Mareth Line Collapses; Axis Retreats
British Smash
Defenses Along
25-Mile Front
Rommel's Men Race
For Gabes; Americans
Drive Toward Sea
North Africa.—(UP) — Allied
warships have joined in the b a t t l e of Tunisia, subjecting
t h e Gabes area to a heavy shelling as the land forces
pressed in toward the base from the south and west it
was revealed today.
(By The Associated Press
The Mareth line defenses of Marshal Erwin Rommel in
southern Tunisia have collapsed under the smashes of
Gen. Sir Bernard L. Montgomery whose British Eighth
army has broken through on a 25-mile front leaving only
ragged edges of resistance at either end, Allied headquar-
ters dispatches announced today.
With the Germans and Italians rapidly withdrawing
their 80,000-man army from southern Tunisia, a race ap-
peared to be under way for Gabes, 20 or 30 miles to the north,
where the Germans w e r e reported plowing up
their airfields,
Plan War Action Against Japs,-
Navy Routs Fleet in Aleutians
WASHINGTON.—(UP)—More vigorous action in t h e United Nations'
Pacific war against J a p a n was believed to be foreshadowed
today with disclosure that military leaders from that area conferred
with war planners in Washington. The conferences were attended
by officers from the Hawaiian, South Pacific and Southwestern
Pacific commands, the war department said.
"The meetings were arranged by t h e joint chiefs of staff to aquaint
the commanders in the Pacific with the
policies and plans decided upon at the recent
Casablanca conference which concerned the future
action in which their theaters will be involved,"
it said.
The conferees included Lieut. Gen. Delos C.
Emmons, commander of army forces in Hawaii;
St. Nazaire Raid Follows
Heavy Assault on Berlin
LONDON —CD— R A F bombers
resumed their assaults on German submarine bases last night, after
t h e greatest raid of the war on Berlin Saturday night, by blasting
t h e base at St. Nazaire with a "concentrated attack," the air
ministry announced today.
Two bombers did not return from the S t Nazaire raid, which
w a s carried out in considerable s t r e n g t h and a d d e d new damage to
a U-boat haven which has been a t t a c k e d often a n d h e a v i l y i n the
Squadrons of bombers, escorted by fighters, crossed and recrossed
t h e southeast coast this morning, hinting at a continuation of t he
intensive blows directed at Germany and her satellites on, t he
continent during the weekend.
Nazis Raid Norwich.
The German radio meanwhile announced that German bombers,
r e t a l i a t i ng for t h e S a t u r d a y night RAF raid on Berlin a n d a daylight
r a id yesterday by American Fortresses and Liberators on t h e r a i l road
yards at Rouen, France, smashed at Norwich, England, during t h e night.
Reds Wipe Out
Nazi Wedge on
Kharkov Front
Spring Thaws Halt
Extensive Operations
In All Sectors
MOSCOW—(U.P)—Russian troops
for the second time in 24 hours, wiped out a G e r m a n wedge in t h e ir
lines on t h e Kharkov front today while comrades to t h e n o r t h seized
four hamlets in t h e defense ring around Smolensk.
T h e r e was no soviet confirmation of t h e German claim t o have
r e c a p t u r e d Sevsk, 85 miles northwest of Kursk. At last Russian
r e p o r t s a fortnight ago, t h e Russians were fighting west of Sevsk.)
The fighting in Russia everywhere was on a diminished scale
as spring thaws turned roads into quagmires and streams overflowed
their banks, inundating fields and low-lying areas. The mid-day
communique prefaced its break' down of the fronts with the an-
nouncement that there were '' no substantial changes" on any of them.
Trapped in Flank Move
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