Helsingfors, Dec. 22.—Crushingly
defeated by hardy Finnish fighters, the Russian Red army was in disorderly
flight today on all three fronts,-neutral observers report. Norwegian border
reports said the retreat approached a catastrophe. The Finnish high -command
reported Stalin's forces had been beaten back
on the southeastern front, to have been defeated heavily and forced to
retreat on the north central front and to have been blasted back toward the
Arctic coast by a Finnish counter-attack in the far north.
The Battle of Josef Stalin's
birthday yesterday ended with terrific losses for the Soviet invaders. The chief
Finnish victory was reported in the Salla sector, on the northern part of the
eastern (central) front, where the Russian army was reported cut to pieces by
Finnish counter attacks.
Paris, Dec. 22.—The newspaper Le
Temps today quoted a reliable source as saying that the German fleet has left
Hamra and that half of it was headed into the Baltic sea and the other half was
steaming toward the North sea.
The portion of the fleet bound
for the Baltic was going through the Kiel Canal the the newspaper said.
It was believed here the reported
fleet movement was specifically a warning to the Scandinavian countries in
connection with the organization of air for Finland. Sweden has sent volunteers to Finland.
Unofficial Finnish reports were that
37 Swedish airplanes were now in service with the "Finnish army and that
almost 10,000 Swedes, who had been released from military service
at home, were now in Finland.
Britain Routs
Coastal Attack
London, Dec. 22. (BUP)—German airplanes
renewed reconnaissance thrusts at the
British coastal areas today, but-were fought off by Royal Air Force planes.
The Firth of Forth—important Scottish
naval base—and the Suffolk coast were the main scenes of operations.
A British fighter engaged and
chased a Heinkel bomber through the clouds off the Firth of Forth, and two
unidentified planes, believed o be German, were sighted later
on the eastern coast.
Persons on the cliffs along –the eastern
shore reported four German planes off one eastern coastal point. British
anti-aircraft gunfire shook houses in that district, and some people went to
air-raid shelters.
The plane which headed north with
a long trail of smoke behind it, disappeared in a dive. The others went
Ruthless Red AviatorsSpray Trains With Death
Helsingfors, Dec. 22.; (Special CDN
Cable)—Two Swedish writers reached here, last night, a few hours after five
Russian airplanes successively machine-gunned two express trains -and a freight
tram in south Finland. They confirmed, irrefutably, the fact that Red aviators;
yesterday, adopted the .merciless strafing of civilians.
These eye-witnesses were; Alex Matson
and Elsa Trolle. Both insist that it was i a miracle that many more were not
injured, since almost every window in, .the second train was smashed by
"Five Soviet planes were
returning to Estonia when they dived upon our train," Matson said.
"After the first attack, the engineer stopped the train! and we all raced
for the woods. But the planes swung back and sprayed bullets after us. Then they
flew' back and forth shooting until the engine looked like a sieve.
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