Tuesday, January 7, 2014



Press Charges Anti-Semitism; Chamberlain
Faces Major Controvery as Feeling Grows;
Further Ships in Ports May Be Halted

LONDON, Jan. 6. — (U.P.) — Resignation of Leslie Hore- Belisha as war secretary, regarded in most quarters as a dismissal, tonight threatened to embroil Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain in a major controversy.

The storm increased with Sunday morning newspaper! demanding a full explanation. Newspapers of all political shades heaped criticism on the Government today.

Lord Rothermere's Sunday Dispatch devoted more than half of its first page to the Hore-Belisha resignation, under the banner:

"Fourteen a w k w a r d questions which Chamberlain must answer at once."

The questions included:
"Is Hore-Belisha the victim of anti-Jewish feeling among a section of his highly placed critics?"

"Why is the post of war minister given to Stanley (Oliver Stanley, former president of the Board of Trade)—a man who made no striking success in any of his Government posts?"
The official Moscow radio announced tonight that the resignation of Hore-Belisha was due partly to his opposition to sending British arms to Finland.


Ciano, Budapest Foreign Minister Reach
Agreement at Venice Parley; Nazis May
Join Conference on Balkan Questions

VENICE, Italy, Jan. 6.—(UP)—Foreign Minister Count Galeazzo Ciano was reported in authoritative circles tonight to have given Count Stephen Csaky, Hungarian foreign minister, assurances of Italy's support to the fullest extent if any Communist move is directed against Hungary.

During the foreign ministers' two talks today, these circles said, Ciano was said tactfully to have recommended that Hungary wait for a more opportune moment to demand realization of territorial claims against Rumania.

It was understood C i a n o  pointed out that revisionist demands at this time would jeopardize the neutrality and nonbelligerency of the Danubian and Balkan Nations.
Rumors also were revived that Csaky might come to Rome to confer with Premier Benito Mussolini, but it was the consensus in authoritative quarter th his conversations with Ciano had been so complete that a meeting with II Duce would not be necessary.

Carol Defies
Soviet Threat
Bessarabia to Be
Defended, Balkan
Monarch Warns
KISHINEFF, Rumania, Jan. 6.—(U.P)—King Carol indirectly warned Moscow today that Rumania would resist with arms any attempt by Soviet Russia to take back the rich agricultural province of Bessarabia. "No enemy will be able to put foot on Rumanian soil while Rumania gives evidence of her pres-------
Russia never has announced claim to Bessarabia which was taken from her after the World War and King Carol's positive stand at this time was regarded as highly significant in view of repeated rumors that the Soviet might open an expansion drive in the Balkans.


HELSINKI, Jan. 6.—(U.P)—An official communique tonight reported severe fighting on the central eastern front, with Finnish troops pursuing a Red Army column near Juntusranta, at the narrow "waist" of Finland.

F i g h t i n g on the southeastern Karelian Isthmus resulted in intensified artillery fire and the defeat of sporadic Russian infantry attacks, the communique said, while Finnish coastal batteries poured a destructive hail of shrapnel into Russian supply columns attempting to reach the front.

The communique said that six Soviet airplanes, were known to have been shot down on Friday, and that two more were believed to have been destroyed.
Fighting was most intense in the Suomussalmi sector of the Central Front, according to the communique, which said that a battle continued north of the town of Suomussalmi in the direction of Raate. In this sector the Soviet forces have been reported attempting to rally for a new offensive across the middle of Finland but all official announcements  have indicated that the Finnish troops were breaking up their movements and forcing them toward or across the border.

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