German Nation
Declared So
"Nothing CanDefeat Us"
BERLIN, Jan. 30. (AP)—(via radio)—Adolf Hitler declared
tonight that Germany, bound to Italy by "close friendship and protected from
the rear by Russia, could not lose a war which he said had been forced upon her
by the "arrogant" British.
The first phase of the war has been
ended—ended. Hitler said, by Germany's blitzkreig in Poland.
First Lord of the Admiralty
Winston Churchill, he said, was "burning to start the second phase of the war.
Addressing himself over the radio
from the Berlin sports-palace directly to Churchill, Hitler accused him of letting
"middlemen express the hope that the fight soon may not stop short of
women and children."
England's Way"That always has been England'; way—war against women and children," he said. "Concentration camps are an English invention into which the British put women and children."
His speech, commemorating the start
of his seventh year in power, was rebroadcast in the United States. It was his
first address to the German nation since his narrow escape from death In the
Munich bombing last Nov. 8.
Germans Renew
Raids on British
LONDON, Jan. 30. (AP)—Germany
renewed today widespread air attacks on shipping along the east coast of the British
Isles, and Britain reported one of the Nazi raiders had been shot down.
Reds Renew
Aerial Assault on Finns
After Heavy
Losses in Monday Raids
HELSINKI, Jan. 30. (IP) — The
Finnish high command announced today that Finnish planes and antiaircraft
batteries downed 21 Russian planes in yesterday's widespread raids over
southern Finland.
It was declared that Finnishn planes
had bombed "a certain harbor and vessels lying there"—and informed
circles here assumed that
this meant the Russian naval base
of Kronstndt near Leningrad.The Finnish command said only one Finnish plane was lost.
(The Russian 'high command insisted, however, that seven Finnish planes had been downed yesterday.)
200 Red Planes
A high command communique, describing increased sea and land fighting as well as air activity, estimated 200 Russian planes took part in the raids in which "over 30 civilians were killed and about 50 wounded.
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