British and American troop.s, feverishly welcomed by the surviving-
population of Naples, forged on past that devastated city today and
fought steadily north- : ward toward Rome and the next defence line of
bomber group participated in the attack on Hagen and all returned safely, R.C.A.F. headquarters announced.
Three Japanese ships, a destroyer and two merchantmen, were sunk by
Allied bombers in Bougainville Strait in the northern Solomons, Allied
headquarters announced today.
Bougainville Strait is in the area through which the Japanese were
reported evacuating their hard-pressed garrison from Kolombangara in the
New Georgia group The Lethbridge Herald
Lethbridge Alberta Saturday October 2, 1943
Allies Open All-Out Raids On Nazis From West And South
Now 32 Miles
Past Naples
Benevento Directly Threatened—British 8th Army
Spreads Over Plain of Foggia, Taking Lucera
"ind San Sevcro—Junction With Yankees
at Benevento Looms
By Noland Norgaard, Associated Press War Corespondent
ALLIED HEADQUARTERS, North Africa, Oct. 2—(A.P.)—
British and American troop.s, feverishly welcomed by the surviving- population of Naples, forged on past that devastated city today and fought steadily north- : ward toward Rome and the next defence line of the
(A Reuter.s News Agency dispatch fi'om Allied head- quarters quoted a military spokesman as saying "the road to Rome is now open. The town of Benevento is directly threatened." (He added that the Anglo-American .5th Army is"already well north of Naples.'' Benevento is 32 miles northeast of Naples.)
Meeting sharp opposition by German tanks, mortars and machine guns, the forces of Lt.-Gen. Mark Clark were said in a communique to be making good progress, both to the north of the captured port city and to the east. The British 8th Army of Gen. Sir Bernard Montgromery, which includes the Canadian 1st Division, speediJy spread over all the Foggia plain capturing San Severe, 18 miles north of Foggia, and Lucera, 12 miles northwest of that air centre. Allied headquarters announced.
All the Monte Gargano peninsula—the spur of the Italian boot—alsb has been occupied in a 30-mile advanceby Gen. Montgomery, a spokesman said.
Allied troops entering the city of Naples, once famed 'or its beauty, found the waterfront a solid area of ruin,
reports from the battlefront said, but the rest of the city was orderly.
Gen. Clark himself entered the city yesterday afternoon, and the first advance patroLs which took over the
occupation were followed by a steady stream of troops, Uhka and vehicles.
All of the city's 1,000,000 people who had remained in Naple. through the bombings and then survived the
German reign of terror joined in a happy welcome to the Allied warriors who drove on through the city in pursuit of the retreating army.
Striking furiously to block the Naal retreat from the Naples area, night bombers attacked pontoon bridges at Grazzanise, 20 miles north of Naples, where there is a crossing of the Volturno River, the communique said.
Pormla, coastal city along the ancient Appian Way, 44 miles northwest of Naples, also was heavily attacked last night.
Meeting unusual resistance, the Allied air forces last 14 planes and shot down 11 enemy aircraft, the
headquarters announcement .siald. The Allied losses included heavy bombers which did not come back from raids on Munich and Wiener Neustadt In Germany.
Ruhr Town
Is Blasted
R.A.F. Services Hammer
Hagen, Ten Miles South
of Dortmund
(Asfioclateo Press Staff Writer)
LONDON, Oct. 2 —(AP)—
The R.A.F.'s Britain-based night bombers added momentum last night to the Allies' new twoway assault on Germany from the west and south by hitting the Ruhr industrial city of Hagen. Planes from the R.C.A.F.
bomber group participated in the attack on Hagen and all returned safely, R.C.A.F. headquarters announced.
Hagen, which has a population of 150,000, is 10 miles south of Dortmund, often the target for the big R.A.F. and R.C.A,F. night bombers. It is in the centre o£ the Ruhr region with important iron and steel foundries, engineering and armament works ancJ has a big railway centre.
One of the principal industries is the Accumulatoren Fabrika A. G. which makes batteries, motors and
other electrical equipment for submarines.
An announcement that two bombers were lost underscored evidence that Allied planes have made Inroads
on the strength of the German airforce in recent months.
The target—the eleventh Nazi city bombed by the R.A.P. and R.C. A.F. in the last 10 nights—repre-
sented a blow at both industry and communications.
Allies Sink
Southwest Pacific, Oct 2—(AP)
Three Japanese ships, a destroyer and two merchantmen, were sunk by Allied bombers in Bougainville Strait in the northern Solomons, Allied headquarters announced today.
Bougainville Strait is in the area through which the Japanese were reported evacuating their hard-pressed garrison from Kolombangara in the New Georgia group.
Today's communique also announced that 90 Japanese were killed in an attempt to escape from Vella Lavella which American troops occupied shortly after' the capture of Miuida air field on New Georgia.
The desperate Japanese, In an attempt to supply their forces at Vella liavelia, have turned to airplanes
which are dropping supplies there. Vella Lavella lies between Kolombangara and Bougainville.
Meanwhile, Australian troops tightened their noose around the village of Pinschhafen on the northeast coast of New Guinea. The communique said the Australians are pressing In from three points which would place their nearest forces less than half a mile from the town site.
Sharp fighting broke out between Australians and Japanese in the Markham valley approximately 60 miles from Madang, another Japanese strong point on the northeast New Guinea coast.
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