Oakland Tribune
Russ Open Gigantic New Drive, Kill 10,000
Red Army Cuts Three Railways, Advances
8 to 20 Miles Near Old Latvian Border
MOSCOW, Nov. 29.—(Sunday)—(AP)—The Russians announced
today that a surprise offensive on the northwest front
had killed 10.000 German troops, routed five divisions,
liberated more than 300 populated places" and broken wide
gaps in German fortifications less than 90 miles from the old
Latvian border.
A special communique issued by the Soviets said that the
Red Army had broken through to a "strongly fortified defense
zone of the enemy" and that in the area of the town of Velikie
Luki, which is 90 miles from Latvia, "the German front has
been broken over a distance of 30 kilometers (about 20 miles).
9 Axis Supply Ships are Sunk;
Escaped French Sub in Spain
Three Other Enemy Vessels Damaged
By British Subs in Mediterranean;
First Army Continues Drive on Tunis
By the Associated Press
LONDON, Nov. 28.—Nine Axis supply ships, including a
tank carrier, have been sunk in the Mediterranean by British
submarines fighting attempts to rush men and provisions to
German and Italian troops now forced back to within 15 miles
of Tunis.
Announcement of this destruction of Axis ships and sup-
plies urgently needed by the
Nazi defenders of Tunis and
Bizerte came from the British
Admiralty at the same time
that enemy sources described
the mounting scale of the Allied
assault on the North African siege
Jap Supply
Base Razed
Bombers Destroy All
Buildings, Blast
Important Airdrome
WASHINGTON, Nov. 28. — (#) —
American aircraft, striking heavily
at Japanese bases in the Northwest-
ern Solomons were reported by the
Navy today to have destroyed all
buildings in the Munda area of New
Georgia Island and blasteded the Kahili
airdrome on the island of Bougainville.
Jap Fleet
Is Off Buna
Enemy Flotilla
Arrives Again as
U.S. Forces Gain
AUSTRALIA, Nov. 29.—(Sunday)—
AP---Risking the deadly bombs of
Jap naval force again is maneuvering
in Buna, where their ground forces
have been pinned against the sea,
the high command announced today.
The communique, one of the briefest
in recent days on the bitter-end
struggle for possession of all Northeastern
New Guinea, gave no indication
of the naval force's intent,
but previous naval series have been
for the purpose of landing reinforcements.
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