The Charleston Gazette
Charleston, West Virginia, Wednesday Morning, September 9,1942,
Strong Army Bolsters Soviet
South Flank, Churchill Says!
Foe Creeps Forward at Volga
Stalingrad Line
Gives in Center
Nazi Drives Southwest
Of City Hammered
To Standstill
Artillerymen Battle
Novorossisk Wedge
Local Successes Claimed
By Russian Defenders
West of Grozny
MOSCOW, Wednesday, Sept. 9.
—(AP)—German tanks and airplanes
have punched another
hole in Russian defenses west
of Stalingrad, but the Red army
continued to repulse Nazi onslaughts
southwest of that Imperiled
Volga river city, the Soviets
announced officially early
Bright Offensive
Picture Painted
Forces in Iraq, Iran)
Strengthened to Go
To Ally's Aid
Nile Defenders Also
Greatly Augmented
Reveals Foe Lost Perhaps
AB Heavily as Allies
Did at Dieppe
LONDON, Sept. 8.—(AP)—Prime
Minister Winston Churchill gave
Britain today a heartening pic-
ture of victory by a new army ln
the Egyptian desert and real.
prospects of military support for
Russia's Imperiled Caucasian
In a tough and optimistic report
to the house of commons, he summoned
the United Nations to new
offensive action and called the Allied
attack on Dieppe "an indispensable
preliminary to full-scale
operations in western Europe.
Allies Retreat
In New Guinea
Enemy Drives Desperately
Over High Mountains
Toward Moresby
Australia, Sept. 8.—
—After weeks of jungle patrol
skirmishes, the Japanese forces trying
to reach the- advanced Allied
base at Port Moresby, New Guinea
from the north have finally forced
an Allied withdrawal to new defense
positions in the Owen Stan-
ley range. Gen. MacArthur's head
quarters disclosed today.
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