Soviet columns pounded on past captured Smolensk, the Red army's
greatest 1943 victory, in pursuit of the fleeing Germans, Moscow
dispatches said today, as some reports said Russian spearheads had
cracked the great Dnieper river line at a half dozen, points from
Smolensk to loitering Kiev.
Yugoslavs patriot armies have hurled back several more German attncks- on the strategic Adriatic port ot Split, still hold the groatei pait ot
Siif-ck in the north, and h a v e killed hundreds of the enemy. and
destroyed an armored train, tanks and other equipment, a communique said
The Japanese navy has pulled in Its horns during recent weeks of the Allied offensive in New Guinea and the
Enemy warships, which once dominated the area. have become so scarce that no mention of the sinking of any of them has been made in the communiques of Gun. Douglas MacArthur since Aug. 7.
Allies Reach Mountain Tops Guarding Naples Plain
Kiev Base Tottering;
Soviets Are Pouring
Across Dnieper River
(Greatest German Defense Base On Eastern
Front Falls To Frontal, Flanking Assault
By Tlir Associated Press LONDON-
Airmen Take Growing
Toll Of Nazis Trying
To Evacuate Corsica
British Eighth Army Within 60 Miles Of Foggia;
Fifth Army Meeting Tough Resistance
Aussies Battle Toward Japanese Supply and Air Base
The Helena Independent
Reds Take Smolensk, Lash Ahead
Germans Flee
Soviet Force
Russians' Next Great Goal, Kiev, Is
About to Fall; Spearheads
Cross Dnieper; Stalin Hails Victory
London, Sunday, Sept. 25.— (AP)—
Soviet columns pounded on past captured Smolensk, Ihe Red army's greatest 1943 victory, in pursuit of the fleeing Germans, Moscow dispatches said today, as sonic reports said Russian spearheads had cracked the great Dnieper river line at a half dozen, points from Smolensk to loitering Kiev.
An Associated Press dispatch from Moscow said Gen. A'assily Sokolo>sky's troops which haltered down the last (irrinan defenses of Smolensk and Roslavl, 66 miles to the south, pressed on immediately along; the Moscow-Minsk highway which Napoleon travelled in and out of Russia.
Yougoslavs Repulse
Nazi Attacks
On Strategic Port
Enemy Loss Increases
Steadily; Unrest
Continues Spreading
London, Sept. 25.—(AP)—Yugoslavs patriot armies have hurled back several more German attncks-
on the strategic Adriatic port ot Split, still hold the groatei pait ot Siif-ck in the north, and h a v e killed hundreds of the enemy. and destroyed an armored train, tanks and other equipment, a communique said tonight.
Allies Make Way
To Strategic
Italian Position
Ground Forces Take Mountain Tops; Flierc
Rake Fleeing Nazis With Explosives;
Prisoner Toll Surpasses 2,000 Fighters
Japanese Appear to Be
Afraid of Losing
Warships in Pacific
Allied Headquarteis in the
Southwest Pacific, Scpl. 26.—
The Japanese navy has pulled in Its horns during recent weeks of the Allied offensive in New Guinea and the
Enemy warships, which once dominated the aiea. have become so scarce that no mention of the sinking of any of them has been made in the communiques of Gun. Douglas MacArthur since Aug. 7.
During September bomb hits have been reported on two Japanese destroyers but both were well hack of protecting bases In New Guinea and NewBrltain.
This contrasts sharply with thenumerous n a v a l engagements during the first month of the twin-pronged American and Australian drive which started last June 30.
American warships and airplanes sank five or six enemy cruisers and 13 or 14 destroyers during July at a cost of one cruiser and two destroyers. During the first week of August another Nipponese cruiser and two
destroyers were sent to tho bottom.
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