Oakland Tribune
Allies Smash Panzer Column;
Russ Trap Closing On 300,000
50,000 Nazis Die, Prisoners
As Sweeping Pincers Drive
Circles Don-Volga Salient
MOSCOW, Nov. 24.—(AP)—The jaws of a double Russian
offensive which battlefront reports said had bit deeply west
of the Don bend and cost the Germans. 50,000 dead and cap- ,
tured, were closing steadily today upon the Nazis' whole
Stalingrad salient.
Despite desperate German resistance in an effort to keep
open a corridor of reinforcement
or escape to the long besieged
Volga bastion, the
Russians reported new gains
to maintain their average oi
six to 12 miles a day northwest of
Stalingrad and nine to 12 miles a
day southwest of the city.
(A dispatch to the London Express
under Stockholm dateline said
Col. Gen. Hermann von Hoth, reputed
to be the Nazi commander
of the siege forces, "has begun to
pull out from Stalingrad.")
(According to Henry Shapiro,
United Press correspondent, a great
and possibly decisive tank battle
was raging in the area west of
Stalingrad as battered German
forces, f o r e s e e i n g entrapment,
sought to rally a counterattack.
(London sources estimated the
Axis might have 300,000 to 400,000
men in the imperiled area.)
Paratroops -Repulse Axis in
Southern Tunisia; Sky Battle
Rages; Hitler Bolsters Ports
WASHINGTON, Nov. 24.-(AP)_Allied parachute troops
have repulsed an Axis mechanized column and have captured
prisoners in southern Tunisia, the War Department
announced today.
•* j TVT *• i , disclosing this clash also reported that
United-Nations fighter planes attacked an enemy troop train
near Gabes. Four Axis planes were shot down by our
fighters in the engagement
The communique reported
that bombers have also carried
out night raids on Bizerte and
Tunis. None of the American
planes is missing or lost in either
the bomber raid or fighter attact
near Gabes, it was said.
LONDON, . Nov. 24.—(#)—Tb$
Vichy radio said large formations
of German and Italian troops landed
today at the eastern Tunisian port!
of Sfax and Gabes.
New Sea Battle Raging in
Solomons, Tokyo Announces
Allies Make Gains
On Guadalcanal, Says
Navy Communique
LONDON, Nov. 24. —(U,P)—The
Nazi-controlled Paris radio said today
that, according to an official
Japanese source, a new naval battle
is progressing in the Solomon
Islands area. No further details
were available, the broadcast said.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 24—(U.P.)—
The Navy Department would not
comment today on Japanese reports
of a new naval battle in the Solomons,
WASHINGTON, Nov. 24.—(AP)—
The Navy reported today American
forces on Guadalcanal Island in the
Solomons had made further advances
to the westward of their positions,
after night attacks on Japanese
positions by American aircraft.
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