Sunday, April 24, 2011

Current Events April 24. 1943:

The Japanese have developed bases for
2000 planes in the island arc above Australia and Allied troops
in the western' part of the country are set to meet any enemy invasion
attempt, Army Minister P. M Forde announced today.

A Nazi raiding plane bombed a large town in the English west midlands
shortly before midnight, the ministry of home security revealed today.
Extent of damage was not^ disclosed.

U. S. bombers attacked Rangoon again Thursday night, bombing
the Thilawa oil refinery south of the city, and setting three/large
fires in the Mahlwagon railroads yards whiich were visible for 20

Japs Have Huge Air Bases Near Australia Is Claim
                             The Port Arthur News
           PORT ARTHUR. TEXAS, SATURDAY, APRIL 24. 1943.

Nazis Abandon Caucasus Attacks

8000 Ton
By Don Caswell
April 24 (UP).—The Japanese have developed bases for
2000 planes in the island arc above Australia and Allied troops
in the western' part of the country are set to meet any enemy invasion
attempt, Army Minister P. M Forde announced today.
8000-Ton Ship Hit
His statement .came as a comanunique reported the probable
sinking o£ an 8000-ton enemy freighter escorted by three destroyers
off Kavieng, New Ireland, and the penetration by Allied ground
patrols to within seven miles of Salamaua, New Guinea, to wipe
out a Japanese garrison Of 20 men Gen. Douglas MacArthur's communique
said a heavy bomber scored a direct hit on s. freighter of:
Kavieng. The plane was on reconnaissance and spotted the vessel
and its escort. The bomb hit started a fire, billowing . smoke 3000
feet into the air, and the ship was believed to have been left sinking
The communique revealed that on April 15 and 16 an Allied patrol
pushed into Komiatum, only seven ''miles southeast o£ Salamaua on the
New Guinea coast, and killed 20 Japanese soldiers without losing
a man. It was tho first report o ground, fighting in some time.
Yesterday, Allied fighter plane softening up the Japanese outpost
in the Samaua; area 'for future ground', activity, strafed the
Samaua-Komiatum supply trail with 18 low-level attacks.
Six Other Attacks

LONDON, April 24 (INS).—A
Nazi raiding plane bombed a large town in the English west midlands
shortly before midnight, the ministry of home security revealed today.
Extent of damage was not^ disclosed.
London Has Alert London had a brief alert during
the night, its .627th of the war, when a single raider approached
the capital but was driven off by heavy anti-aircraft fire.
Moscow meanwhile announced that 200 Soviet planes lashed at
the industrial city of Insterburg in East Prussia Thursday night-in
the heaviest Russian air assault to date on objectives in the Reich.
The attack lasted for two hours and the entire city was said to
have .been left in flames. One Soviet plane was reported lost.
13 Nazi .Fighters Downed

Large Fires Are Started In
Jap Rail Yards
By The Associated Press
U. S. bombers attacked Rangoon again Thursday night, bombing
the Thilawa oil refinery south of the city, and setting three/large
fires in the Mahlwagon railroads yards whiich were visible for 20
miles, a United Slates communique announced today from New Delhi.
Two formations carried out the raid on the railroad yards, and the
biggest fire spread over an area the middle of three city blocks. Five more
large fires were started in nearby warehouses.

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