The Charleston Gazett
Charleston, West Virginia, Wednesday Morning, April 22, 1942.
Jap Cruiser Probably Sunk
By Two U. S. T orpedo Boats;
Allies Hold New Burma Line
Bulkeley Leads
Attack at Cebu
Speedy But Tiny Craft Hit
Big Enemy Ship in Midst
Of Squadron of Five,
Navy Reports
Defenders Hammered
Back on Panay Isle
Two National Guard Units
Among Those Captured
In Bataan Loss
WASHINGTON, April 21. —
(INS)—Two American torpedo
boats probably sank a Japanese
cruiser when they tackled five
much larger enemy warships In
night battle at sea off Cebu
Island in the Philippines, the
navy announced tonight.
First Victory
Spurs Troops
Front Now Is Stretched
From Irrawaddy River
East to Towering
Mt. Popa
Yenanyaung Triumph
Frees 7,000 British
Position Is Temporarily
Bettered—Main English
Force Moves North
NEW DELHI, India, April 21.
—(AP)—Heartened by the first Allied
victory of the Burma campaign—
recapture of the desolated
oil center of Yenanyaung
and rescue of 7,000 encircled
British troops — Chinese and
British forces held firmly today
to a line running westward
from the 3,000-foot heights of
Mt. Popa to the broad Irrawaddy
A British communique confirmed
that the Chinese under American
Lt.-Gen. Joseph W. Stilwell had
joined British armored forces in an
attack which drove the Japanese
back southward from Yenanyaung,
where the British had destroyed 6,-
000 oil wells last week to keep
them from the hands of the invaders.
French Revolt
Held Possible
Hull Questions if Public
Supinely Accepts Laval
Collaboration Plans
—Secretary of State Hull today seriously
questioned whether the
French people will supinely accept
Pierre Laval's commitments for
all-out collaboration with Nazi
As Vichy reports spoke of a rising
wave of terrorism sweeping over
France. Hull intimated that the future
of French-American relations
will be determined in large part by
the reaction of the people of France
to the new pro-German collaborationist
The United States, the secretary
made clear, is on the alert. American
policy is being kept abreast of
French events, but it still remains
to -be seen whether the French people
will fall in line with the Laval-
Darlan combine.
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