Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Current Events July 20, 1942; RUSSISNS RETREAT IN DON BASIN

                 GETTYSBURG, PA., MONDAY EVENING, JULY 20, 1942

Allies Drive Germans Back In Desert
    Reds retreat to New Line in Don Basin
New Struggle Looms Before
Caucasus Gate
British Ta ke More
Than 6,000 Axis
Prisoners In
Egypt Battle
LONDON—(UP)—British light
warships bombarded Matruh,
German Marshal Erwln Rommel's
advanced Egyptian sea
base, on Friday and Saturday
nights, the admiralty announced
today. •
(By United Press)
CAIRO — British -armed
forces, have captured more
than 6.000 Axis prisoners in
the last 10. days, b l a s t e c
grounded enemy planes iii one
of the- greatest surprise at: tacks of the desert war and maintained
the,initiative on the desert
front, it was disclosed today.
The surprise raid by the Royal
Air Force, with which the grovvng
U. S. Middle East air force
las been cooperating, was carried
out at the Axis landing
grounds at El Daba Sunday,
where a large force of light
b o m b e r s and fighter - bombers
plastered the field with high ex-
The El Daba field, just west of
the forward Axis lines, was torn
and ripped by the bombs.

Russians Retreat In
The South, Foe
Pushed Back
At Voronezh
- (By Associated Press) ~ " -
MOSCOW—The Red army
fell back toward Rostov in .
the battle of the Don steppes
today as the Germans rushed
up superior numbers of men,
tanks and other weapons .in a
determined bid for that key to the
Marshal Senieori Timoshenko
was 'assembling all • his available
forces in an orderly retreat for "a
stand somewhere along a .40-*mile
sector from abandoned Voroshilovgrad
to the battleground south of
of Millerovo.
While the stage thus was being
set for a new struggle, the Russians
reported significant ,neW
successes around their anchor bastion
of Voronezh .to the north
which now resembled a doubled
fist in the German flank.
In hand-to-hand.fighting the
Russians took one main German
bridgehead pointed across the Don,
at Voronezh after a heavy defeat
of the invaders' 75th division.,
Other counterattacking defenders,
of' the city grappled with the
Germans south and west of Vor-
onezh on the banks of the Don.

Kiska Harbor
May Be Tomb
Of Corpse Of
Jap Invasion
(Editors: Staff correspondent
Keith wheeler of the -Chicago
Times attached to the U. S.
Pacific fleet since shortly after
Pearl Harbor, arrived in Alaska
with a fleet unit shortly after
the Japanese first struck on
Dutch Harbor on June 3 and was
the first accredited correspondent
to reach Alaska. The Times
supplied the stories to the Associated
Press for use by newspapers
outside of Chicago with
the stipulation that they must
use Wheeler's by-line and the
Chicago Times' copyright line.)

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