Justifies Invasion
Ground MinoritiesIn Need of Protection
Red Army Forces Cross
Border at Early Hour and
Poles Are Caught
Between Two PowertulArmies;Other Nations Assured Moscow Will Remain
Netural Toward Them
By Associated
MOSCOW, Sept. 17.—Soviet
Russia's, great Red Army; marching on orders to "liberate"
their'."brothers" in Poland, moved into that embattled country today
along the entire frontier, from Latvia to Rumania. .
A general staff communique
tonight reported occupation of a dozen towns along a 500-mile front on 'the
first day's march, penetrating as far as 50 miles inside the Polish border at
the farthest point.
The Russians reported capturing the
Ukrainian city of Tarnopol, which would mean that their swift drive carried,
.them to within 48 miles of the nearest German, forces—those at Przemsyl,
southeast of Lwow, taken last week.
Tarnqpol normally is of 35,000 population.
Other large towns reported were Rowno, of 40,000 population, and Kolmea, of
33,000, both also in the Ukraine.
REPORTEDThe communique said the reds defeated "weak advance units and reserves of the Polish army."
Earlier both Soviet and German radio
broadcasts disclosed heavy fighting at some points.
The general staff said seven.
Polish fighting ' planes were brought down' and three heavy bombers forced to
BorderInfo Rumania
President Leads
Of Leaders to NeutralLand; Planes Smashed
By Associated Press
VERNAUTI, Rumania! Sept 18. (Monday)—Large sections of the Polish army were pouring' across the frontier into Rumania early 'today following the flight of President Ignace Moscicki and the apparent collapse-of the Polish republic.
In Two Attacks; More.Nazi
Troops Moved to Border
French Assert Lines Holding as Soldiers Moved
From Poland to Strengthen German Forces
Facing Attack From France; Russian March
Into Poland Comes as Shock to Daladier
By Associated Press
PARIS, Sept. 17.—The French high
command reported tonight that activity had slowed down after earlier German
attacks on the Western Front.
The following is the text of the
French high command's night communique:
"There is nothing of
importance to note. Aerial activity has been reduced due to weather
Greater American
Merchant Marine
AMERICAN SHIPPING is not yet suffering
from the effects of war in Europe. Some labor difficulty is being encountered
by lines operating between the United States and belligerent countries; seamen-
are demanding higher pay -or bonuses to compensate for the attendant risk.
However, pursuant to its
neutrality policy the Government is trying to keep American ships out of the
warzones as much as possible. If that can be done, the likelihood of
warbreeding "incidents" will be minimized.
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