Prime Minister Winston Churchill, U. S. chief
of army staff Gen. George C. Marshall. British chief of staff Sir j
Alan Brooke and other high Allied military leaders at n war conference
in the north African theater have worked plans for striking the
"worst blow yet" against the axis.
Creation of the first regiment of a new French ,
army in occupied France was announced today in a broadcast from
Vichy by Pierre Laval, chief of the Vichy government.
The Vichy regime has had no regular army since the fall of France.
American Flying Fortresses operating from North Africa have
carried out a smashing raid on a big Italian naval base at Spezia
the Gulf of Genoa, on the northwest coast of Italy.
Three Italian battleships anchored at Spezia were hit and believed
seriously damaged. A heavy cruiser and a merchant ship were
also hit.
The "zero hour" for the Allied invasion ol Hitler's European
fortress was believed tonight to be marked down in the books
of American and British commanders. Of course, the time and place
for the assault on the continent will not be made public until
Allied troops actually have established their bridgeheads.
Lowering Immigration Bars
There is a strong movement on foot to lower the bars so
Immigrants from the occupied countries may find refuge in this
country. From the standpoint of American labor, this could be
a catastrophe which could wreck our entire economic system.
Allies Hold War Conference in Africa
Military Chiefs,
Churchill Map Worst Blow Yet'
North Africa—'UP)—Prime Minister Winston Churchill, U. S. chief
of army staff Gen. George C. Marshall. British chief of staff Sir j
Alan Brooke and other high Allied military leaders at n war conference
in the north African theater have worked plans for striking the
"worst blow yet" against the axis.
Virtually every high Allied military leader as well as British Foreign
Secretary Anthony Eden attended the war conferences and
accompanied Churchill on a two day visit to British and American
troops in Tunisia.
Press conferences were held later, with Churchill and Marshall
among those discussing the general
situation but without permitting correspondents to quote them directly.
Laval Creates
New Army
LONDON— (UP — Creation of the first regiment of a new French ,
army in occupied France was announced today in a broadcast from
Vichy by Pierre Laval, chief of the Vichy government.
The Vichy regime has had no regular army since the fall of France.
Long Beach, California, Sunday, June 6, 1943
Churchill Confers
With War Staff
On Return
LONDON, June 5. — (TP) —
The "zero hour" for the Allied invasion ol Hitler's European
fortress was believed tonight to be marked down in the books
of American and British commanders. Of course, the time and place
for the assault on the continent will not be made public until
Allied troops actually have established their bridgeheads. But,
that the invasion plans are made and about to he executed appeared
certain after official disclosure that Prime Minister Churchill had
visited North Africa on his way back to London from his recent
meetings with President Roosevelt.
The Prime Minister was accompanied to North Africa by the
chief of staff of the United States Army, General George Marshall.
Anthony Eden also was present.
Mr. C h u r c h i l l and General Marshall conferred with the Allied
commander in North Africa, General Eisenhower,
Three Italian Battleships Anchored
At Naval Base Blasted by Yank Forts
North Africa, June 5. — (TP) —
American Flying Fortresses operating from North Africa have
carried out a smashing raid on a big Italian naval base at Spezia
the Gulf of Genoa, on the northwest coast of Italy.
Three Italian battleships anchored at Spezia were hit and believed
seriously damaged. A heavy cruiser and a merchant ship were
also hit.
This was the farthest north Allied bombers have hit from
African bases. Spezia had been bombed previously
by the RAF flying across the Alps.
Lowering Immigration Bars
There is a strong movement on foot to lower the bars so
Immigrants from the occupied countries may find refuge in this
country. From the standpoint of American labor, this could be
a catastrophe which could wreck our entire economic system.
In 1937-38 we were supposed to have recovered from the
depression and to be on a sound production schedule, and yet
!»e had 11,000,000 unemployed. Only the war production program
reduced this number and unless some careful planning is
made we will again have that many or more unemployed.
We have many intellectuals in Washington who think we
should open our doors to all the unfortunates of the world. Or,
that it is our responsibility to feed and cloth the unfortunates of
the world. These people apparently never heard the old slogan,
“clarity begins at home."
We have a definite responsibility to do all we can, within
reason, to help the peoples of other countries. But, we have been
used as suckers in the past and unless we are careful we will
so used in the future.
Men like Vice-President Wallace, with his program to place
food on every doorstep in impoverished Europe or Harry Hopkins,
whose entire career has been devoted to giving away-------
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