The Salt Lake City Tribune
Salt Lake City, Utah, Sunday Morning, March 14, 1943 ,
1000 Tons of RAF Bombs Paralyze Essen
Flames Envelop
Krupp Plant
In Wake of Raid
Flying Fortresses Strike in Force
At Amiens, Abbeville Districts;
British Lose 23 Planes, U. S. None
Allies—(Official) By United Press
LONDON, March 13—American' Flying Fortresses smashed
at nazi communications in France again Saturday, as British
reconnaissance over Essen revealed great 'fires still roaring
through the Krupp arms works more than 12 hours after the
RAF had plastered the city with better than 1000 tons of
The Fortresses, out for the second straight day, attacked the
railway yards of the important junction five miles out of Amiens,
striking in strong force at the nazi
rail network behind the French
coastal defenses.
All Fortresses He-turn
All the Fortresses returned from the attacks on Amiens, .the near-by
junction of Longueau, and Abbeville, 30 miles to the northwest, a.
joint communique of the United States army air force and the
British air ministry said. An undetermined number of German
fighters were shot down in clashes with the raiders.
The air ministry, announcing first details -of- the paralyzing:
night raid 'on Essen, said the damage "certainly was heavy," and
ventured the hope that it "finally wiped out the Krupp works."
Crushing Impact
Nazis Gaming
At Kharkov,
Soviet Admits
Moscow Bulletin
Admits Peril
To Industry City
HM-*- Russian—(Official)
By Associated Press
LONDON, 'Sunday, March 14-
German, troops g a i n e d fresh ground in the flaming fight for
Kharkov, a midnight Moscow bulletin announced Sunday, and Russian
field dispatches frankly termed the situation "serious" as
the nazis threw, hundreds of tanks and thousands of infantrymen into
an assault on three sides of the Ukraine citadel.
The German high command declared that elite S S guardsmen
had "shattered enemy resistance" and advanced to the main railway
station, but did not claim the recapture of the city, where it said a
violent street struggle still was going on.
Allied Planes
Hit Two Ships
In Jap Convoy
Fortresses Fire
And Cargo Vessel
•»»-»• Allies— (Official)
By Associated -Press
AUSTRALIA, Sunday, March 14
—Allied, war-planes have pounced upon yet another Japanese convoy
thrusting toward New Guinea ; this time composed of five' merchantmen
and three destroyers—and have damaged, two- ships in an
initial attack, the high command declared Sunday.The convoy was discovered 40
miles northwest of Wewak Saturday afternoon, and Flying Fortresses
immediately raced to the assault, braving antiaircraft fire
and the protecting enemy fighter planes to set fire to one 8000-ton
transport and score ' a . hit and .a near miss on a 4000-ton cargo ship
Saturday evening.
French Patriots, Italians
Lock in Border Battle
LONDON, March 13 (UP) —
French patriots and Italian soldiers
are locked in bloody combat in the rugged, eastern
French border district of Haute-Savoie, reports from Switzerland
said Saturday. ,
Several thousand entrenched guerillas, supplied with arms
and ammunition by allied planes, were reported engaged in heavy
fighting which began Friday and the rumble of guns could be
heard in peaceful Geneva some 25 miles away.
The French-Swiss border was reported entirely controlled by
Italian troops, and the garde mobile, which was first called into
action against the guerillas, is being constantly reinforced.
Swiss reports said the patriotic forces are being led by a
General Cartier, former French army officer.
Axis Doomed,
Tells U. S. Troops
Cites Rommel's
Failure to
Break Steel Ring
H—». Allies—(Official)
By Associated Press
NORTH AFRICA, March 13- —
General Dwight D./Eisenhower has told his troops that German and
Italian forces in Tunisia are doomed to be pushed into the sea
and eventually destroyed now that three of 'their efforts to break out
of the encircling allied ring have been smashed.
Knox Exhorts
Frenchmen to
Stay on Ships
—Secretary of the Navy F r a n k
Knox Saturday warned deserters from French naval vessels now in
American shipyards that they may immobilize the vessels as part of
the united nations' naval forces and thus aid the enemy.
Some crew members — estimates of the number have run as
high as 300—from the F r e n c hbattleship Richelieu, now in New
York harbor for repairs, have "jumped ship" to join the Fighting
French forces of General Charles de Gaulle.
The seamen charge that their officers are Vichyites and axis collaborationists
who ordered their men to fire upon the Americans
before the "deal" which brought the French military and naval
forces in. north Africa and Dakar into the allied. fold.
Knox said Saturday that "the
American government, through the navy department, is undertaking
the repair and reconditioning of these ships. It is doing so for the
express purpose of making them serviceable against our axis enemies.
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