Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Kingport Times
Kingsport, Tenn., Monday, July 6, 1942

U. S. Sinks Three Jap Destroyers
Huge Nazi Army Massing on Kursk front
Ships Sunk
off Alaska
On Holiday
Washington—(AP)The navy announced
today that United States
submarines had sunk three Japanese
destroyers in the Aleutian
i Islands July 4 and had .left a
fourth destroyer "burning fiercely.
A communique ba,.ed on infor-
'mation received up to 12:30 a. m.,
Eastern War Time, Monday said:
"North Pacific area:
"1. On the Fourth of July, U. S.
submarines torpedoed four Japanese
destroyers in the Aleutian islands.
"2. Three of these destroyers
Were attacked at Kiska. Two were
sunk and the third when last seen
was burning fiercely.
"3. The fourth destroyer was torpedoed
and sunk at Agattu where
enemy transports and escorting
vessels were located on July 2 and
were attached by army bombers."

Bayonets Used
inst Germans
On African Front
Cairo (AP)New Zealand's gallant Maori troops, part of the British
army of the Nile, struck German infantrymen in a bayonet attack by
the light of the desert moon Sunday night to clinch gains won for the|
second consecutive day in the epic struggle for the El Alameln approach
to Alexandria.

Three More Ships
Sent to Bottom
By Axis U-boats
(by The Associated Press)
Three 'newly reported ship sink
lings in the western Atlantic, ecu
pled with 20 reported last week,
put at 340 Monday the unofficial
tabulation by the Associated press)
of united and neutral nations mer-
chant ship losses m that area since
Pearl Harbor.
'A large American merchantman
loaded with survivors' of two other
torpedoed craft was reported Sun-
day to have gone down before sub-
marine attacks off the coast of
South America, while a smaller
American vessel was reported sunk
off the northern coast of the Do-
minican Republic.

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