The Portsmouth Times
YES, SON, AMERICA WILL WIN THE WAR, IF WE DO THIS JOB! (E. T,'s note: This article would not copy, but a father is encouraging his son to conserve and help by doing his part by gathering scrap-iron just as he did when he was a young boy in 1917.)
Laval Fires Aid For Plot;
Trouble Flares In Norway
VICHY Sept 26—Jacques
Benoist-Mechin, secretary of
state in the foreign ministry.
Is no longer a member of the
government, it was announced
officially t o n i g h t
without elaboration.
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Sept. 26 —Pierre
Laval was reported tonight by
Fighting French sources to have
dismissed Jacques Benoist-Mechin,
secretary of state in the Vichy
foreign ministry, because he plotted
to get rid of Laval for the
even more a r d e n t pro-Nazi,
Jacques Doriot, Paris editor
WASHINGTON, Sept. L'G — Price Administrator Leon Henlerson
announced tonight; that nation-wide gasoline rationing
probably will start about Nov. 22 with a basic ration of slightly
under four gallons a' Week.
Earlier in the day Joseph B. Eastman, director of the office of defense
transportation, called for a nationwide speed limit of 35 miles
an hour. Compliance with this, Mr. Henderson announced, will be a
basic requirement for obtaining both tire and gasoline rations.
In addition, tires on all cars must be submitted every 60 days after
rationing starts for on-wheel inspection to insure that proper care
is given them.
The 35-mile limit speed limit on all highways and streets was
decreed in an official ODT order. It did not carry enforcement or
penal provisions, but Mr. Eastman said he would request the governors
of all states to make it effective "through proclamation or
otherwise". The governors will be asked to call on state and local officials
for strict enforcement
The Charleston Gazette
Charleston, West Virginia. Sunday Morning. September 27,1942
American Air Superiority Presages
Offensive in Moresby-Solomon Arcs
Nazis Hurl Reserves on Stalingrad
Germans Pictured
Nearly Exhausted
Siege Army's Storming Of Volga Fortress
Said Ebbing
Nazis Claim Seizure
Of Red Headquarters
Heroic Defenders Beat Off
Repeated Attacks, Push
Foes Into Retreat
MOSCOW, Sept. 26.—(INS)—
The mangled German siege
army storming Stalingrad has
begun showing definite signs of
exhaustion in the face of continuing
Soviet counter-advances
both inside and northwest of the
Volga city, front dispatches said
Accordingly, these advices related,
the German troops, tanks and
planes are engaged in what may
prove to be their "tinal" frenzied
effort to overwhelm the flameeaten
bastion that has withstood
33 days of assault.
Renewed Nazi attacks, fed by
fresh reserves of heavy tanks and
infantry, apparently were faring no
better than earlier onslaughts
which have been stopped and reversed.
Enemy Retreat Forced
Japanese Thrusts
Allied Position Improves
Daily While Enemy
Power Wanes ;
Big Drive Seen Coming
To Push Foes Into Sea
xmg-Range Army Bombers
Hammering at Bases
Have Cleared Way
WASHINGTON, Sept. 26. —
(INS)—Reports from the South
Pacific tonight Indicated that
American forces have established
aerial superiority over the
Japanese in the vital Port
Moresby-Rabaul-Tulagi area and
that the next stage in the U. S.
offensive will not be long in developing.
Seven weeks of ceaseless battles
since the U. S. Pacific fleet delivered
its initial blow in the Solomon
islands finds the enemy still
without any adequate answer t»
the growing American power while
the Allied position in both New-
Guinea and the Solomons improves.
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