Wednesday, October 16, 2013

October 16, 1939; GUNS BOOM AT EDINBURG:


Three German Planes Shot Down,
Foray Failed, British Report;
Tempo of War Is Increased

Battle Cruiser Repulse Attacked by U-Boat,
Berlin Asserts; Nazi Vessel Damaged in
Battle Off Norse Coast, Fishermen Say

LONDON, Oct 16----(UP)
Three German planes were reported shot down during a nazi air raid against Scottish naval bases. One of the nazi craft was said to have been brought down in the Firth of Forth, and two in the Fife district, on the eastern coast.

"Reports to date indicate no civilian casualties and no damage to property as a result of the attempted attack by enemy aircraft on Scotland." The objectives of the raiders which met counter-attack by Royal Airforce planes and anti-aircraft batteries—were understood to be the Firth of Forth bridge and Rosyth naval base. No bombs struck the bridge.

If attacking bombers should hit the Firth of Forth bridge and cause its spans to fall into the water they would effectively block the Rosyth naval base from access to the sea.

Guns Boom at Edinburgh.
Anti-aircraft guns boomed at Edinburgh as the German planes— three of- which were reported over the city — aimed at the vital dockyards and bases along the Firth of Forth.

Royal airforce craft fought with the raiders and, the air ministry announced, "inflicted casualties upon them." The ministry's announcement characterized the raid as an "attempted attack."


PARIS, Oct. 16. — (U.P) — The French war ministry announced tonight that the Germans had started to attack on a four-mile front and had occupied Schneeberg
mountain before French fire halted their advance


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