Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Current Events June 8, 1943;

Ultimate Objective
"Our ultimate objective can be imply stated." said the President.
"It Is to build for ourselves, for all men, a world In which each
individual human being shall have he opportunity to live out his life
In peace: to work productively, earning at least enough for his
actual needs and those of his family; to associate with the friends of his choice;to think and worship freely and die secure in the knowledge that his children, and their children, shall have the same opportunities."

Tearing apart the Axis air op-. position at the rate of 19 enemy
planes destroyed to one Allied craft lost, thundering
squadrons of Allied bombers and fighter-bombers held the
Italian Islands and Italy herself under almost unbroken attack
over the weekend.
The report of a conspiracy against Mussolini's shaky regime
was contained in a Soviet news agency dispatch from Geneva.

Strong German feeler thrusts into Soviet lines were
smashed back Monday on three main sectors, the Russians reported
early today, but the main action on the long front
still appeared lo be In the air with German and Soviet airmen
trading especially heavy blows Sunday night.

    The Charleston Gazette
                 Charleston, West Virginia, Tuesday Morning. June 8. 1943

President Reaffirms
Four Freedoms, Says
War Fought for Them
Ultimate Objective
"Our ultimate objective can be imply stated." said the President.
"It Is to build for ourselves, for all men, a world In which each
individual human being shall have he opportunity to live out his life
In peace: to work productively, earning at least enough for his
actual needs and those of his family; to associate with the friends of his choice.
to think and worship freely and die secure in the knowledge that his children,
and their children, shall have the same opportunities."

Tearing apart the Axis air op-. position at the rate of 19 enemy
planes destroyed to one Allied craft lost, thundering
squadrons of Allied bombers and fighter-bombers held the
Italian Islands and Italy herself under almost unbroken attack
over the weekend.

Allies Hammer Italy's Walls,
Plot to Oust Duce Reported;
Reds Fell Nazi Air Raiders
12 Enemy Bombers
Downed at Gorki

Russians Counter Foray
by Blasting Unecha

I LONDON. Juno 8.—(Tuesday)
(AP)—Strong German feeler thrusts into Soviet lines were
smashed back Monday on three main sectors, the Russians reported
early today, but the main action on the long front
still appeared lo be In the air with German and Soviet airmen
trading especially heavy blows Sunday night.
Soviet bombers smashed at the Nazi-held railway junction of Unc-
echa in the Orel district, pounding ammunition, fuel and arms dumps
and concentrations of enemy trains moving troops up to the front, a
Moscow broadcast declared. Many fires broke out and heavy
explosion* were observed." said the broadcast, recorded by the Associated
Press. It reported only one Russian plane lost.
                                       Down I2 Of 100 Bombers

Defending Planes
Suffer Huge Loss
Royal Family Rumored
In Conspiracy
Tearing apart the Axis air op-. position at the rate of 19 enemy
planes destroyed to one Allied craft lost, thundering
squadrons of Allied bombers and fighter-bombers held the
Italian Islands and Italy herself under almost unbroken attack
over the weekend.
Communiques issued today here and In Cairo, the latter the headquarters
for the Middle East command, briefly told a story of shattering
assaults all alone the Italian Mediterranean island defenses.
against both sides of the Messina strait of Mussolini's homeland.
Renewed underground attacks agalnst the Axis masters of
Europe and the reported discovery of a plot to unseat Premier
Mussolini contributed tonight to multiplying signs pointing
to an imminent Allied Invasion of the continent. Said International
News Service.
Royal Family Reported Involved
The report of a conspiracy against Mussolini's shaky regime
was contained in a Soviet news agency dispatch from Geneva.
This said that Gen. Rossi's recent removal from the pos: of commander
in chief of the Italian army was due to his involvement
in a "plot" aimed at II Duce. The Russian dispatch added
that "the Quirinal— presumably some members of the Royal family—
were alleged to have been involved in the conspiracy."

Italy, Confused, Uncertain
Awaits Next Allied Stroke
LONDON.June 7.—(AP)— The Axis was at pains today to
suggest that Spain might be the path of Allied Invasion of Europe,
dispatches from both Berlin and Rome taking that line. The
Allied leaders drew enemy nerves yet, tauter by the bland mask
thrown over thier plans, and the best available Information
indicated that confusion was spreading In Italy.

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