Monday, July 22, 2013

July 22, 1945: Japanese People Doomed to Cave-Dwelling:


SUNDAY, JULY 22, 1945.

War Centers
In Grip of
I.N. S. Staff Correspondent.

Japan's millions faced the prospect today of becoming a nation of doomed cave-dwellers as American sea and air forces spread creeping paralysis .along the enemy's war production nerve centers and food distribution systems.

Japan's plight was emphasized by two naval officers who helped aggravate the critical situation in the homeland—Vice Admiral Mltscher of Task Force 58 fame and Vice Adm. Obrey W. Fitch, who has been deputy chief of naval operations for airborne divisions.

The two men at a news conference told reporters the Japs are losing their air' power because of shortages and that the enemy apparently has not had time to move the  industries underground on a large scale.

Presumably the Jap civilians being evacuated from their rubble strewn cities could Hold out in the hills and mountains with some food but they obviously cannot.


Adm. Halsey,
Tokyo Radio
Both Silent

GUAM, July 22 (Sunday).—

(INS) —American third fleet cruisers that shelled the entrance to Tokyo bay without opposition last week were disclosed today to have swept Sagami gulf southwest of the Jap capital without meeting a- single enemy, ship.

The challenging sweep, designed apparently as an effort to lure Japan's cowering: imperial navy into combat, was announced by Admiral Nimitz In a belated communique.

By International News Service.

Usually vociferous Radio. Tokyo was strangely calm Saturday on the subject of war developments.

For more than 36 hours, the voice of Tokyo has been almost as quiet as the stealthy movements of Admiral


No explanation for Tokyo's attitude was apparent in the texts of various enemy broadcasts, but it was evident Tokyo was wondering with apprehension where or when

Halsey would strike again.

There was no indication the Japs had been able to track down Halsey's Anglo-American armada, now steaming in empire waters.





 Attacks on Shanghai Reveal Plan To Crack
Japs' Major Invasion Point of East Asia

( Former chief of the Shanghai Bureau of the Associated
Press who was repatriated in 1942 from a Japanese prison camp there).

General MacArthur's announcements that American Air Forces are beginning big-time Attacks on Shanghai reveal that we are out to crack Japan's major invasion point of East Asia.

Shanghia is the outstanding port through which Tokyo has poured its war machine into China and adjacent areas and the place where Japan's outstanding property interests on continental Asia are located.

In striking at Shanghai, American bombers and fighters are threatening the very root of Japan's position in "Asia, for Shanghai, to both Chinese and foreigners who have lived there, is the heart of China.

Prior to the Japanese invasion of China, Shanghai was the commercial and governmental center of that nation, although Nanking was the capital. Most government offices were in Shang=h a i and commercially it was supreme throughout Asia.

British Repulse
Jap Attacks in
Myitkyo Sector
Nips, Battling in
Mud, Attempt To
Storm Le Kinzu

CALCUTTA, July 21 (U.P).—
British troops in Burma have smashed two enemy attempts to seize strongpoints southwest and northwest of besieged Myitkyo,  Adm.  Lord Louis Mountbatten said today.

About 70 Japanese battling  knee deep in mud, attempted to storm into Le Kinzu, three miles southwest of Myitkyo. They were routed by British Gurkhas, Mountbatten's report said.

A larger force, armed with light machine guns and rifles, opened a dawn attack against British held Pado, 48 miles north of Pegu.

After a tierce battle, the enemy withdrew. Allied patrols then;  scoured the area and killed at least 14 Japanese.

(The Tokyo radio "said that Japanese troops in the Myitkyo area had "killed or wounded more than 1,000 enemy troops in daring infiltration attacks" since July 9.

Two Allied aircraft also were shot down and much war equipment captured, the radio said.


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