Saturday, May 28, 2011

Current Events May 30, 1943;


The United Nations have worked
out every tactical detail of their plan to invade the European
Preparations n a t u r a l l y are shrouded in strict secrecy, but indications
from many quarters in Britain and the continent suggest
that the hour for the general sea, air and land offensive is close at

The fierce battle for the northwestern
corner oi the Caucasus is still in progress. The Soviets
are maintaining a day and night bombardment of the Nazi
defense line northeast of Novorossisk, and a new flareup is
expected at any hour.


             Long Beach, California, Sunday, May 30, 1943

Warships of Allies Take Up Strategic
Positions to Assault Fort of Europe
LONDON, May 29.—(TP)—The United Nations have worked
out every tactical detail of their plan to invade the European
Preparations n a t u r a l l y are shrouded in strict secrecy, but indications
from many quarters in Britain and the continent suggest
that the hour for thfe general sea, air and land offensive is close at
The London News – Chronicle gave prominence today to a report
that British warships have taken up strategic positions in the
Mediterranean and elsewhere. The newspaper said a number of
troop ships had moved into the Mediterranean on Wednesday. A
number of Allied barges have been concentrated in Tunisian ports
within easy striking distance of Sicily, Sardinia and Pantelleria,
which presumably will soon become an important Allied" naval
and air base for the purposes of this major operation.
The Daily Telegraph said today in dispatches from Madrid that
Mussolini had presided over an emergency secret session of h is
Fascist party chieftains to map out a plan of defense of his prized
Mediterranean islands.

24-Hour Bombardment of Nazi Lines
Maintained Northeast of Novorossisk
MOSCOW, May 29.—(TP)—The fierce battle for the northwestern
corner oi the Caucasus is still in progress. The Soviets
are maintaining a day and night bombardment of the Nazi
defense line northeast of Novorossisk, and a new flareup is
expected at any hour.
At the same" time, a Finnish communique reports a powerful
Soviet attack in the western sector of the Karelian isthmus. Rus-
sian artillery forced a break in the Finnish lines, allowing Soviet
patrols lo make incursions into Finnish territory.
Tonight's Soviet communique still gives no details of the Kuban
battle. However, the communique reports new outbreaks on the.
Lisichansk front. Here Soviet units broke into German trenches and
consolidated a new forward position.
The Germans counterattacked but were forced to retreat, leaving
!00 Nazis dead on the battlefield.

Current Events May 29, 1943;

The London News-Chronicle said today
that every detail has been worked out for an Allied invasion
of Europe. British warships already have taken up strategic
positions and the opening of a second front is imminent.

American Army troops, supported by strong sea
and air attacks, have captured several more Japanese positions in fierce handto-
hand fighting in the Chicagof harbor area on Attu Island, the Navy Department
announced today.

Reports that Rommel is at present in
Bucharest as commander-in-chief of all Axis anti-invasion forces in the Balkans,
are circulating in Stockholm.

                RACINE, WIS., SATURDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 29, 1943.

Report Warships Poised
For Invasion of Europe
Plans for Blow
Complete, Says
London Paper
LONDON.—(U.P.)—The London News-Chronicle said today
that every detail has been worked out for an Allied invasion
of Europe. British warships already have taken up strategic
positions and the opening of a second front is imminent.
The dispatch followed axis reports that the Allies have
concentrated invasion barges in Tunisian harbors within
striking distance of Sicily, S a r d i n i a , Pantelleria and
southern Italy and that a big Allied convoy, including large
troopships, entered the Mediterranean Wednesday.
Premier Benito Mussolini met secretly recently with his
fascist party chieftains and mappcd plans to defend Sicily and |
Sardinia "to the end," the Daily Telegraph said. Other sources
reported the Italians were strengthening fortifications, increasing
anti-aircraft batteries and improving airdromes on the two
island outposts, already under heavy daily bombardment by Allied
planes seeking to soften their defenses.

Daily Newspaper of U.S. Armed Forces in the European Theater of Operations
New York, N.Y.—London, England Saturday, May 29, 1943

Yanks Win New
Points on Attu
Planes, Warships Support
Land Forces Engaged
In Fierce Battles
WASHINGTON, May 28—American Army troops, supported by strong sea
and air attacks, have captured several more Japanese positions in fierce handto-
hand fighting in the Chicagof harbor area on Attu Island, the Navy Department
announced today.
The other Jap center of resistance on the island is in the Sarana Bay area,
where American troops also are engaged in close-quarter fighting.
These latest attacks have been made in clear weather which followed the snow,
sleet and fog of the earlier fighting, the Navy Department added.
Liberators and Mitchells have destroyed every building in the Chicagof area with
heavy bombing attacks. At the same time, warships have shelled the Japs dug in
along the shore.
In the Southwest Pacific, Lae, big Jap base on the northwestern coast of New
Guinea, received its heaviest air raid of the war when Allied medium and heavy
bombers blasted the airdrome and shore bases with 28 tons of bombs. Fires were
visible for 75 miles.

Rumored Rommel in Balkans
STOCKHOLM, May 28 (UP)—Reports that Rommel is at present in
Bucharest as commander-in-chief of all Axis anti-invasion forces in the Balkans,
are circulating in Stockholm.
Anti-invasion forces, according to the reports, are divided into three army
groups—one in Yugoslavia, one in Bulgaria and Rumania and the third in

Current Events May 28, 1943;

Six Italian flying fields in the invasion outposts of Sicily, Sardinia
and Pantellaria have been bombed virtually into uselessness within the
hist 48 hours, North African headquarters announced yesterday, as
Allied planes kept up the process of blotting out Axis airdromes.

Russian forces ten divisions strong, supported by five tank brigades, launched
a full-scale offensive on the eastern part of the Kuban bridgehead yesterday,
Berlin radio announced last night.

As weather
conditions improved on the usually fogbound Attu Island, American ground
forces accelerated their attacks against the two Japanese pockets isolated on
Chicagof peninsula, the Navy Department announced today.
The future conquest of the Aleutians depends greatly tjn the success of the
American force which today has a handful of stubborn Japanese troops cornered
on Attu,island. The folio-wing article, written by Eugene Burns, Associated Press
War Correspondent, before the Attu landing, tells why it may be a tough task
to expel the firmly entrenched Japs from the Aleutians bases—stepping stones to

Daily Newspaper of U.S. Armed Forces in the European Theater of Operations
              New York, N.Y.—London, England Friday, May 28, 1943

U.S. Planes Smash
Six Italian Airfields
On Invasion Islands
Power Plant at Big
Dam in Sardinia
Is Blasted
Six Italian flying fields in the invasion outposts of Sicily, Sardinia
and Pantellaria have been bombed virtually into uselessness within the
hist 48 hours, North African headquarters announced yesterday, as
Allied planes kept up the process of blotting out Axis airdromes.
The raids, by Flying Fortresses, Lightnings and Warhawks of the
North-West African Air Force, were carried out as Algiers radio pounded
away at Italian nerves with ceaseless exhortations
to throw put the Fascists, end the war and make peace for themselves.
The roaring motors over Sicily and Sardinia gave pointed proof, if any was
needed, of the truth of the broadcaster's warning that:
"Allied bombers will darken the sun over Italy. Very soon Allied bombers will
launch mass attacks against you. They will go on attacking until Axis objectives
are swept away. They will attack your harbors, airdromes, railways and factories,
all that can help to delay the Axis defeat."
Power Station Blitzed
Soviets Launch
Full Scale Push,
Germans Claim
Ten Division^ Supported
By Tanks, Open Up
Along Kuban
By the United Press
Russian forces ten divisions strong, supported by five tank brigades, launched
a full-scale offensive on the eastern part of the Kuban bridgehead yesterday,
Berlin radio announced last night. After failing in their attempts to reduce
the bridgehead for three weeks, the radio said, the Russians withdrew their
forces, which were completely exhausted, and replaced them with newly-formed rifle
divisions and tank brigades- from the Volga and Eastern Caucasus.
After heavy artillery preparation these forces attacked Wednesday morning in an
attempt to free the Temyruk road as far as the western promontory of the Tainan
Peninsula, Berlin said.
Two hundred Russian planes were pressed into attacks on German rear communications
before the attack was launched, it was stated. The Germans
claimed 48 shot down and 23 others so badly hit they crashed behind the Russian
The radio warned that resumption
of the drive must be expected.

page 2
Japs Have Powerful
Bases Built On
Kiska Island
The future conquest of the Aleutians depends greatly tjn the success of the
American force which today has a handful of stubborn Japanese troops cornered
on Attu,island. The folio-wing article, written by Eugene Burns, Associated Press
War Correspondent, before the Attu landing, tells why it may be a tough task
to expel the firmly entrenched Japs from the Aleutians bases—stepping stones to
Islands, Alaska (delayed) (AP)—Airborne dynamite has, so far, not succeeded
in blasting the Japanese off Kiska and Attu islands. Cameras tell why.
That "why" is a fragmentary textbook of Japanese leapfrog island-to-island warfare.
Further, this lens study gives the first account of how the Japanese built a
submarine and airplane base on American soil.
For the past nine months, photograph interpreters have watched the Japanese
build a sub base from scratch; watched him build reservoirs, and now they see
him before his shinto shrine.
Part of Midway Plan?

Yanks Open Up
Again on Attu
WASHINGTON, May 27—As weather
conditions improved on the usually fogbound Attu Island, American ground
forces accelerated their attacks against the two Japanese pockets isolated on
Chicagof peninsula, the Navy Department announced today.
U.S. planes supported the push with bombing and strafing attacks, the announcement
Only 654 casualties have been sustained so far by the U.S. troops which
landed on Attu, Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson announced tonight. The
casualties were made up of 137 killed, 399 wounded and 118 missing.
Jap Offensive in China
CHUNGKING, May 27 (BP)-r-Tanks and mechanized units are being rushed
up by the Japanese for a great drive to smash through to China's capital city, a
military spokesman stated in Chungking tonight.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Current Events may 27, 1943:

President Roosevelt announced
today that the War Conference of the British-American
staffs has ended, in "complete agreement on future opera-
tions in all theatres of the war.”

American Army- casualties in North Africa from November 8
to May 15 totaled 2,181 killed, 9,437" wounded and 6,937 missing
or held prisoner, Secretary of War Stimson said today.. .
Previously the U. S. Army had reported 1,180 casualties in
the initial landing operations which began November- 8 and
these were included in the over-all figure reported by the secretary.

Americancasualties since the outbreak of the war were set at 83,756 dead, wounded or missing a War Department announcement toay. The total does not include men listed as prisoners by the Navy but does include Army men captured by the enemy.
Army figures, as of May 25, were: killed, 6,318 ; wounded, 13,598; missing,
22,905 ; captured, 15,836. The totals jnie 12,500 Philippine Scouts, of whom
469 were killed, 747 wounded and the rest presumably captured 'by the Japs.
The Navy lost 5,620 killed, 2,233 wounded and 9,894 missing. The Marine
corps figures are: 1,594 killed, 2,446 wounded and l,071missing. Coast Guard
were: 78 killed, 22 wounded, 158 missing.
An RAF bomber force, estimated at between 500 and 1,000 planes,
raided Dusseldorf early yesterday and plastered the German city with
8,000-pound bombs in what air experts called the "second heaviest raid
of the war."

Allied aircraft gave Italy's outer invasion defenses — Sicily,
|Sardinia and Pantellaria—what was officially called a "terrific hammering"
yesterday, destroying 23 Axis planes in air combat.

                         The Daily Inter Lake

War Conference Comes To End
No Details Given Except
That There Is Complete
Agreement On All Plans
Washington, May 27—(AP)—President Roosevelt announced
today that the War Conference of the British-American
staffs has ended, in "complete agreement on future opera-
tions in all theatres of the war.”
The statement:
"The conference of the combined staffs in Washington
has ended in complete agreement on future operations in all
theaters of the war”.


American Aircraft Strike Anew at
Islands in Mediterranean

U.S. Casualties in
Africa 2,184

Washington, May 27.—(AP)
American Army- casualties in North Africa from November 8
to May 15 totaled 2,181 killed, 9,437" wounded and 6,937 missing
or held prisoner, Secretary of War Stimson said today.. .
Previously the U. S. Army had reported 1,180 casualties in
the initial landing operations which began November- 8 and
these were included in the over-all figure reported by the secretary.

Daily Newspaper of U.S. Armed ForcesIn The European Theater of Operations
                New York, N.Y.—London, England Thursday, May 27, 1943

Dusseldorf Is Bombed by RAF
In War's Second Heaviest Raid;
8,000-Pounders BIast Industries
Attack on Steel Qty
Adds to Damage
From Flood
An RAF bomber force, estimated at between 500 and 1,000 planes,
raided Dusseldorf early yesterday and plastered the German city with
8,000-pound bombs in what air experts called the "second heaviest raid
of the war."
It was the 52nd time the city had been raided, the last attack being on
Jan. 27.
Returning pilots said that in spite of heavy clouds over the target they had
given the city a battering comparable to that delivered against Dortmund early
Sunday morning. The Dortmund raid was described as the biggest in the history
of aerial warfare.
The Air Ministry admitted the loss of 27 bombers in the Dusseldorf attack, indicating
a huge force had been engaged.
Flood Waters Spread

4OO Planes
Bomb, Gun
Italy's Isles
Axis Planes Now Giving
Stiff Resistance Over
Invasion Defenses
By Noland Norgaard
Associated Press War Correspondent
ALLIED HQ, North Africa,
|May 26- Allied aircraft gave Italy's outer invasion defenses — Sicily,
|Sardinia and Pantellaria—what was officially called a "terrific hammering"
yesterday, destroying 23 Axis planes in air combat.
Nearly. 400 planes of the North West African Air Force bombed and
gunned a variety of targets, principally docks, shipping and airfields, disrupting
communications and destroying supplies. Eleven Allied planes were lost yesterday,
today's communique disclosed. That is a small proportion in view of the large
attacking forces.

|U.S. Casualties
Total 83,756
WASHINGTON, May 26—American
casualties since the outbreak of the war were set at 83,756 dead, wounded or missing
a War Department announcement toay. The total does not include men
listed as prisoners by the Navy but does include Army men captured by the enemy.
Army figures, as of May 25, were: killed, 6,318 ; wounded, 13,598; missing,
22,905 ; captured, 15,836. The totals jnie 12,500 Philippine Scouts, of whom
469 were killed, 747 wounded and the rest presumably captured 'by the Japs.
The Navy lost 5,620 killed, 2,233 wounded and 9,894 missing. The Marine
corps figures are: 1,594 killed, 2,446 wounded and l,071missing. Coast Guard
were: 78 killed, 22 wounded, 158 missing.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Current Events May 26, 1943:

Heavy forces of Allied planes pounded ,Axis Europe from the west to-
day amid mounting evidence that Inhabitants of the enemy's
Mediterranean Islands and the toe of the Italian boot were: being
rolled back by the terrific- blows from American and British and
units based in Africa.
With blockbusters and ordinary bombs, with cannon and
machineguns, Allied air armadas numbering 900 or more
planes, stormed at another of Adolf Hitler's broken arsenal
cities and the fire-grimed island ramparts of Italy in a
two -front assault, war announcements from London and
Africa said today
UnitedStates troops have wiped out the Japanese position in Chichagof
valley, one of three major areas held by the enemy
on Attu island, THE Navy an nounced today, and were
reported following up with a drive against a second main position
around Chichagof harbor.
            The Charleston Gazette
              Charleston, West Virginia, Wednesday Morning, May 26, 1943.

                                                     Morning News
                       FLORENCE S. C., WEDNESDAY MORNING MAY 26, 1943


Jap Bomber Force Raiding Attu Smashed and Routed

Italians Reported
Evacuating Bomb-
Blasted Islands
To Escape Blows
Britain Based Bombers
Roar Out Across Channel
to Pour Destruction
Into Hitler's War-Making

LONDON, May 25.—(AP)— Heavy
forces of Allied planes pounded ,Axis Europe from the west to-
day amid mounting evidence that Inhabitants of the enemy's
Mediterranean Islands and the toe of the Italian boot were: being
rolled back by the terrific- blows from American and British and
units based in Africa.
London (Wed.) May 26—
(AP)—R.A.F bombers, attacked
Germany again during - the night, It was announced to-
day, -striking at the Reich after a one night lull follow-
ing their record breaking assault on Sunday.
In sweeps from-the west,- Mitchell
medium bombers, with an escort of
Spitfires, again raked the
the enemy airfield (?????)


Twin Raids
Hit Italy,
Attack , is Near Tempo of
2,000-ton Raid Staged on
Associated Press War Editor)
With blockbusters and ordinary bombs, with cannon and
machineguns, Allied air armadas numbering 900 or more
planes, stormed at another of Adolf Hitler's broken arsenal
cities and the fire-grimed island ramparts of Italy in a
two -front assault, war announcements from London and
Africa said today.
Duesseldorf, Reineland, city
of 429,000 of which 380 acres already had been laid waste by
previous assaults, was the target Tuesday night of approximately
500 of the RAF's giant bombers in the fourth super-raid
of the month. The attack approached or equaled the re-
cord 2,000-ton bomb assault on Dortmund of two nights ago.
400 Planes .from Africa
From, north west Africa- Tuesday nearly 40 planes again
swarmed over the battered islands
of Sicily, Sardinia and Pantellerla — the outer defenses
of the, Mussolini homeland-rand----

Chichagof Harbor Pocket Is
Eliminated by Yank Forces
In Attu
Major areas held by the enemy on Attu island, the Navy
announced today,
The Navy reported following up with a drive
against a second main position
around Chichagof harbor.
Army heavy and medium bombers and fighter planes supported
the continuing assault, a navy communique said. The
planes bombed and strafed enemy positions in the Chichagof
area and started fires.
Chichagof Harbor Pocket Is
Eliminated by Yank Forces
In Attu
States troops have wiped out the Japanese position in Chichagof
valley, one of three major areas held by the enemy
on Attu island, THE Navy an nounced today, and were
reported following up with a drive against a second main position
around Chichagof harbor.
Army heavy and medium bombers and fighter planes supported
the continuing assault, a navy communique said. The
planes bombed and strafed enemy positions in the Chichagof
area and started fires.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Current Events May 25, 1943:

Beating down the world's thickest
anti-aircraft defenses guarding, the primary source of Germany's
war power, the RAF dumped more than 2,000 tons of .
bombs on the industrial city of Dortmund last night in the
heaviest and most .concentrated air attack in history.
British heavy bombers also blasted other objectives in the Ruhr,
ranging up and down the vital industrial valley which they flooded
only a week ago by their breaching of the Mohne and Eder dams.

Pantelleria, which may yet win from Malta the title of world's most
bombed island, was given another drastic going-over by American
and British bombers yesterday and the number of Axis aircraft destroyed
in the .Mediterranean theater in the last five days rose to 317 officially tabulated.

Desperate counter-attacks by the Japanese in an attempt to
regain control of Attu appeared in the making today as the
navy announced a second large scale enemy air assault on the
little Aleutian island.

The Nazi grip on Italy tightened visibly today as Hitler^ air force
and Air Marshal Albert Kesselring faced the task of coping with the
mounting fury of Allied air assaults against Axis bastions in the Mediterranean.
Art Treasures Removed
Florence is being evacuated and ancient Roman treasures are being
removed from Rome to be stored safely away in the event that the
Eternal City is bombed.

Japanese troops attacked in sectors near Ichang. their important
Yangtze river base 460 miles down river from Chungking, the Chinese
high command reported today.

                     The Charleston Gazette
           Charleston, West Virginia, Tuesday Morning, May 25, 1943.

RAF Hits Dortmund With 2,000 Tons
Of Bombs in War's Heaviest Air Raid;
Yanks Repel Jap Plane Stab at Attu
37,000 Homeless
In Ruhr Arsenal
Nazis' Civilian Defense
Off Guard, Report
LONDON, May 24.—(AP)—Beating down the world's thickest
anti-aircraft defenses guarding, the primary source of Germany's
war power, the RAF dumped more than 2,000 tons of .
bombs on the industrial city of Dortmund last night in the
heaviest and most .concentrated air attack in history.
The unprecedented assault also carried the RAF to another milestone
in the aerial battle of Europe, for, according to the air
ministry news service figures, it brought the total weight of explosives
dropped on Germany by the RAF bomber command since the
war began to 100,000_tons.
British heavy bombers also blasted other objectives in the Ruhr,
ranging up and down the vital industrial valley which they flooded
only a week ago by their breaching of the Mohne and Eder dams.

Ruin Showered
On Pantelleria
Stepping Stone Bombed
4 times in Day
Pantelleria, which may yet win from Malta the title of world's most
bombed island, was given another drastic going-over by American
and British bombers yesterday and the number of Axis aircraft destroyed
in the .Mediterranean theater in the last five days rose to 317 officially tabulated.
U. S. medium bombers and Warhawks blasted Pantelleria 'three
times within five daylight hours with results described as "excellent,"
and the RAF's big two engined Wellingtons followed up
by night to pulverize the little Italian island with two-ton blockbusters.

2 Counterattacks
Beaten Off Island
Enemy Fleet Suspected
Near Aleutians
WASHINGTON, May 24.— (AP)—
Desperate counter-attacks by the Japanese in an attempt to
regain control of Attu appeared in the making today as the
navy announced a second large scale enemy air assault on the
little Aleutian island.
Twice great flights of twin-engine enemy bombers have roared into
the Attu area. Twice they have been turned back. Each time,
presumably, they were prevented from accomplishing their objectiv
battering of American land troops which were steadily wiping out
Japanese forces on Attu.

Art Treasure
People Being Evacuated
From Florence
By Pierre 3. Huss
The Nazi grip on Italy tightened visibly today as Hitler^ air force
and Air Marshal Albert Kesselring faced the task of coping with the
mounting fury of Allied air assaults against Axis bastions in the Mediterranean.
The terrific pace set over Sardinia and Sicily and into the environs
of Rome itself has been hastening Italy itself into a crisis and thereby
menacing the solidarity of the Axis
                                  Art Treasures Removed
Florence is being evacuated and ancient Roman treasures are being
removed from Rome to be stored safely away in the event that the
Eternal City is bombed. This indicates that the German high command
has no intention of declaring Rome an open city and that the
Axis is aware the battle for the continent will not lag or be less
furious than the crushing Allied onslaughters which Tunisia.
Kesselring faces an unenviable situation similar to that which Col.
Gen. Jurgen von Arnim faced in North Africa.

Japs Said Driving
Against Chungking
CHUNGKING, May 24.—(AP)—
Japanese troops attacked in sectors near Ichang. their important
Yangtze river base 460 miles down river from Chungking, the Chinese
high command reported today, and observers saw the move as either
preparations for operations against Chungking or consolidation of important
river territory.
The Chinese communique said fighting -was heavy southeast and
northeast of Ichang and announced that the Japanese had occupied
Yuyangkwan. highway center 35 miles to the south.