Sunday, July 10, 2011

Current Events June 30, 1943;

Combined U. S. forces, striking the first blow in a new
American offensive in the Pacific, have landed on
Rendova island in the Central Solomons, only,
five miles from the Japanese base at Munda.
The landing was made on Wednesday, island
time, which is Tuesday here.

Flying through a heavy overcast and encountering weak
enemy fighter opposition, a strong force of American
heavy bombers attacked the railway and industrial center
of Le Mans, France, last evening and returned without loss.

British bombers, pushing an offensive to cut off Sicily from supplies
and reinforcements, smashed at Messina and Reggie Calabria in a
two-way assault Monday night, it was announced today.

            U. S. FORCES INVADE

             THE LOWELL SUN

                       Lowell, Mass. Wednesday June 30 1943

Land Within
Five Miles of
Munda Base
Navy Gives No Details
of Invasion; Army-
Navy Units Involved
WASHINGTON, June 30. (UP)—
Combined U. S. forces, striking the first blow in a new
American offensive in the Pacific, have landed on
Rendova island in the Central Solomons, only,
five miles from the Japanese base at Munda.
The landing was made on Wednesday, island
time, which is Tuesday here.
The landing was accomplished .during the early 'morning hours.
The navy's brief announcement provided no other details. .
It was assumed that naval forces and- army troops participated in
the operation. Near Munda Airport.

Flying Fortresses Attack
French Airplane Center
Carry Out Raid on Le Mans
Without Loss of Single Ship
LONDON, June 30. (AP) —
Flying through a heavy overcast and encountering weak
enemy fighter opposition, a strong force of American
heavy bombers attacked the railway and industrial center
of Le Mans, France, last evening and returned without loss.

R. A. F. Pounds
at Sicily
Cut Island Off
From Reinforcement
NORTH AFRICA, June 30 (UP) —
British bombers, pushing an offensive to cut off Sicily from supplies
and reinforcements, smashed at Messina and Reggie Calabria in a
two-way assault Monday night, it was announced today.
An Italian communique, broadcast
by the Rome radio, said Porto Empedocle In southern Sicily also
was rallied by enemy planes. Altogether 10 enemy raiders were shot
down over Sicily arid southern Italy, the communique said.
Striking from northwest African bases, II. A. F. Wellingtons scored
hits on the ferry terminus and railway yards at Messina, Sicilian
terminus of the all-important ferry lines from the Italian mainland.
Messina, In the northeastern corner of the island, is probably the
most bombed city of Sicily.

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