Sunday, August 29, 2010


                 The Galveston Daily News
                          GALVESTON,' TEXAS, SATURDAY, AUGUST 29. 1942. S. Forces Blast
Allied Air Force Aid Russians
With Destructive Bombing Raid
On Dominated European Areas
Soviets Punch
Back at Enemy
Invader Forces
Midnight Communique
Indicates No Vital .
New Reverse for Red
Armies of the South
by Fred Vanderschmidt
Associated Press War Editor
The .allied .air forces were
making a great mosaic of de-
struction by bomb blast and
fire in German-held Europe
yesterday (Friday), providing
by,, their co-ordinated action the
most important support- to 'the 'red
armies' which'-are punching back at
the enemy outside Stalingrad and
pressing' their own offensive in 'the
Russian center "and^north.

Hittler Retaliates
With Attacks on
Northeast England
.London, Aug. 29. (Saturday)
AP Apparently stung by the
triple punches delivered to Hit-
ler's war machine by American
Flying Fortresses and hundreds
of RAF's biggest bombers, the
Germans last night and-early
today swept across the North
Sea and blasted several .point
along the Northeast coast of
England. .
High explosive and fire bombs
were unleashed by the raiders
'and four persons, were reported
killed along the Northeast coast.
Six persons were said to have
been trapped under the debris
of a smashed building in one

Newly-Landed Jap
And Aussie Vets
Battle in Jungle
. Gen,- MacArthur' Headquarters.
Australia. Aug. 29. (Saturday),
AP Heavy fighting between
veteran Australian and
newly-landed Japanese troops in
the tortuous jungles surrounding
Milne Bay In Southeastern
New Guinea was reported today
by allied headquarters.
A. small number of United
States service troops also were
In the area where the Japanese
first landed early Wednesday.
Low-flying allied b o m b e r s
were giving heavy support to
the defenders by Attacking the
Japanese positions.
All bombs fell in the target
area," the communique said of
the aerial action. "Numerous
fires were started”.

More Japs To Be
Sent to Wyoming
Relocation Camp
. San Francisco, Cal.." -"Aug. 2fl
(Saturday) AP The Santa. Anita as-
semhly. center .will send its second
contingent of Japanese evacuees to
the. Heart Mountain relocation
camp In Wyoming, starting tomor-
row. .When the movement is com-
pletcd, more than 'half the West
coast's one time population of 109,
000 Japanese will have been
settled inland.
An order from headquarters _
the western defense command: provided
today for this latest transfer.
The 3450 Japanese held at the
famed Los Angeles "County race
track will be taken to Wyoming at
the rate of 600 a day on alternate
Their new home Is on the Sho-
shone River, 13 miles northwest of
Cody, where some evacuees from
Oregon and Washington, already
have been re-established.

Japanese involved In the present
movement formerly lived In Lo
Angeles and in San Jose and othe
parts of Santa-Clara County. Their
departure from Santa Anita follows
that during the post week of 1200
San Dicgo evacuees, who were tak-
en to the Colorado River relocation
center near Parker, Ariz.
Some 15,000 more remain at the
racetrack awaiting later transfer
as do approximately 31,000-others
stationed at various assembly
points in the western military areas
of Oregon.. Washington, California
Resettlement orders issued to
date have provided for the relocation
of nearly 60,000 Japanese
Some of these movements have
been completed. Others are in progress.

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