Friday, September 20, 2013

September 20, 1930;WARSAW SEEKS AID OF ALLIES:



Rushing Into Adventures'
Ruled Out as Anxiety
of Public Allayed.

LONDON, Sept. 20.—(AP)—Prime Minister Chamberlain declared today that no threats could deter Britain and her allies from achieving their war aims but that "what we will not do is to rush into adventures that offer little prospect of success". With the obvious purpose of allaying public anxiety ns to whether the western allies were striking vigorously enough against Germany, Chamberlain declared in the house of commons:

"There is no sacrifice from which we will shrink. There is no operation we will not undertake provided our responsible advisers, our allies and we ourselves arc convinced that It will make an appropriate contributionto victory."

After the prime minister had spoken, Arthur Greenwood, leader of the Laborite opposition, declared Soviet Russia, by marching into Poland, had become an aggressor.

"It. is a matter of very deep regret that Poland was not provided more generously with sorely needed assistance," he said,


City Continues to Resist
German Attackers; Reds
Move From East.

BUDAPEST, Sept. 20.—(AP)—Fast moving Soviet mechanized forces pushing further westward into Poland were reported today to have blockaded the entire Polish-Rumanian frontier while Warsaw, still fighting the German invasion, buried her dead in public parks.

Severe fighting was reported especially around Lwow and in the Bug river district.

The massing of Russian troops along the Rumanian border cut the stream of refugees from Poland, but thousands, finding their way barred on that border, poured into Hungary. Soldiers among them were disarmed, and civilians were sent to special camps.

A Hungarian agency estimated 30,000 civilians and 10,000 soldiers had reached the Rumanian border town of Cernauti before the Soviet lines were drawn.
Radio broadcasts from Warsaw,
"Warsaw will resist," said a communique read over the capital's radio station last night. "We have confidence In our government and confidence in our great allies France and Britain. Warsaw is doing its duty."


U.S. War-Moves
In Pacific Seen

TOKIO, Sept. 20—(INS)—The United States has assumed responsibility for protecting British and French interests in the Far East and has already completed vast war preparations in the Pacific, the usually well informed Tokio newspaper Nlchl Nlcm declared today. Wedged into the detailed description of these preparations, the Nichi Nichi carried this astounding paragraph.:

"Some observers opine that Yankee doughboys will be in there pitching for democracy within the next four weeks."
Nichi Nichi's story, replete with details of alleged American military operations, is herewith reproduced in full: "With Britain and France preoccupied with their war against Germany,the United States has taken it upon itself to watch out for the interests of the democracies In the Far East.

"This assumption is based upon the recent transfer of the aircraft carrier Langley to Manila, the dispatch of 15 heavy bombers to the same place and the decision to replace 15 old submarines with a like number of undersea craft in Asiatic waters."
"Other Indications that America has assumed the role of watchdog in the Far East are the decisions to advance by several months the 1910 Pacific fleet maneuvers scheduled for January, to start work immediately upon construction of air bases in Alaska, Midway Island, Hawaii and Johnston island, and to broaden the Panama canal.

The Impression has been gained from various sources that- the United States will eventually be dragged into the war on the side of Britain and France.
"Estimates vary as to when this will be. Some observers opine that Yankee doughboys will be in there pitching for democracy within the next, four weeks.

"Others believe that United States participation will not come until after the 1940 presidential election.

Still others think that America will declare war on Germany the moment, that England, starts to get the worst of it."

Page 4                                    WEDNESDAY.                                        THE SAN ANTONIO LIGHT.


U. S. Army Reserve, Special War
Analyst for International News Service

(Distributed Exclusively by International News Service)
NEW YORK, Sept. 20.—The name of a tiny village in the Netherlands, appearing in recent dispatches, may give the key to the most significant news coming from Europe's battlegrounds. Assuming that the war will continue, then the name of that little Dutch village of Vaals becomes tremendously significant. Vaals was being evacuated of its civilian population by the Dutch frontier authorities.

Inquiries indicate that other villages and towns in the same vicinity, both in the Netherlands and further south in Belgium have similarly been evacuated.

Apparently the evacuation was inspired by German actions removing all or considerable parts of the civilian population of Aachen and other points in the same region on their side of the frontier. Why are these hamlets, so far removed from the present mighty conflict raging .south of Luxembourg far to the south, being evacuated?

I cannot help but connect these bits of information which reach me with the plan for the invasion of France worked out many .years ago by the German strategist, Vonchlieffen. This man had a tremendous influence on German general staff thinking and planning and part of his plan was used by the Germans ' in 1914 when they invaded Belgium.

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