Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Current Events October 11, 1943;

President Roosevelt gave his unqualified support today to legislation to repeal the Chinese exclusion law
and let Chinese residents of this country become American citizens. He told Congress in a message: "I regard this legislation as important in the cause of winning the war and of establishing a secure peace,"

Eyes of United "states-forces In the South Pacific were turned fully toward Bougainville today after the last Japanese were chased from the central Solomons with the U. S. occupation of Kolombangara.
Bougainville with its surrounding bases in the Buin-Faisi area now is the last defensive island In the perimeter the Japanese built around Rabaul New Britain, which once extended as far as Guadalcanal

Japanese-occupied Wake Island languished today in the wreckage of a' battering probably more severe
and certainly more destructive than any ever visited upon the gallant American marines who for the first two weeks of the war held that mid-Pacific pinpoint against overwhelming enemy force.

Striking- 12 miles northwest of Benevento. Allied Fifth Army troops have captured Pontelandolfo to flank the German Volturno river line in the bitter first battle for Rome, it was announced today.

The Red army of the Dnieper river, greatly aided by large forces of guerrilla warriors behind the withdrawing German lines, pushed reinforcements in men ;and material across the river today to aid In ' solidifying their •• bridgehead n the west bank

      The Brownsville Herald
                               BROWNSVILLE, TEXAS, MONDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1943

             FD Urges Chinese Exclusion Law Repeal

Last Of Japs Chased From
Central Solomons By Yanks

Bougainville Next Objective; Capture Of

Lolombangara Gives Ship, Air Base
Eyes of United "states-forces In the South Pacific were turned fully toward Bougainville today after the last Japanese were chased from the central Solomons with the U. S. occupation of Kolombangara.(As it was written)
Bougainville with its surrounding bases in the Buin-Faisi area now is the last defensive island In the perimeter the Japanese built around RabauJ. New Britain, which once extended as far as Guadalcanal. It is estimated here unofficially that possibly half of the Japanese garrison at Kolombangara, once estimated at 10,000 men. managed to escape in evacuations running over a period of several weeks and climaxed by the mass barge attempts'of Oct. 1, 2 and 3. The" remainder probably were killed, many by drowning.
A large number, escaped primarily because the evacuation" was carried out during a dark moon period when interception was difficult.
A navy spokesman at headquarters of Admiral William F, Halsey here said army patrols landed at Ringi Cove on southern Kolombansara shortly after aerial reconnaissance on Oct. 3 indicated heavy enemy foot traffic northward.

61 Jap Planes
Downed At Wake

2-Day Ship And Plane
Attack Made

Japanese-occupied Wake Island languished today in the wreckage of a' battering probably more severe
and certainly more destructive than any ever visited upon the gallant American marines who for the first two weeks of the war held that mid-Pacific pinpoint against overwhelming enemy force.
. The United States Navy delivered the retributory blow in a twoday ship-plane assault starting, last Tuesday, Three hundred and twenty tons of bombs, believed to be the greatest weight of explosives
ever unloosed in a single operation, against an enemy target in the Pacific, were dropped on the three tiny atolls that make up Wake Island.

Mountain Forts
Penetrated By
Charging Yanks

Air Fleets Harnmer 
Balkans And Intoi
Germany, Invasion;

Associated Press War Editor
Striking- 12 miles northwest of Benevento. Allied Fifth Army troops have captured Pontelandolfo to flank the German Volturno river line in the bitter first battle for Rome, it was announced today.
This drive through Nazi mountain defenses forced an Allied spearhead up a line east of the Volturno
.already crossed by patrols, where the Fifth Army is ranged along a. 44-mile water front inland from the sea.

Change In Old
Law Would Aid
In Winning War

Let Chinese Become
U. S. Citizens, Is
Plan; Quotas To Be

President Roosevelt gave his unqualified support today to legislation to repeal the Chinese exclusion law
and let Chinese residents of this country become American citizens.
He told Congress in a message: "I regard this legislation as important in the cause of winning the war and of establishing a secure peace,"
By repealing ,the exclusion laws, he said, "we can correct a historic mistake nnd silence the distorted
Japanese propaganda".
                                                               Bill Already Approved
The House immigration commhtee already has approved a bill to repeal the exclusion act of 1882, let
Chinese enter this country on a quota basis, and grant citizenship to Chinese now residing In America,
About 105 Chinese could enter the United States annually under the quota.
Mr.Roosevelt said that extension of citizenship privileges to the relatively few Chinese In the country
woiuld be "another meaningful display of friendship,"
This would be'additional proof of freindship the Chief executive said, "that we re/gard China not only as a partner In waging war but that we
shall regard her as a partner in days of pence. While it would give the Chinese a preferred .status
over certain oriental people, their great contribution to the cause of decency and freedom entitles
them to such preference."

Red Guerrillas
Help Regulars
Cross Dnieper

Attack On Ukraine
Capitol Looms
The Red army of the Dnieper river, greatly aided by large forces of guerrilla warriors behind the withdrawing German lines, pushed reinforcements in men ;and material across the river today to aid In ' solidifying their •• bridgehead n the west bank.
The captured area on -the westside of the river north of Kiev was rapidly being turned into a large operational zone, threatening the whole sectors to the north and south.
"Our divisions have penetrated far beyond the river," said the communits party organ Pravda in a dispatch from the front, "and have captured the defense .zone of the Germans along th'e river and dozens of settlements on the western bank."
                                                              Nazis Beaten Back
The Soviets have large, representative forces across the Dnieper replete with tanks and heavy artilllery and the Germans are 'being consistently, beaten back.

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