Saturday, May 28, 2011

Current Events May 29, 1943;

The London News-Chronicle said today
that every detail has been worked out for an Allied invasion
of Europe. British warships already have taken up strategic
positions and the opening of a second front is imminent.

American Army troops, supported by strong sea
and air attacks, have captured several more Japanese positions in fierce handto-
hand fighting in the Chicagof harbor area on Attu Island, the Navy Department
announced today.

Reports that Rommel is at present in
Bucharest as commander-in-chief of all Axis anti-invasion forces in the Balkans,
are circulating in Stockholm.

                RACINE, WIS., SATURDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 29, 1943.

Report Warships Poised
For Invasion of Europe
Plans for Blow
Complete, Says
London Paper
LONDON.—(U.P.)—The London News-Chronicle said today
that every detail has been worked out for an Allied invasion
of Europe. British warships already have taken up strategic
positions and the opening of a second front is imminent.
The dispatch followed axis reports that the Allies have
concentrated invasion barges in Tunisian harbors within
striking distance of Sicily, S a r d i n i a , Pantelleria and
southern Italy and that a big Allied convoy, including large
troopships, entered the Mediterranean Wednesday.
Premier Benito Mussolini met secretly recently with his
fascist party chieftains and mappcd plans to defend Sicily and |
Sardinia "to the end," the Daily Telegraph said. Other sources
reported the Italians were strengthening fortifications, increasing
anti-aircraft batteries and improving airdromes on the two
island outposts, already under heavy daily bombardment by Allied
planes seeking to soften their defenses.

Daily Newspaper of U.S. Armed Forces in the European Theater of Operations
New York, N.Y.—London, England Saturday, May 29, 1943

Yanks Win New
Points on Attu
Planes, Warships Support
Land Forces Engaged
In Fierce Battles
WASHINGTON, May 28—American Army troops, supported by strong sea
and air attacks, have captured several more Japanese positions in fierce handto-
hand fighting in the Chicagof harbor area on Attu Island, the Navy Department
announced today.
The other Jap center of resistance on the island is in the Sarana Bay area,
where American troops also are engaged in close-quarter fighting.
These latest attacks have been made in clear weather which followed the snow,
sleet and fog of the earlier fighting, the Navy Department added.
Liberators and Mitchells have destroyed every building in the Chicagof area with
heavy bombing attacks. At the same time, warships have shelled the Japs dug in
along the shore.
In the Southwest Pacific, Lae, big Jap base on the northwestern coast of New
Guinea, received its heaviest air raid of the war when Allied medium and heavy
bombers blasted the airdrome and shore bases with 28 tons of bombs. Fires were
visible for 75 miles.

Rumored Rommel in Balkans
STOCKHOLM, May 28 (UP)—Reports that Rommel is at present in
Bucharest as commander-in-chief of all Axis anti-invasion forces in the Balkans,
are circulating in Stockholm.
Anti-invasion forces, according to the reports, are divided into three army
groups—one in Yugoslavia, one in Bulgaria and Rumania and the third in

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