Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Current Events April 27, 1943:

Allied armored forces have driven to within
four miles of the Tunis-Font Du Fahs road and have destroyed
8O German tanks in the big-scale battle which has raged since
Sunday, Allied headquarters announced today.

Gen. Douglas Mac Arthur's headquarters disclosed today
that American and Australian troops now command hills
overlooking Mubo village. only 12 miles south of the big
Japanese .base at Salamaua, New Guinea, and Allied patrols have
penetrated within^ six miles of that base itself.

A Japanese attack on British positions south of Buthidaung in the
northwest Arakan coastal district of Burma was repulsed with considerable
casualties to the enemy, the India command announced today.

Britain's biggest b o m b e r s blasted the great German island
port of Duisburg last night in "one of the heaviest
raids" ever carried out against the Reich, an official British announcement
declared today.
17 ( R A F ) Bombers Lost

         The Port Arthur News

Allied Armies
List Advances
On All Fronts
Americans Drive Forward So Rapidly Nazis
Unable To Bury Dead; U.'& Bombers Hit
Italian Airport Northwest Of Rome
By Wes Gallagher
April 27 (AP).—Allied armored forces have driven to within
four miles of the Tunis-Font Du Fahs road and have destroyed
8O German tanks in the big-scale battle which has raged since
Sunday, Allied headquarters announced today.
Gain 11 Miles.
Farther north, the British First army infantry cleared 1 1
miles of the road from Medjez-EI-Bab to Tebourba and reached
Toun railroad station, only 23 miles west of Tunis, front line
dispatches reported, and for the first time since last Novemthe
Allies were again on the threshold of the Tunis plain.
The same reports, said the French skirting the Mediterranean had
penetrated to within six miles of Lake Achkel,. which almost ajoins
Lake Bizerte. Apparently this placed the British and French
within 23 miles of both the twin cities of Bizerte and Tunis.
In the sector between Medjez-El-Bab and the Mediterranean, the
Americans of Lt. Gen. George S. Patton, Jr., continued an advance
so rapid that German rearguards wove unable' to bury their dead and
assaulted the two strategic knobs, Green hill and Bald hill, the most
heavily fortified mountains in the northern sector.
Gain On All Fronts

By The Associated Press
Gen. Douglas Mac Arthur's headquarters disclosed today
that American and Australian troops now command hills
overlooking Mubo village. only 12 miles south of the big
Japanese .base at Salamaua, New Guinea, and Allied patrols have
penetrated within^ six miles of that base itself. Details of the Allied advance
were lacking, and it was not immediately clear whether Gen. Mac-
Arthur's' forces we;e preparing a new, offensive.
.Observers noted, however, that recent ^communiques have stressed
the. incessant aerial pounding of Japanese troops below Salamaua, frequently the prelude to an offensive—and dispatches from Allied
headquarters today said United Nations airmen were making 10 to
20 low-strafing sweeps over the enemy daily.
By Don Caswell
Australia, April 27 (UP).—Two waves of Allied planes
bombed and strafed the Mubo area, 10 miles southwest of the Japanesa
base at Salamaua, a communique said today.
Aerial operations were limited but the spokesman said an Allied
plane wrecked a building and a radio tower at Gasmata, New
Britain, in a bombing and strafing attack while other single planes
bombed Ulithi, New Britain, and the
airdrome at Finsch Harbor, up the
north New Guinea coast.
                                    —Buy Extra Bonds In April—

British Inflict Losses On
Japs In Burma
NEW DELHI, April 27 (INS).—
A Japanese attack on British positions south of Buthidaung in the
northwest Arakan coastal district of Burma was repulsed with considerable
casualties to the enemy, the India command announced today.
Active patrolling was reported on both sides but no change occurred
in the central situation.
                               Buy Extra Bonds In April—-

17 RAF Bombers Lost
As Duisburg Is Blasted
Big Planes
Lash Port
59th Time
LONDON, April 27
Britain's biggest b o m b e r s blasted the great German island
port of Duisburg last night in "one of the heaviest
raids" ever carried out against the Reich, an official British announcement
declared today.
17 ( R A F) Bombers Lost
Seventeen bombers were reported missing from the attack, which
an air ministry communique described as highly .concentrated. .
The language of the communique indicated .that at least 1000 tons
of bombs were dropped on the .city, the weight of. explosives. probably
approaching that of the first 1,000
bomber raid 'on Cologne last May 30 when 1500 tons of bombs were
The nigh traid followed blows by Mosquito bombers late yesterday
at railway centers in northwest Germany, in the Rhineland,
and in France near the Loire river.
All of. the raiding planes returned safely to bases, it was announced.
                                                        59th Raid On City

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