Oakland Tribune
Churchill, Stalin In Second Front Pact,
Battle Of Solomons Held Major Victory
Definite Decisions Reached
By U.S., Russia and Britain
In Four-Day Flying Visit '
LONDON. Aug. 17.—(AP)~The announcement that definite
decisions had been reached at Prime Minister Churchill's
conference with Premier Stalin in Moscow was regarded in
London today as evidence that the Soviet Union, Britain and
the Untied States had reached a definite formula on how to
beat the Axis and when to open a second front.
President Roosevelt
Generalissimo Chiang Kai
shek were informed daily of
the decisions, it was disclosed.
The Moscow conference
which W, A. Harriman attended
President Roosevelt's representative
followed a series of meetings in
London of United Stales. British an
Russian military and Government
The belief' was expressed that the
possibility of an attack on Siberia
ay Japan also was discussed.
However, it was noted that the
joint announcement specifically
referred to "Hitlerite Germany
her associates in Europe," lending
emphasis again to Russia's position
as signer of a non-belligerent pact
with Japan.
Meanwhile, speculation on what
the United States and Britain might
have undertaken to do to aid Russia
ranged around three possible moves.
1—Invasion of Norway to safe-
guard the Murmansk supply route
and establish a common front with
Russia in the north;
2—Increase or air attacks on. Get*
many to cripple her war production
while at time building up
the flow of supplies to Russia by all
3—Invasion of Europe in a series
of operations from Norway to Italy
to ease the strain on the Red Anrmy.
Allied Offensive Against
Nippon Has Attained All
Of the Objectives Aimed For
LONDON, Aug. 17.—(AP)—Selweyn Speight, the London
Star's correspondent in Sydney, Australia, said today that
despite the cautious tone of United Nations' communiques, it
seems clear the Allies have already won in land, sea and air
operations in the Solomons thc greatest victory yet achieved
against the Japanese.
Attributing Washington, reluctance to give details on the
Solomons action to security
reasons, Speight said it was
reasonable to ' assume" that
the U.S. M a r i n e s have
achieved their major initial
Nazis Report New
Sinkings in Atlantic
BERLIN (From German Broadcast?).
Aug 17. — (/P)— German submarines
have sunk 19 ships totaling
105,772 tons and two sailing vessels
off the North American and
west African coast and in the At-
lantic the German high command
reported today.
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