Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Current Events July 2,1943

Allied naval supremacy in the southwest Pacific appeared
unchallenged today as U. S. warships steamed deep into the
northern Solomons, shelling a series of Japanese strongholds,
while victorious American troops completed the conquest of
Rendova island after wiping out the enemy garrison.

Moscow r e p o r t e d today t h a t big b a t t l e s were shaping u p in Russia
a n d Berlin said Germany would not be surprised to see a soviet
"offensive in t h e east coordinated w i t h an Anglo-American attack
i n the w e st.

Allen Hawley, a naval aviation machinist's mate, wrote a letter
describing minutely his unit's a c t i o n over seas—but the censor
didn't mind.

Chinese newspaper reports d e c l a r e d today t h a t J a p a n was r u s h -
ing troops to Manchuria, and said “it's plain as day” that the enemy
"is p r e p a r i n g t o a t t a c k Siberia.


Planes, Ships Hit Jap Strongholds

Rendova Conquered;
Fleet Moves North
(By The Associated Press)
Allied naval supremacy in the southwest Pacific appeared
unchallenged today as U. S. warships steamed deep into the
northern Solomons, shelling a series of Japanese strongholds,
while victorious American troops completed the conquest of
Rendova island after wiping out the enemy garrison.
U. S. shore batteries on" Rendova .were heavily bombarding
the Japanese air base at Munda, New Georgia island,
seven miles away.
American dive bombers also smashed at J a p a n e s e positions
in t h e Munda area, the navy said, s e t t i ng fires, and pounded enemy
encampments at Vila on Kolombangara island.
Bag 123 Planes.

Yanks Sing
And Swarm
On Jap Isle
(United Press Staff Correspondent)

Germany Expects Red Attack.
Combined With Allied Invasion
(By The Baited Press
Moscow r e p o r t e d today t h a t big b a t t l e s were shaping u p in Russia
a n d Berlin said Germany would not be surprised to see a soviet
"offensive in t h e east coordinated w i t h an Anglo-American attack
i n the w e st.
The soviet a n d Nazi pronounceme n t s capped a h e a p of European
"invasion" omens and predictions, the, most definite of which
was an axis propaganda claim t h a t t h e Allies had picked Saturday
for a n attack.
Air Assault Eases.

Attention, Berlin-
Here's Your Data
On the Invasion
RICHMOND, Ind.—(UP) — Dale
Allen Hawley, a naval aviation machinist's mate, wrote a letter
describing minutely his unit's a c t i o n over seas—but the censor
didn't mind.
His parents received a letter which said: “ I'll describe our place a n d how
we got here. After leaving where we were before we left for here,
not knowing w e w e r e coming h e re from t h e r e , w e couldn't tell w h e t h e
r w e h a d a r r i v e d h e r e o r n of "Nevertheless, we now a r e here
a n d not there. T h e weather here i s j u s t a s i t always is a t t h i s season.
T h e people h e r e a r e j u s t l i k e t h e y look."
" I had b e t t e r close now, before I give too much valuable military information." '
The censor added: "Amen."

Siberia to Be Target
Of Japs, Chinese Think
(By the Associated Press
Chinese newspaper reports d e c l a r e d today t h a t J a p a n was r u s h -
ing troops to Manchuria, and said “it's plain as day” that the enemy
"is p r e p a r i n g t o a t t a c k Siberia.

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