Record Horde
Of B-29s HitsIndustrial Areas
Story on Page 3.)
than 1,000 American planes pounced on a concentration of Japanese warships at
the Kure Naval Base today and left it a holocaust of burning wreckage. Japanese
ground gunners and fighter planes fought back desperately.
invasion-marked Japanese homeland rocked under unprecedented aerial blows from
some 2,000 American warplanes. They included a record armada of more than 600
Super-Fortresses, which loosed a torrent of bombs on Nagoya,
Osaka and five Japanese war plants.
Fleet dispatches revealed that
the carrier planes swarming all day over Kure scored direct hits with heavy
bombs on two Japanise warships and set fire to a number of others.
Flotilla to Pieces, task
force 38 of Adm. William F. Halsey's Third Fleet finally had found
a big part of the surviving J a
p a n e s e fleet—perhaps the major part — and was pounding it to pieces.
The a Fleet dispatches revealed
that the carrier planes swarming all day over Kure scored direct hits with
heavy bombs on two Japanese warships and set fire to a number of others.
The air force hoarded by the Japanese
for t h e showdown battle of the homeland was s t u n g to action in the defense of K u r e and its
Airmen returning to their carrier
bases reported numerous dogfights swirling through the smoke clogged skies over Kure.
All day long the carrier force
smashed at "military targets" at Kure. A fleet dispatch
said it was common knowledge that the base was among J a p a n '
s greatest naval centers, and might shelter "much of"
the enemy fleet. -
Riding at Anchor.
"Many" J a p a n e s e
warships were caught riding at anchor in Kure harbor on the
Inland Sea, United Press War Correspondent Richard W. Johnston reported from
the attacking fleet.
Tokyo admitted "slight"
damage to warships at Kure , but claimed that 30 American planes were
shot down or damaged.
Upwards of 1,000 c a r r i e r
planes were on the attack over Kure and the chain of enemy airfields around
the naval station, and it was indicated they had flushed out a huge concentration of
R A C I N E J O U R N A L - T I M ES
T u e s d a y , July 24.1945
Japs Seize Offensive
in Kiangsi,
Aim to Relieve Pressure on Kweilin
Chinese Make
Chihchiang BaseToo Hot for Enemy to Hold
C H I H C H I A N G , H u n a n P
r o v i n c e,
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