Stephen Early Says
Reference to Embargo
Repeal Was More
Than Coincidence.
WASHINGTON (UP)—Presidential
Secretary Stephen Early charged today that Russian Premier Molotov's criticism,
of President Roosevelt's neutrality policies was timed to,, coincide with -the
important House vote on the administration bill to repeal the arms embargo.
Early said he was curious why Molotov chose a time for his speech which
coincided with the important vote In the House of Representatives which sent
the administration neutrality bill
and the embargo repealer to conference? ~
Early prefaced
his remarks on Molotov's speech, with the comment that he does not know whether
Mr. Roosevelt as yet
has read the speech.
Mr. Roosevelt
said at a press conference yesterday that he had no information on the speech
at that time.
Germans Now Take
at Scattered Points
Against Allied
Sharp fighting was reported on the Rhineland front today as German artillery
and troops appeared to be taking the offensive at scattered points against the
advance allied forces before the Maginot line.
Apparently abandoning the purely defensive
positions, the Nazi troops thrust against the French lines at half a dozen
points along the most active front extending from the Moselle river to Saarbruecken
and between Saarbruecken and the Blies river.
The thrusts—still of a tentative nature
and confined to local engagements— followed intensive shelling of French rear
lines by the biggest 'Nazi guns yet brought into action. But whether the
operations were preparatory to a general attack such as the French and British have
prepared for ""was" uncertain.
Unofficial reports to Paris said
that German units ranging from 60 men to a battalion (normally about 1,000 men)
had carried out the "feeler" thrusts against the allied lines, where
both British and French, bad reported themselves fully prepared for an
offensive of any proportions.
Blame German
Vessel For Alleged
Sinking 450
Miles Off New
England Coast.
First Lord of the Admiralty Winston Churchill announced today that two German
pocket battleships were reported operating as sea raiders in the
North and "South Atlantic. Naval experts believed one of them rather than
a submarine, might have been
responsible for a reported attack on a British freighter about 450 miles off
the New England coast.
Churchill, speaking in the House of
Commons, said that the German warships reported acting as sea raiders were of
the type of the 10,000 ton pocket battleship Deutschland, which captured the American
freighter City of Flint.
Molotov Speech Seen
of Aims; Regards
Affair Private.
(United Press
Staff Correspondent)
MOSCOW — Premier-Foreign
Commissar Viacheslav Molotov's speech showed plainly that Russia is determined
to press Finland for acceptance of Josef Stalin's demands on her, diplomatic sources
said today.
Molotov's criticism of
President Roosevelt's intercession in aid of Finland was taken by diplomats to mean
clearly that Russia regards its demands on Finland as its own private affair. It
was noted that Molotov made no new commitments toward
Diplomats were surprised that he
did not mention relations with Rumania and Italy. This omission was taken to
mean that Russia was not ready, if she had decided on them, to make known her intentions
in the Balkans and------
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