Thursday, September 15, 2011

Current Events September 15. 1943:

Allied troops h a v e b e a t e n off fierce German counter-attacks against the Salerno bridgehead in Italy but
were forced last night to yield some ground gained earlier, in order to s t r a i g h t e n their lines. New support came to Lt. Gen. Mark W. Clark's forces — the strongest air a t t a c k s of the 
Medit e r r a n e a n war and the thunder of naval guns offshore

Japanese faced with  a n n i h i l a tion at Lae, New Guinea—a fate which has overtaken most of the
routed Salamaua garrison—fell back today before Allied pincer f o r c e s from prepared positions on t w o sides of t h e big airbase.

The Army's secret weapon is a secret no longer—the Bazooka made its first public appearance todav at an Army show on the Washington monument grounds. Named "Bazooka" by soldiers, it is an anti-tank rocket gun which the Army "has proved as effective an instrument of dest r u c t i o n a g a i n s t thick brick walls, rock masonry, structural steel and railroad rails as it has against enemy tanks."

                MANITOWOC, WIS. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15,1943

Yanks Beat Off Violent
Nazi Counter-Attacks

British Push Up
Italian Coast
To Support U. S.

Allied troops h a v e b e a t e n off fierce German counter-attacks against the Salerno bridgehead in Italy but
were forced last night to yield some ground gained earlier, in order to s t r a i g h t e n their lines. New support came to Lt. Gen. Mark W. Clark's forces — the strongest air a t t a c k s of the
Medit e r r a n e a n war and the thunder of naval guns offshore.
One officer declared thai the end of the day showed the situation was "a little more' in our favor, especially with the arrival of fresh reinforcements."
                                                             Savage Fighting
Today's , Allied communique disclosed that savage, close-quarter combat raged along the whole fifth army from Salerno to Agropoli 27 miles south, with both sides throwing heavy reinforcements of troops and armor into b a t t l e.

Japanese Force
At Lae Faces

Enemy Falls Back
Before Allied
Pincer Forces

—Japanese faced with  a n n i h i l a tion at Lae, New Guinea—a fate which has overtaken most of the
routed Salamaua garrison—fell back today before Allied pincer f o r c e s from prepared positions on t w o sides of t h e big airbase.
Thunderous a r t i l l e r y exchanges a n d aerial bombardments by both sides intensified the struggle.

Army Describes Bazooka
Rocket Gun Can
Pierce Armor
of Any Tank
W A S H I N G T O N . (AP)—
The Army's secret weapon is a secret no longer—the Bazooka made its first public appearance todav at an Army show on the Washington monument grounds. Named "Bazooka" by soldiers, it is an anti-tank rocket gun which the Army "has proved as effective an instrument of dest r u c t i o n a g a i n s t thick brick walls, rock masonry, structural steel and railroad rails as it has against enemy tanks."
Product of long experiment by the Ordnance Department, the weapon's mechanism was a milit a r y secret until today, although it has been known by name since the north African campaign.
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