Oakland Tribune
U.S. Smashes Jap Bases;
Stalingrad Still Holds
Rabaul Fired;
Aussies Hold
Out on Timor
Flying Forts Hit
Key Posts; 6-Month
resistance Revealed
By the Associated Press
Gen. Douglas MacArthur's Head-
quarters reported today that U-S.
Army Flying fortresses and other
Allied warplanes were striking for the
second consecutive day, pounded
four key Japanese bases in the
islands above Australia and set fires
visible for 50 miles at one of them.
At the same time, a spokesman
at United Nations headquarters disclosed
that Australian troops still
were resisting on Japanese-occupied
Timor Island in the Dutch East
Nazis Aim for
City's Heights
Reinforced Russians Also Get New
Air Support; Defenders Renew Vows
To Fight Invaders to The Last Man'
MOSCOW, Sept. 19— (AP)—Reinforced Red Army troops
battled vigorously within Stalingrad and upon the exposed
Nazi left flank there today in a supreme effort to halt and
turn back German divisions whose vanguard is dangerously
close to the city's heart.
Guns flamed in other sectors from the Karelian front to
the Central Caucasus, and
Russians emphasized Soviet
gains in a diversionary offen-
sive in the Voronezh area, 300
miles northwest of Stalingrad.
The Germans, however, developed
continuous attack both the
northwestern section of Stalingrad
and against Soviet-held height
dominating the center of the city.
Some of the invaders were reported
arrayed in Red Army uniforms
.(United Press dispatcher trim-
Moscow today said that Russian air
reinforcements, both fighters and
bombers, had reached Stalingrad to
help beat off the swarms of German
war planes assailing the city.
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