maritime Commission, and American Shipping in the area was warned of the presence of the alien war vessel to thwart the possibility of an incident which might menace American neutrality.


BERLIN, Oct. 7.—(UP)—High Nazi circles professed to be supremely confident, tonight that Adolf Hitler's peace proposals would be used by the Allied Powers or a neutral mediator—President Roosevelt was repeatedly mentioned—as the basis for negotiations to end Europe's war.

The Fuehrer, it was emphasized in official circles, considers his position has been made clear and that a similarly definite answer is to be expected. An immediate armistice and an international conference to stabilize European affairs and reduce armaments—perhaps drastically—were indicated as desired by Germany.

Great attention was given by German newspapers to reaction of the belligerent countries and neutrals to the speech.
The form of the answer expected by the Fuehrer is less important than the contents, "which would not necessarily be made public," one high source said. "The speech was addressed to neutrals and the desire is strong in Nazi quarters that Roosevelt assume a role as leader of mankind toward peace."


Showdown at Hand;
Involvement of
Other Nations Feared

Publisher Oakland Tribune
WASHINGTON, Oct. 7.—That the European war situation is fast reaching a crisis is the general opinion expressed tonight in Washington.

The "final peace proposals" of Fuehrer Adolf Hitler are forcing a show-down on the issue of future peace or a protracted war and the ,

possible and probable involvement j of other Nations.

There is little hope expressed j that the formula presented by Hitler will bring about a cessation of hostilities. It is quite generally conceded that President Roosevelt is cool to assuming the role of war mediator, at least under present conditions and in view of the reactions of both England and France, as unofficially reported.

The New York and Washington newspapers, many with special European correspondents, all convey the impression that there is little or no sentiment in Great Britain for peace under the German terms. This is likewise true in France.

Monday, October 7, 2013



Hopes Some Neutral or
Neutrals Will Move to
Bring Conflict to End

Fuehrer Declares in Address to Reichstag That
He Wants Peace, But Will Fight if Proposals
Rejected; Chancellor Envisions Conference of
European Nations to Ensure Peace in Future

By Associated Press
BERLIN, Oct. 6.—An authorized source said tonight that Adolf Hitler would accept an armistice if proposed by President Roosevelt with the view to a general European settlement. Hitler's address, this source said, essentially was an "appeal to neutrals to consider the present European situation as one of peaceful war in which 'their own vital interests would be seriously affected if the war continued, rather than one of conflict to be settled between two warring groups."

In other words, he said. Hitler would look favorably upon intervention by a neutral or neutrals to bring the war to an end. Hitler offered peace in Europe or a fight in which "I do not doubt for a single moment that Germany will be victorious." "Let those who consider war to be the better solution reject my outstretched hand," he said—and authoritative sources indicated he expected an answer in less than |a week'


Allies Will
Moscow Silent, Italy
Hopeful, Senators
Doubt Sincerity


Victory Only
Peace, Says

War Will Be Fought
To Finish, French
Premier Replies