Saturday, July 17, 2010

Current Events July 16, 1942: GERMANS PERIL STALINGRAD:

                                       Oakland Triune

German Smash Perils Stalingrad;
Vichy Defies U.S. On Warships
Axis Spearhead
Splits Don Line
Foe Takes Large Part of River Basin;
Tanks of Invaders Speed Over Plains;
Bettlss Spreading to Other Sector
MOSCOW, July 16.— (AP)— Two German salients were
driven within 175 miles of Stalingrad on. the Volga today,
while at Voronezh Red Army counter-attacks were said to
have smashed a Nazi encirclement arm north of the city and
repelled Axis advance forces from its outlying streets.
The deepest Axis penetrations into the big bend of the
"| Don River, where it curves
lose to the Volga, were at
German-won Boguchar, 130
miles southeast of Voronezh,
and southeast of Millerovo,
where the new Russian stand presumably
is along the Kalitvia Biver,
125 miles northeast of Rostov.
The danger to Stalingrad, guardian
of the lower Volga, and Eostov, rail
gate to the Caucasus, grew hourly
with a large part of the important
Don River basin in the hands of the

VICHY, July 16.—(/P)—The Vichy French Government
announced today that it had officially informed the United
States that the proposal by President Roosevelt to move interned
French warships from Alexandria to Martinique had
to be "rejected as contrary to the honor and interests of
The French note, sent July 13 to Washington, concluded:
"By exposing these dismantled
warships to attack by
British forces, P r e s i d e n t
Roosevelt would assume a responsibility
of extreme gravity
which the French Government
must once more underscore."
The announcement was made on
the same day that the Vichy Government
officially protested to Washington
against assignment of United
Stales military representatives to
Gen. Charles de Gaulle because, it
was said, this "constitutes an attack
on the sovereignty of France."
With respect to the fleet, the announcement
disclosed that instructions
had been sent lo Admiral Godfrey,
commanding the French ships
at Alexandria, that "in no case
should they follow British forces
in their retreat" and that if the
British attempted to "molest" them
they should "defend themselves by
all means at their disposal."

F. R.'s Envoy Reaches China
To Confer on War Problems
Louchlin Currie Sent bv President
To See Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek
WASHINGTON, July 16.—(AP)—Lauchlin Currie, administrative
assistant to President Roosevelt, has arrived in Chungking
to consult on war problems with Generalissimo Chiang
Thc White House announcing his arrival, said he had
gone by direction of the President.
Currie visited China once|
before, on an economic and military
mission, prior to this country's entry
into the war. He became the principal
liaison agent between the Chinese
and American Governments
His current trip came at a time
when Japanese armies were increasing
their pressure on the Chinese.
and signs of uneasiness were
developing in China, apparently from
a fear that the United Nations were
more concerned over the European
and African phases of the World
War than over the Asiatic aspects.
Currie, 39,
is a former Harvard
professor who became a financial
expert for the Treasury and for
the Federal Reserve Board.

Crete Troops
Fly to Egypt
50,000 Axis Soldiers
Massed on Island,
Say Turkish Reports
LONDON, July 16.—(AP)—British
sources said today that a German
light infantry regiment flown to
North Africa from Crete had been
put into the Egyptian line to reinforce
Nazi Field Marshal Erwin
Rommel's forces.

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