Canadian 1st Division 'troops on Monday opened an attack against the
German positions on the southern bank of the Arielh river near the
Adriatic coast of Italy, Reuters NBAVS Agency said today m a dispatch
alert from the British 8th Army front north of Ortona. barrage from 100
guns could be heard for more than 30 miles as the attack started with
thousands of shells hurled onto a 1,500-yard sector of the German lines,
the dispatch added.
Dominion Troops
Gain In Offensive
Barrage Precedes Attack—Canadians Go Over the Top in San Tommaso Area
Mile Inland from Adriatic—French Troops Take Sanf Elia, Three
Miles from Cassino, in Support of American Advance
LONDON Jan 18—(C.P. Cable)—
Canadian 1st Division 'troops on Monday opened an attack against the German positions on the southern bank of the Arielh river near the Adriatic coast of Italy, Reuters NBAVS Agency said today m a dispatch alert from the British 8th Army front north of Ortona. barrage from 100 guns could be heard for more than 30 miles as the attack started with thousands of shells hurled onto a 1,500-yard sector of the German lines,
the dispatch added.
(By Edward Kennedy, Associated Press War Correspondent) .
ALGIERS Jan. 18— (A.P.)—
French troops have occupied Sanf Eha, three miles northeast of Cassino on the Anglo-American-French 5th Army's front in western Italy, Allied headquarters announced today, while at the other end of the firont stretching across Italy Canadians of the British 8th Army have launched a new attack.
The Canadian l«t Division troops supported by tanks opened their attack m the San Tommaso area about a mile inland from the Adriatic coast. Despite stiff opposition from Germans holding high ground, they made some gains which included a foothold across a stream flowing into the sea.
At last reports the fighting was continuing with satisfactory results. The weather was cold and clear in the coastal area but there were high winds and snow inland.
On the 5th Army front, where the Allies are closing in on the strongpomt of Cassino, guardian for the Germans on the main highway to Rome, an American patrol crossed the Rapido river north of Cassino and probed the German Gustav line position The patrol found the Germans entrenched in fortified positions 300 yards beyond.
At last reports the fighting was continuing with satisfactory results. The weather was cold and clear in the coastal area but there were high winds and snow inland. On the 5th Army front, where the Allies are closing in on the strong point of Cassino, guardians for the Germans on the main highway to Rome, an American patrol.crossed the Rapido river north of Cassino and probed the German "Gustav line" position. The patrol found the Germans entrenched in fortified positions 300 yards beyond the western bank of the Rapido, and withdrew across the river after a skirmish.
French forces advanced 1,000 yards to seize Sanf Eha and also captured the hamlet of Valvori two miles farther northeast as the Allied arc tightened on Cassino. Patrols were active elsewhere on the 5th .Army front, and the Allies continued consolidating recent gains.
The Germans meanwhile quickly put last-minute touches on their new line which from Cassino to Sanf Elia runs along the west side of the rapids, in some places considerably back from the river's bank, on the slopes of Mount Castellone.
Weath«r was fine But somewhat cloudy on the 5th Army front.
Rumor Tito
Is Wounded
Partisans 25 Miles From
Zagreb—Cause Heavy
Casualties to Nazis
LONDON, Jan. 18—(51)—
Marshal Tito was wounded last summer when his Yugoslav partisans escaped a German encirclement in Montenegro, BBC Correspondent Kenneth Matthews reported today from Cairo.
A previous report on the wounding, broadcast today from Catto, had not given the time it took place.
The communique said Partisans have inflicted heavy losses on German motorized forces trying to drive through western Bosnia into the town of Glanioc, 55 miles southwest of Banja Luka. But it acknowledged------
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