The Charleston Gazette
Charleston, West Virginia. Saturday Morning, December 12, 1942.
Glider-Borne Enemies
Battle Allied 'Chutists,
Bolster Axis at Tunis
Foe Npw Running Short
Of Food, Deserters
Axis Loses 'None of Its
Punch/ Reuter's Avows
Anglo-American Artillery
Smashes Pincer Prong
At Medjez-el-Bab
LONDON, Dec. 11.—(INS)—
Glider-borne Nazi troops were
rushed into action to combat
Anglo - American parachutists
a!6ng the southern sector of the
Tunisian front today after Allied
forces beat back a twopronged
enemy tank attack
southwest of Tunis.
Patrols of American, British and
French troops meantime carried out
a successful, series of thrusts and
jabs which helped keep the enemy
off balance pending an imminently
expected major Allied assault.
In the wake of these actions, a
number of Axis deserters crossed
into the Allied lines and, to examining
officers, declared that the
enemy now Is running short of
food: a pinch Which apparently
was becoming more serious since
the heavy blows dealt Axis supply
ships in the Mediterranean last
Tank Thrust Beaten Back
Jap Pillboxes
Taken at Buna
Foes Assault U. S. Wedge
But Are Mowed Down
By Staunch Fire
Dec. 11.—(AP)—Field artillery hurled
tons of shells into the shrinking
Japanese hold around Buna today
after American troops repulsed a
second counter-attack on their
beachhead between the village and
Other U. S. and Australian troops
captured nearby Japanese pillboxes
in fierce bayonet charges.
(Repulse of Japanese counterattacks
at Sanananda, between
Gonu and Buna on the northeast
New Guinea coast, was announced
by the high command at Allied
headquarters in a communique issued
6,000 Japs'Strike
At Yunnan Lines
Chinese Forces Holding
Heavy Offensive Aimed
At Kunming
CHUNGKING, Dec. 11.—(AP)—
Veteran Japanese " troops, with
fresh reserves from Burma, are
stabbing repeatedly at the far flung
Chinese lines defending the
mountainous heart of Yunnan province,
the Chinese high command
reported tonight.
About 6,000 Japanese, striking in
three columns, began offensive
operations Dec. 6 against Chinese
forces in Western Yunnan in the
area north of Teng Yueh and west
of the Salween river's upper gorge,
a communique said.
Big Offensive Expected
RAF Making Another
Raid Over Continent
LONDON, Saturday. Dec. 12.—
(AP)—Britain's bevvy bombers beaded
for the continent again during
the night to blast war centers In
Italy or Germany.
For more than an hour last
night southeast coast observers
heard the roar of the RAF's biggest
bombers and other aircraft
high over the channel reroute toward
occupied Europe.
The RAF has made two big
raids this week, hammering Turin
on two successive nights in addition
to carrying out the largest
daylight sweep of the war on that
industrial city Sunday
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