Monday, August 2, 2010

Current Events August 2, 1942; NAZI THRUST MAY CUT OFF STALINGRAD::

              BIG SPRING, TEXAS, SUNDAY, AUGUST 2, 1942
Nazi Thrust May Cut Off Stalingrad

Spearheads Push
50 Miles Below
The Don River
MOSCOW, Sunday, Aug. 2 (AP)—German troop* fanning
out into the western Caucasus have reached the Salsk
and Kushcheyka areas, 75 and 50 miles below the Don river,
in a move which threatens to cut Soviet communications with
Stalingrad in the east, the Soviet acknowledged early today
Salsk, 100 miles southeast of Rostov, apparently was
reached by a German drive which crossed the Don in the
Nikolaevsk sector. It is a junction on the Stalingrad-Krasnodar
"The enemy pressed our troops back slightly" in the
Salsk area, the midnight communique said. "In stubborn
fighting near a river crossing 1,500 German officers and men
were killed and several dozen tanks destroyed."
Kushchevka, northwest of Salsk, is on the Rostov-Baku
railway which connects with
the Stalingrad - Krasnodar
line at Tikhoretsk.
Only on the approaches to
Stalingrad Itself did the Russians
announce a major success
In the desperate attempt to stop
the Germans.

Subs Attack
Three Ships,
Sink But One
By The Associated PRESS
Submarine attacks upon three
allied merchant vessels, all on the
same day, about 50 miles off the
east coast were disclosed by the
navy yesterday, but only one ship
was sunk and only two seamen
were lost in the encounter.
The vessel sent to the bottom
was a small Nicaraguan ship. A
medium-sized United State merchantman
and a medium-sized
Panamanian cargo carrier safely
reached port along the coast The
one sinking boosted to 407 the
Associated Press tabulation of
announced United and neutral
nation sinking in the western
Atlantic since America's entry Into
the war.
By The Associated Press
Japanese invasion spearheads
steaming south and east from
Japan since Dec, 7, have suffered
the loss of 314 vessels in all
categories, an Associated Press
tabulation of official announcements
disclosed yesterday.
Included in the total are 14 enemy
ships—seven naval craft and
seven merchantmen — whose destruction
by United States air and
sea forces In the Far East is
based on reports received between
July 18 and Aug. 1.

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