Gen. Nikolai Vatutin's highly mobile first Ukrainian army, expanding:
its front on the Sarny sector (in Old Poland) to a width of 50 miles or
more, struck out in several sweeping movements today to threaten the
German held strongholds of Rovno, Pinsk and Kovel.
In the first day of the French offensive in the mountains of central
Italy, Gen. Alphonse Juin's troops advanced two-thirds of a mile
southwest of Roccheta, 12 miles northeast of Cervaro.
The flaming battle which a great force of possibly 1,200 American
bombers and fighters fought over Germany Tuesday with the rocket-firing
Nazi Air Force was viewed on both sides of the English channel today as a
forerunner of the mighty struggle for air supremacy expected to
accompany a land invasion of western Europe.
China will become one of the great powers
of the world and will be a democracy in the future, Prof. Dunning Idle,
Jr., of the history department of Gettysburg college told the Woman's
club of Gettysburg at its regular meeting Wednesday afternoon.He stated that China's potentialities—rich lands, great resources and manpower and its growing nationalism—will one day make it one of the four great powers together with the United States, Great Britain and Russia. Both historic forces and present day trends will cause the Chinese nation to become a great democracy, he said.
Moscow, Jan. 13 (AP)~
Gen. Nikolai Vatutin's highly mobile first Ukrainian army, expanding: its front on the Sarny sector (in Old Poland) to a width of 50 miles or more, struck out in several sweeping movements today to threaten the German held strongholds of Rovno, Pinsk and Kovel. The strong armored and infantry force of Vatutin's right wing: which captured Dombrovista, 20 miles north of Sarny on the Rovno-Sarny-Baranowicze railway, fought Its way through frozen marshland country to within 50 miles southeast of Pinsk, important center on the Gomel-Brest Litovsk railway.
It already had passed the worst of the Pripet marshes and advance units were approaching the high rolling
ground beyond the swamps.
Allied Headquarters,' Algiers,
Jan. 13 (AP)—
Virtually the entire American Fifth Army was on the move today as it broadened its offensive from near the
coast to central Italy and sent French units hammering through 3,000 and 4,000-foot high mountains to threaten Cassino from a third side.
American infantry swept to within three miles of Cassino in—a~~frontal~attack—with—the-capture of Cervaro at 1 p. m. yesterday, after almost surrounding1 the village, headquarters announced.
The Germans already had announced its loss.
Capture Peak
In the first day of the French offensive in the mountains of central Italy, Gen. Alphonse Juin's troops advanced two-thirds of a mile southwest of Roccheta, 12 miles northeast of Cervaro.
They captured a 3,000-foot peak overlooking the road winding almost due west of Isernia between Colli and Atina, took several points on the 4,000-foot Monna Casale range and recaptured two peaks previously
lost—Mt. Mollino overlooking Acquafondala, seven miles northeast of Cassino, and Mt. Raimo, in tho same area to the norEh of Viticuso.
Raid On Reich
Cost 64 Ships
And 595 Men;
Good Results
London, Jan. 13 (AP)—
The flaming battle which a great force of possibly 1,200 American bombers and fighters fought over Germany Tuesday with the rocket-firing Nazi Air Force was viewed on both sides of the English channel today as a forerunner of the mighty struggle for air supremacy expected to accompany a land invasion of western Europe.
A dispatch from Stockholm quoted a German military spokesman in Berlin as describing the three-hour air battte as a "rehearsal for the German defense force which will have to meet Allied invasion air fleets.'
The mighty raid, directed against three desperately-guarded aircraft assembly plants in the heart of the Reich, was also linked to the forthcoming invasion by Gen. Henry H. Arnold, chief of the U. S. Army Air Forces.
-Ruin Production
"Were it not for continuing attacks against the production capacities of German aircraft factories," he told a press conference in Wichita, Kan., "Nazi efforts to double their fighter strength might have succeeded, with the result that the difficulties which must be overcome by Allied air attacks and also by amphibious landing forces would be incalculably increased."
China will become one of the great powers of the world and will be a democracy in the future, Prof. Dunning Idle, Jr., of the history department of Gettysburg college told the Woman's club of Gettysburg at its regular meeting Wednesday afternoon.
He stated that China's potentialities—rich lands, great resources and manpower and its growing nationalism—will one day make it one of the four great powers together with the United States, Great Britain and Russia. Both historic forces and present day trends will cause the Chinese nation to become a great democracy, he said.
The heritage of the past gives the Chinese a basis for future democracy, he asserted. The loose imperial
government of past centuries, and the fact that local government was largely controlled by the family, the village council and the guilds, led the people into a loose form of democracy governed by the elders. The Chinese nation, up to 1905, had a system by which even the poorest could move from "log cabin to white house" in the examination program by which the son of-the poorest-farmer-could by diligent study enter the nation's "civil service" and thus become a great civil leader.
Promising Factors
The examination system is to be re instituted by the Chinese in''the near future, Prof. Idle said. Religious
tolerance also provides a background for democracy among the Chinese, with Confucianism, Taoismand Buddhism, the three great religions of the Chinese, all accepted for centuries without any intolerance.
In modern times the "Three Principles of the People." of the late Dr. Sun Yat Sen, "father of modern China," are a basis for democracy. Under Dr. Sun's principles nationalism was first to be developed. ...then democracy and, "people's livelihood," some forms of social development, are to be promoted.
The "plan of Dr. Sun v;as established for a period of man; years of gradual Improvement.
Other promising factors which Prof. Idle said will help bring China to democracy are the, fact that the present leadership of' the country is planning to allow the Communist;
party in China equal 'rights with the present parly in power; that many of the leaders are U.S. educated,
and the fact of the Christianity of Generalissimo Chiang and trhe Soong family. The Communist
party in China, he pointed out, is not similar to the Russian communists but instead advocates a program of simple reform in the.interests of the poor.
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