Monday, June 20, 2011

Current Events June 20, 1943;

Organization of -a powerful
Army-Navy amphibious force .which probably would
spearhead American troops in any major invasion of Hitler
Europe was .announced Saturday by the .Navy Department.

Total of Japanese planes destroyed in the great air battle
-over- Guadalcanal Island Wednesday was
boosted by the Navy Saturday from 77 to 94 and the bulk of
the destruction was credited to a force of 74 American fighter
planes piloted by Army, Navy, Marine and New Zealand pilots.
Six of the American planes were lost, but the pilots of two
were rescued.

After battling through two years
of the hardest war people ever have been.' compelled to
fight, the Russians are confident that they and their Anglo-
American allies will complete the destruction of the Teuton
aggressor before another anniversary 'rolls around.



Army, Navy Create
Strong Unit Ready
To Make Landings
Thousands of Soldiers and Bluejackets Prepared
To Carry Out With Speed, Precision and Perfect
Co-ordination Most Difficult of Military Assignments,
Says Navy Announcement
By Associated PI-CM
WASHINGTON, June 19.—Organization of -a powerful
Army-Navy amphibious force .which probably would
spearhead American troops in any major invasion of Hitler
Europe was .announced Saturday by the .Navy Department.
A. statement which, described he formation and training of the
outfit that now numbers untold thousands of soldiers and blue
jackets declared it was "ready to carryout with speed, precision
and perfect co-ordination the most difficult of military assignments—
a landing on a fortified hostile shore."
Some units of the force already have, been in service in the Pacific.
The operation against Attu Island was initiated by those
units under-the direct, personal supervision of Rear Adm. Francis
W. Rockwell, commander Amphibious Force, Pacific fleet.
Rockwell's counterpart in the Atlantic is Rear Adm. Alan C. Kirk,
                                                   Eliminate Differences

Jap Air Losses
At Guadalcanal
Now 94 Planes
By Associated Press
WASHINGTON, June 19.- -The
Total of Japanese planes destroyed
in the great air battle-over- Guadalcanal Island Wednesday was
boosted by the Navy Saturday from 77 to 94 and the bulk of
the destruction was credited to a force of 74 American fighter
planes piloted by Army, Navy, Marine and New Zealand pilots.
Six of the American planes were lost, but the pilots of two
were rescued.
A Navy communique giving these new details of what Secretary
Knox Friday called a "glorious victory" also disclosed that
at the time of the attack a group of American cargo vessels escorted
by destroyers,'was in the vicinity of Guadalcanal.
Only Minor Damage
Approximately 30 enemy bombers tried to attack this convoy,
but succeeded only in damaging a cargo vessel and a landing
craft and inflicting "minor damage" on a second cargo vessel,
the Navy said.
The minor damage to the second vessel had not previously
been reported.

Reds See Victory This Year,
Mark War Anniversary With
Big Preparations for Climax
By Associated Press
MOSCOW, June 19.—After battling through two years
of the hardest war people ever have been.' compelled to
fight, the Russians are confident that they and their Anglo-
American allies will complete the destruction of the Teuton
aggressor before another anniversary 'rolls around.
That is what they thought last year, too. But this year there
is - every reason to believe that their confidence will be borne
out. The great, victories by both the Allies arid 'the. Russians in
the.'last, year plus encouraging words uttered by Joseph Stalin
in his-May-Day order of the day have boosted their confidence to
a highfer point, perhaps, than at any lime since- Hitler attacked
that- Sunday dawn on June 22 two years ago.
Lauding the Allies as never before, .Stalin on May Day told
the Russian people that the Americans and. British were going
to follow-up the African successes by- opening a second front
in- -Europe.

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