United States forces landed on Japanese-
held Attu island in the Aleutians Tuesday, the navy announced
today, and are now locked in battle with enemy troops.
German occupation forces, struggling to
put down mounting unrest and disorder in Europe, were re-
orted today to have wiped out the last 40,000 Jews in the Warsaw
ghetto in a 10-day battle with tanks and guns against it's
feebly armed defenders.
Swamped in vast piles of captured equipment and
surrounded by swarms of Axis prisoners, Allied troops in Tunisia
virtually turned from fighting men into tally clerks today, trying to prepare
a balance sheet on the victory in Tunis.
An eight-day naval battle between a pack of U-boats and escort ships of a
westbound Atlantic convoy has resulted in the "greatest Allied successes" against
submarines so far, the Admiralty announced yesterday.
The Charleston Daily Mail
40,000 Polish Jews Massacred
Yanks, Japs Locked
On Isle in Aleutians
Navy Confirms Report From Tokyo;
Details of Tuesday Action Withheld
WASHINGTON (AP),—United States forces landed on Japanese-
held Attu island in the Aleutians Tuesday, the navy announced
today, and are now locked in battle with enemy troops.
The landing was announced in navy communique No. 376
which said:
"North Pacific:
". On May llth. United States forced landed at: the island of Attu
in the Aleutians, and are now engaged with Japanese forces on the
island. Details of -the operation will be released when the situation
clarifies." Naval spokesman declined to go
beyond the limit? of. this bare announcement or offer any comment.
on the course of the fighting. First word of the landing operation
came from the Tokyo radio which broadcast a Japanese
imperial headquarters communique today saying the landing had
begun Wednesday and ihat a fierce batlle was in progress.
(The size ot the enemy's garrison nn Attu is not known but it is
believed to be smaller than the approximately 10,000 troops reported today.
on Kiska island, .east of Attu.
May Encircle Kiska
Nazis Slay
70 Patriots
In Holland
LONDON (UP). — German occupation forces, struggling to
put down mounting unrest and disorder in Europe, were re-
orted today to have wiped out the last 40,000 Jews in the Warsaw
ghetto in a 10-day battle with tanks and guns against it's
feebly armed defenders.
Rabbi Irving Miller quoted reports from Polish sources is say-
ing that, "every living soul was either butchered or uprooted.
German Trick Seen
LONDON (AP).- -German-occupied Holland, seething with. unrest.
had a warning from its exiled government today that
premature revolution would lead only to crushing German retaliations
before it. could grow into large-scale underground warfare.
The official hint, that the time is not yet. ripe for wide-spread
uprisings coincided with reports of spreading violence in both
Holland and Belgium.
Radio Orange, mouthpiece of the exiled Netherlands government.
warned the homeland that a widely-distributed circular urging
the Dutch to register in an underground movement "to help
the British troops liberate your people" is a German plot "to incite
Netherlands violence over the shortest period possible and
to break it most forcibly so that. the consequent, terror regime and
the German plans may be executed without further disturbance.
Daily Newspaper of U.S. Armed Forces in the European Theater of Operations
New York, N.Y.—London, England Friday, May 14, 1943
Five Axis Armies Destroyed in Africa
36 Divisions Broken,
600,000 Troops Lost;
Surrenders Continue
Arnim Rejects Terms,
So Allied Patrol
Captures Him
ALLIED HQ, North Africa,
May 13 (UP)—Swamped in vast piles of captured equipment and
surrounded by swarms of Axis prisoners, Allied troops in Tunisia
virtually turned from fighting men into tally clerks today, trying to prepare
a balance sheet on the victory in Tunis.
That victory was complete after the surrender of the last surrounded units
north of Zaghouan. Their commander, Italian Gen. Messe, had refused to give
in to any but troops of the British Eighth Army.
Three Italian and two German armies, comprising a total of 36 divisions, were
completely destroyed in Egypt, Libya and Tunisia, Allied headquarters said. They
included three of the Germans' best and oldest Panzer divisions and every Italian
armored division that ever existed as well as every Italian infantry or motorized
division which was considered to rise above mediocrity.
250 Tanks Captured
Arnim Sends White Flag
Surrounded and trapped in his hillside headquarters, von Arnim sent out envoys
with a white flag, and then gave himself up. Standing in the moonlight, at
British headquarters, the haughty, Englishhating son of an English mother appeared
to be concerned only with his personal baggage.
Von Araim's surrender message was typical of the Prussian officer caste from
which he comes.
'Great Success'
Against U-Boats
An eight-day naval battle between a pack of U-boats and escort ships of a
westbound Atlantic convoy has resulted in the "greatest Allied successes" against
submarines so far, the Admiralty announced yesterday. During the continuous
day and night attacks and counter-attacks while protecting ships of the Royal Navy,
the RCAF destroyed four U-boats and probably destroyed six others.^
It is estimated 25 or more submarines were in the attacking pack, and the battle
lasted from the latter part of April through the first part of May. The convoy
suffered some damage, but the majorityof merchantmen reached port in safety,
it was stated.
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