The battle for Kiev is in its decisive stage, front dispatches said
today, and German demolition squads are putting the torch to the city's
historic buildings and touching off destructive land mines.triumphant
Russian forces were streaming in force across the Dnieper on either side
of Kiev and closing swiftly against the keystone city of the river line
which the Nazis clearly despaired of holding much longer.
Northwest African air force bombers, pursuing their at tacks on the
Germans in the Balkans and the eastern Mediterranean for the seventh
successive day, struck a smashing blow yesterday at the nazi airfield on
Corfu, strategic Creel island dominating the entrance to the Adriatic,
allied head quarters announced today.
On the rain-bogged Italian battlefront, only artillery and patrol actions were reported as fifth army troops along the swollen Volturno river front prepared for an assault on powerful German positions.
On the rain-bogged Italian battlefront, only artillery and patrol actions were reported as fifth army troops along the swollen Volturno river front prepared for an assault on powerful German positions.
American Liberator bombers have struck deep into the Japanese-held
East Indies to again bomb and* burn the big enemy oil port at Macassar
in the Celebes, a communique announced today.
Roaring 1000 miles over the Japanese network of island bases
northwest of Australia, the Liberators hit Macassar Just after dusk
Saturday and blasted docks, warehouses and oil tanks with 25 tons of
explosives.Great fires leaping through the port were visible to the bomber crews 90 miles away on the homeward flight. All Liberators returned safely from the raid which was their fourth on Macassar
Tines Twin Falls News
Reds Crack "Blood Wall"
Defenses of Trapped Foe
MOSCOW, Oct. 12 (U.P)—
The battle for Kiev is in its decisive stage, front dispatches said today, and German demolition squads are putting the torch to the city's historic buildings and touching off destructive land mines.triumphant Russian forces were streaming in force across the Dnieper on either side of Kiev and closing swiftly against the keystone city of the river line which the nazis clearly despaired of holding much longer.
The whole massive struggle flor the west bank of the Dnieper, the line which Adolf Hitler had ordered
his armies to hold or die, approached a climax. Everywhere the red army was swarming ahead and tighteening its grip on a broad stretch beyond the river.
Tank Use Doubles
Field dispatches reporting a sharp upsurge in.German tank and plane losses—almost double those of previous days—indicated that the nazls were reaching the peak of their resistance even as the Soviet
striking power beyond the Dnieper increased by the hour.
As their position on the right bank of the Dnieper deteriorated, the Germans loosed the full fury of their vandalism on Kiev, the Russians reported, in a bid to whittle down as much as possible the value of the great military base before it falls into red army hands.
Russian forces of all categories streamed ceaselessly over scores of river crossings, enabling the Soviet
command to step up the tempo of the attacks in order to disorganize and overwhelm the tottering German
Destroy All Houses
Vladimir Grossman, Red Star correspondent in the. sector, north of Kiev,' said * the Germans have scorched.litterly the region between Chernigov and Kiev, leaving 'not a single house standing-----
Allies Loose Mighty Air
Attacks as Rains Impede
Advance Beyond Volturno
ALLIED HEADQUARTERS, Algiers, Oct. 12 (AP) —
Northwest African air force bombers, pursuing their air tacks on the Germans in the Balkans and the eastern Mediterranean for the seventh successive day, struck a smashing blow yesterday at the Nazi airfield on Corfu, strategic Creel island dominating the entrance to the Adriatic, allied head quarters announced today.
On the rain-bogged Italian battlefront, only artillery and patrol actions were reported as fifth army troops along the swollen Volturno river front prepared for an assault on powerful German positions.
U. S. Mitchels sweeping from Italian bases and escorted by Lightnings struck at Corfu, bombing the Garitza airfield, and the Lightnings scored two direct hits on a merchant vessel in Corfu harbor.
New raids on Calato airfield in Rhodes and Herakleion airdrome in Crete also were announced. These missions were undertaken by American Liberators that poured bombs among parked aircraft and buildings.
Bomb-carrying Lightnings made their first raid on the Ontimachia landing ground on the island of Cos in the Dodecanese. This airfield has twice changed hands in fighting there.
Heavy rains still impeded the allied troops along the Volturno and across the mountains to Termoli on
the Adriatic.
Artillery duels rumbled along both the fifth and eighth army fronts, and eighth army patrols were aggressive,
a dispatch from Gen. Sir Bernard L. Montgomery's headquarters said.
Bombers Blast Jap
Base at Macassar
ALLIED HEADQUARTERS, Southwest Pacific, Oct. 12 (U.P)—
American Liberator bombers have struck deep into the Japanese-held East Indies to again bomb and* burn the big enemy oil port at Macassar in the Celebes, a communique announced today.
Roaring 1000 miles over the Japanese network of island bases northwest of Australia, the Liberators hit Macassar Just after dusk Saturday and blasted docks, warehouses and oil tanks with 25 tons of explosives.
Great fires leaping through the port were visible to the bomber crews 90 miles away on the homeward flight. All Liberators returned safely from the raid which was their fourth on Macassar.
Other allied bombers raided the Japanese - held Kal and Tanimbar Islands north of Australia the following
night, a communique from Gen. Douglas MacArthur's headquarterssaid.
Australian ground troops moving northward through the Ramu river valley" in northeastern New Guinea toward the Japanese coastal base at Madang were reported advancing slowly through light enemy resistance. The Australians were believed to have penetrated to within about 25 miles of the coast, less than 40 miles below Madang.
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