at Geneva Is First
in Historyof Group.
GENEVA. Dec. 14—(AP)—Soviet Russia, condemned as an aggressor
for invading Finland, was expelled today from the League of Nations.
The league council vote outing Russia, officially was unanimous,
as required by the league covenant, although four nations abstained, from
voting and three were absent from the crucial session which
expelled a member for the first time since the league was created in 1919. Russia, who joined the league in
I934, was not represented at the meetings and had refused league mediation of
her quarrel with Finland.
Before the vote France declared she
would give the Finns "all the help we can up to the limit of our own
The vote was on a resolution which
declared as a result of Russia's actions toward Finland "the U. S. S. R.
no longer is a member of the league.
Unanimous vote of the council is
necessary to expel a member. Abstentions do not affect unanimity,FIRST EXPUULSION
This Is the first time in league history that a nation had been expelled.
KIRKENES, Norway At the Finnish Frontier),
Dec- 14.—(AP)—Russian troops neared
flaming Salmjarvi tonight us Finnish forces retreated southward except for a rear guard
detachment left to explode dynamite charges in valuable nickel mines.
As far as could be seen from the Norwegian
frontier town of Pasvlk, all villages and habitations on the Finnish side were
aflame. The Russian were expected to reach
Siilmijarvl some time tonight.The Finns were preserving good order as they withdrew along the Arctic highway.
Norwegians laid dynamite on the frozen river Pasvik, separating Norway and Finland, towns exploded if necessary to safeguard their neutrality.Salmjarvi.
map, with its explanatory insets, showshow the inefficient
Soviet war machine hopes to conquer the well-organized
and valiantly fighting Finns, by the sheer
weight of manpower. The Soviet is pouring thousands
of men into the fight with the hopes of finally breaking
through at any one of the points marked by
—Intentional New Photo
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