120,000 Nazis Encircled; Narva Outflanked; Coast Of Estonia Shelled
Russia's Third Ukrainian Army, opening a 100-mile breach in German
lines deep in the Dnieper Bend, has smashed four infantry and three
tank divisions and cut off more than five others around the manganese
center of Nikopol, Moscow
announced last night in a jubilant----
Order of the Day.
new break-through, smashing still further the once proud army of
Marshal Von Manstein, which only three days ago lost another ten
divisions by encirclement west of Kirvograd, came at the moment Soviet
mechanized infantry rolling through Poland reached the halfway mark between Kiev and Warsaw.
On Nikopo!
Isolates City
120,000 Nazis Encircled; Narva Outflanked; Coast Of Estonia Shelled Russia's Third Ukrainian Army, opening a 100-mile breach in German lines deep in the Dnieper Bend, has smashed four infantry and three tank divisions and cut off more than five others around the manganese center of Nikopol, Moscow
announced last night in a jubilant----
Order of the Day.
The new break-through, smashing still further the once proud army of Marshal Von Manstein, which only three days ago lost another ten divisions by encirclement west of Kirvograd, came at the moment Soviet
mechanized infantry rolling through Poland reached the halfway mark between Kiev and Warsaw.
The new Red offensive In the Dnieper Bend launched northeast of Krivoi Rog and northeast of Nikopol
was estimated by United Press to have wiped out at least 120,000 Nazis in four days' fighting—as many as
were trapped last week' west of Kirovograd.
More than 12,000 Nazis died in the Nikopol battle, last night's communique said. At the same time, the
Russians announced the eastern bank of the Narva river, north and south of. that Estonian junction city, had
In four days, Marshal Stalin said,the Red Army rolled forward between 30 and 38 miles and widened its breach to 100 miles. The Russians captured the town and large, railway station of Apostolovo, 60 miles west of Nikopol, and: the railway, station of Marganets; east of the ore center.
Surrender To Soviets,
General Advises Nazis
"You are surrounded, surrender!" Gen. Von Seidlitz, captured by the Russians at Stalingrad, told the 120:,000 trappedGermans west of Kirovograd in a weekend broadcast, "in the name of the Soviet High Command." "Do not trust Hitler's promises of help" he said. "Hitler made the same promises to us at Stalingrad, but he never kept his promises. "German soldiers, abandon Hitler— save your lives, which are
needed by future Free Germany.
U.S. Now Holds
All Islands In
Kwajalein Atoll
Yanks Swarm Over Ebeye
Island; 100 Jap Planes
Destroyed To South
The United States Navy announced at Pearl Harbor today that American forces had taken every island in the Kwajalein atoll of the Marshall islands.Earlier, it had been reported that Army units in the Marshalls had swarmed over Ebeye Isle to give the U.S. task force 30 out of 32 islands making up the Kwajalein atoll, largest in the Marshalls group.
Earlier, U.S. airmen had destroyed 100 Jap planes in air battles over islands north or Australia, more than
2,000 males southwest of the battling for the Marshalls. Adm. Chester W. Nimitz, commander of the U.S.
Marshalls Shells Crack
Defenses And Jap Minds
Pacific Fleet, said Monday, Feb. 7, 1944.
NAMUR HQ, Marshall Islands,
Feb- 4 — (delayed) (Reuter) —
Battle-hardened U.S. Marines were disgusted with the task of annihilating the remnants of Jap troops on this island. The Nipponese were hovering on the borderline of insanity, owing to the Allied bombardment and superior Marine firepower which crumbled their concrete pillboxes. They put up little fight.
"Only a few tried to break the encirclement," the Leathernecks complained. Nearly every Marine had Japanese loot of some kind. Pornograph pictures were plentiful on the dead and captured Japs.
Yanks were using flamethrowers to annihilate the Jap garrison, on Ebeye Isle, which last night was 50 per
cent. Allied, after a quick advance following the initial landing Friday evening.
No enemy air resistance has been met in the Marshalls area in the last four days, Adm. Nimitz's report added.
At Wewak, New Guinea, 80 Japanese pJanes were destroyed .by U.S. airmen in a heavy raid. Apparently the Japanese Air Force was caught completely by surprise. Seventy-two enemy planes were destroyed on the ground. Eight more were shot down.
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