Friday, December 30, 2011

Current Events January 6, 1944;


                              KINGSPORT, TENN., THURS., JAN. 6, 1944

City's Capture
Links Ukraine,
Southern Army

London, Thursday — AP —
The Russian First Ukrainian Army Wednesday captured the railway junction of Berdichev
 pivotal bulwark of the German line protecting Poland and Rumania, after five days' fighting, Premier Marshal Joseph Stalin announced in a special order of the day Thursday . Fritz von Mannstein. Its cap

ture increased the communication links between the Russian westward drive into pre-war Poland
and southwestward drive the Rumanian frontier.

                                                      FAYETTEVIUE, ARKANSAS, THURSDAY EVENING, JANAURY 6, 194

San Vittore
Object Of
New Push

Hand to Hand Bottles
Rage in City, Half
Taken From Nazis

 Allied Headquarters, Algiers, Jan. 6- (AP)
American troops, opening a long-awaited Fifth Army offensive with British mops on a 10-mile front in driving sleet and rain, have .smashed,and battered their way inside the pillbox maze of San Vittore where they are fighting the Germans  hand-to-hand for possession of
the remaining half of the town, Allied headquarters announced today.
American and British ground
forces, supported by American invader dive bombers advanced front five miles wide on
ther side of the Via Cassino, main road to Cassino and Rome.
The British surged forward ina five mile southern half of the sector from a paint west of Roca, while the Americans swept down from the heights around San Vittore on the north side the rood west of Venafro.
San VUtore a Fortress


Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Current Events Jamuary 5, 1944;

Rumania has ordered all civilians to evacuate Basarabia because of the approach of the Red
army, an Ankara, dispatch said today, and neace demonstration were reported spreading through Adolf Hitler's Balkan satellites.

The Red army slashed deep into the flank of 1,000,000 Germans threatened with entrapment in
the Dnieper bend today, driving one spearhead 30 miles below Belaya Tserkov and another within 50 miles of the Qdessa-Lwow railroad, the Nazis' -last trunk route of escape

                    SAN MATEO, CALIFORNIA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1944


LONDON, Jan. 5.—(U.P)—
Rumania has ordered all civilians to evacuate Basarabia because of the approach of the Red
army, an Ankara, dispatch said today, and neace demonstration were reported spreading through Adolf Hitler's Balkan satellites. The Exchange Telegraph agency, reporting the Rumanian evacuation order, 'said German troops were hurriedly throwing up fortifications along the southwestern bank of the-Dniester river. At last reports the Russians were only 85 miles from .the Dniester.
r? Erriyif1 i^ Istanbul frcm Sofia following restoration of railway communications between the two countries said theBulgaria!: political crisis had" reached a climax with the failure of all efforts to form a coalition government..

Fury of Soviet
Attack Mounts;
Nazi Flank Hit
New Spearhead Threatens
Foe's Last Hope of Escape

MOSCOW, Jan. 5.—(U.P)—
The Red army~slashe~d deep into the flank of 1,000,000 Germans threatened with entrapment in
the Dnieper bend today, driving one spearhead 30 miles below Belaya Tserkov and another within 50 miles of the Qdessa-Lwow railroad, the Nazis' -last trunk route of escape
Gen. Nikolai F. Vatutin's troops swung; southward and southwestvrar in a lifeline- movement
aimed at enveloping-"the German positions strung precariously eastward from the Bug river line in the lower Ukraine along the Black sea.
Trap Closing
Soviet armored columns were driving down toward Vinnitsa and Zhmerinka, the latter a rail junction
through which the bulk of the Germans in the bend must move if they are to escape the grand-scale
Russian maneuver.

Current Events January 3, 1944;

General Douglas Mac-Arthur landed veteran American Army troops, including elements of the Thirty-Second Division, on the beach at Saidor on the north coast of New Guinea, without opposition Sunday to strike the third lightning blow in 18 cays against the Japanese in the Southwest Pacific are


Gen. Nikolai F. Vatutin's First Ukraine Army swept to within 10 miles of Old Poland Sunday, killing 4,000 Germans and freeing 350 villages, Moscow announced at midnight.

The Russians were expected to cross the prewar frontier sometime Monday on the basis of the 17-mile : gain rolled up Sunday

RAF Lancasters

battled high winds through
cloudy moonless skies early Sun
day to hurl more than 1,000 long
tons of bombs on Berlin in their
ninth major assault on the doomed
German capital and at the same
time carried out a diversionary at
tack on the wrecked port city of


German Invasion Alarms Continue As Increasing Number
Of American Troops Throng Streets Of British Capital
London — AP —
An ever-mounting number of American troops thronged the streets of this island capital Sunday as German analysts poured out a steady stream of invasion alarms predicting that Gen Dwight D. Eisenhower will strike from the west sooner than had been expected.

                                     KINGSPORT, TENN., MON., JAN. 3, 1944

Men Storm 
Saidor Beach
Veteran American
Army Troops Meet
Little Resistance
Advanced Allied Headquar
ters, New Guinea,
AP — 
General Douglas Mac-Arthur landed veteran American  Army troops, including  elements of the Thirty-Second  Division, on the beach at Saidor  on the north coast of New Guinea,  without opposition Sunday to strike  the third lightning blow in 18 cays  against the Japanese in the Southwest
Pacific area.
The troops, commanded by 3rig.- Gen. Clarence Martin ar.d Col. 
Slade N. Sradlay, pushed inland, 
immediately to capture the airfield and reported shortly after landing that they had encountered slight resistance.
Caught By Surprise
Soviet Army
Now 10 Miles
From Border
Disaster Threatens
German Troops
In Dnieper Bend
London, Monday—AP--
Gen. Nikolai F. Vatutin's First Ukraine Army swept to within 10 miles of Old Poland Sunday, killing 4,000 Germans and freeing 350 villages, Moscow announced at midnight.
The Russians were expected to cross the prewar frontier sometime Monday on the basis of the 17-mile : gain rolled up Sunday.
Hacking the retreating remnants of 22 wrecked German divisions over ground which the enemy had torn from Russia in the first month of his 1941 invasion, Russian units swinging southwestward toward Rumania also threatened Germany's big Dnieper bend army with equal disaster.
Recover 7,000 Square Miles

1,000 Tons
Bombs Blast
Doomed City
Hundredth Attack
Of War Starts
Roaring New Fires j
London, Monday—-AP—
RAF Lancastcrs

battled high winds through 
cloudy moonless skies early Sun
day to hurl more than 1,000 long
tons of bombs on Berlin in their
ninth major assault on the doomed
German capital and at the same 
time carried out a diversionary at
tack on the wrecked port city of 
A Stockholm dispatch said Berlin,
 still was burning early Monday, a
 thick pall of smoke choking German army pioneer troops who struggled to dig out the dead and.
Launch 1944 Attack
With the 1944 aerial onslaugt thus well launched, the RAF apparently was keeping the offensive;
rolling against the French coast all! day Sunday and far into the night.
Anti-aircraft fire over Boulogne; coukl be seen through the darkness! from the English coast. !
The Berlin attack was timed late; to prevent moonlight from helping: Nazi night fighters, and one pilot; said he did not see a single enemy; fighter. Some, however, reported a few night fighters used rocket shells.

German Invasion Alarms Continue As Increasing Number
Of American Troops Throng Streets Of British Capital
London — AP —
An ever-mounting number of American troops thronged the streets of this island capital Sunday as German analysts poured out a steady stream of invasion alarms predicting that Gen Dwight D. Eisenhower will strike from the west sooner than had been expected.
The Americans were fighting men of all arms, some wearing the ankle boots of parachute troops and airborne divisions; others the uniforms of airmen, infantrymen, artillerymen or engineers.
Through press and radio, Nazi Minister Paul Joseph Gobbels' henchmen told Germany that Gen. Eisenhower's supreme stroke would come in a matter of weeks at most, that -other Allied blows could be
anticipated elsewhere in Europe, and sought to solace the home front by hammering home the
theme that "Germany- is ready."
At Algiers, Gen. Eisenhower, taking leave of his- North African armies before leaving for his post as commander of Allied invasion forces from Britain, told his' battle-hardened troops in a farewell message.
"Until we meet again in the heart of the enemy's continental stronghold. I send Godspeed and good luck to each of you along with the assurance of my lasting gratitude and admiration."
Again and again Goebbels' theme was that Nazi leaders "with customary thoroughness and strength of organization, have taken the necessary measures for defense and organization, have taken the neces
sary measures for defense and counter stroke.
One Berlin broadcast said that among recent couhtermeasures was the transfer of a special army of
seasoned German troops from the Eastern front to the Western defenses.
"Competent circles believe," went on the broadcast, "that—compelled by political reasons — invasion armies which stand in readiness in southern England may hit out earlier than would seem proper for military considerations."
These "political reasons," Berlin said, were the Allies' desire to placate Moscow which "is not satisfied with the 25 to 30 divisions engaged on the Italian front."
Against a background of smoke jand flame spiralling from their capital city, further demolished in Saturday night's deadly RAF assault Germany faced one of the grimmest years in her history.
"No one can expect • peace in 1944,"-was the solemn'New Year's message the war-weary German
people received from their Nazi leadership.
"It is fight, fight and again fight for the Germans—and nothing else—" was the New Year's theme expounded by Nazi spokesmen to Stockholm correspondents in Berlin.
"Almost all the .people have the feeling that they stand before a great decision, but no one can expect peace in 1944," gravely warned Adolf Hitler's own newspaper, The Voelkischer Beobachter. "Everyone has the feeling that the year will be one of decisive-moves which will bring the end nearer. Germans have no illusions after their experiences in 1943."
Other Berlin propaganda broadcasts fell back on long-promised "secret "weapons"-in their efforts to.
steel Germany for the blows to come.

Current Events January 4, 1944

Hard-hitting Russian mobile forces, steadily rolling back Germany's Ukraine armies in one of the most crushing defeats of the war, smashed their way within 21 miles of the 1939 Polish border yesterday and drove a wide wedge toward the Bug River and the vital Odessa-Lwow railway.

A 6,500-foot airfield for light and medium bombers, within less than 250 miles of Rabaul and only 850 milei
from Japan's mighty naval base of Truk. now is in operation in the northern Solomons.
The airfield, at the base of volcanic Mount Bogana, is carved out of the heaviest of jungles. It is called Piva Field and is the second U.S. airdrome to be established on the island.

Super Messerschmitt
German radio said the latest Messerschmitt fighter-bomber's speed and maneuverability will equal the world's fastest fighters and will be followed by new, equally improved dive-bombers.

Germany's Defenses
Crumbling Over
Vast Sector
Hard-hitting Russian mobile forces, steadily rolling back Germany's Ukraine armies in one of the most crushing defeats of the war, smashed their way within 21 miles of the 1939 Polish border yesterday and drove a wide wedge toward the Bug River and the vital Odessa-Lwow railway.
Three deep thrusts in the Korosten- Zhitomir sector, aimed at important communication lines the Germans must hold. 10 protect their troops in the Dnieper Bend and the Crimea, gained new ground as the Red Army achieved fresh successes in the fronts around Ncvei. Vitebsk and Zaporozhe. ,
As German defenses wilted over a 600-mile front. from Nevei in the north 10 Zaporozhe in the south, the German high command was reported massing troops in Poland to prevent a Russian breakthrough. Dispatches reaching Ankara said trains were pouring supplies and fresh troops into the rear sections of
the front.
Smashing Down Railway
The Russians cut deep inio the German rear south and west of the Kievsalient, driving souihwestward down the kiev-Zhmcrinka railway toward the Bug and the Odessa-Lwow railway, the main artery feeding Odessa, the Germans in the Dnieper Bend and the whole front southcast of L'oland.
Loss of this line would force the enemy to depend on Romanian railways for all transport in this sector and seriously endanged Nazi forces in the Crimea, the Dnieper Bend, the southern Ukraine and Bessarabia. *
Zhmerinka, a great railway junction on the road to Rumania, is one of the chief German supply centers for the Nazi Sixth Army striving to hold back Gen. Rod ion Malinovsky's Russian offensive striking for Nikopol, in the Zaporozhe area.
The Russian thrust southwest of Kiev made rapid progress toward the railway junction of Kalinovka, about 40 miles from Zhmerinka. Here some advanced elements of Gen. Nieolai Vatutin's First Ukrainian Army were only 80 miles from the Bessarabian border.
 One Rail Town Before Border
West of Korosten, other Vatutin advance troops pushed within 21 miles of the Polish border in a drive on Otevsk, last remaining railway town before the border. Olevsk, near the lower tip of the Pinsk marshes, is about 50 miles northwest of Korosten.
Farther south, two powerful columns from Zhitomir and Korosten drove toward Novograd Volynski, a railway town some 60 miles northwest of Zhitomir.
Latest reports placed them about 15 miles away yesterday. Their goal was highly important to the Russians, because it is through Novograd Volynski the broad, hard-surfaced highway from Kiev to Warsaw runs.

New Bougainville Airfield
Only 850 Miles from Truk
A U.S. AIRFIELD, Bougainville, Jan.
2 (AP)—
A 6,500-foot airfield for light and medium bombers, within less than 250 miles of Rabaul and only 850 milei
from Japan's mighty naval base of Truk. now is in operation in the northern Solomons.
The airfield, at the base of volcanic Mount Bogana, is carved out of the heaviest of jungles. It is called Piva Field and is the second U.S. airdrome to be established on the island.
Super Messerschmitt
German radio said the latest Messerschmitt fighter-bomber's speed and maneuverability will equal the world's fastest fighters and will be followed by new, equally improved dive-bombers.


Current Events January 2, 1943;

T h e Red army, slashing through sagging German defenses northwest of Kiev, raced to within 24 miles of the prewar Polish border Saturday as it captured more than 300 towns and settlements in a general advance along the entire 200-mile Ukrainian front.

The navy revealed Saturday night that 1465-ton destroyer Perkins was sunk as the result of a collision off
New Guinea Nov. 29, and that the coastal transport APC-21 was sunk by Japanese aircraft off New Britain Dec. 17. A communique revealing the losses made no mention of the number oi lives lost.


The usually well-informed Army and Navy Journal said Saturday that the conferees at the Tehran and
Cairo conferences agreed that the United States should acquire the Japanese mandated islands.
"Among the many matters discussed by the president with the allied leaders ," the unofficial weekly service publication said, "was that of bases to prevent Germany and Japan from ever again engaging in aggression.

Yanks Massing

for Jap Attack,
Enemy Reports
Air Blows Resumed;
Allies Gain in Italy;
Widen Gloucester Base
(By United Press
T h e Red army, slashing through sagging German defenses northwest of Kiev, raced to within 24 miles of the prewar Polish border Saturday as it captured more than 300 towns and settlements in a general advance along the entire 200-mile Ukrainian front.

The First Ukrainian array, driving west and southwest for one-day gains up to 18 miles, also pushed a spearhead southwest to within 24 miles of Vinitsa, junction controlling one of the two remaining railroad

The navy revealed Saturday night that 1465-ton destroyer Perkins was sunk as the result of a collision off
New Guinea Nov. 29, and that the coastal transport APC-21 was sunk by Japanese aircraft off New Britain Dec. 17. A communique revealing the losses made no mention of the number of lives lost.

----escape routes for thousands of Germans inside the big Dniper river bend. The latter drive carried to -within 80 miles of Rumania.
Meanwhile, Axis propagandist! reported Saturday that American, land, sea, and air forces are massing
in great strength in the Aleutians for attack on the main Japanese islands.
In the air war against Germany. British Mosquito and Hurricane light bombers escorted by Spitfire and Typhoon fighters attacked military targets in northern France Saturday to start the New Year without a loss.
(Deutschlandsender, the main station_of the German home network in Berlin, ceased broadcasting at 8 Saturday night.

U.S. to Get
Jap-Held Isles,
Paper Reports
The usually well-informed Army and Navy Journal said Saturday that the conferees at the Tehran and
Cairo conferences agreed that the United States should acquire the Japanese mandated islands.
"Among the many matters discussed by the president with the allied leaders ," the unofficial weekly service publication said, "was that of bases to prevent Germany and Japan from ever again engaging in aggression. Whether these bases will be independently or jointly owned, whether a national base shall be available to
the forces of the. Allied nations and how payment shall be made for use, were tentatively explored
"There was no doubt that China would be willing to permit the United States to establish a base on Formosa, but she would not be disposed to make a similar grant to Russia or Britain. All leaders were agreed that the United States should acquire the Japanese mandated islands."

Current Events January 1, 1944;

                     HAPPY NEW YEAR


The Russian First Ukrainian Army, racing toward Poland and Rumania today as the new year opened on one of the great Allied victories of the war, has captured the fortified rail and regional center of Zhitomir and plunged far beyond through the rear guards of confused, disorganized Germans who were abandoning tanks, guns, supplies and dead in their rout.

A great fleet of American Flying Fortresses and Liberators bombed Paris for the first time since mid-September yesterday, blasting two vital ball-bearing plants and simultaneously blasting the
Nazi airbase at Chateau Bernard on the French west coast.

Adolf Hitler, in a grim New Year's message to the German people today offered them only hope of dogged resistance for thenlives and, anticipating invasion from the west, boasted that "wherever they land the Allies will receive an appropriate welcome."

 Tanks, Guns
And Supplies

 Break in German Line
Widened to 200 Miles,
General Retreat Seen

biy The Associated Press
LONDON, Saturday, Jan. 1. —
The Russian First Ukrainian Army, racing toward Poland and Rumania today as the new year opened on one of the great Allied victories of the war, has captured the fortified rail and regional center of Zhitomir and plunged far beyond through the rear guards of confused, disorganized Germans who were abandoning tanks, guns, supplies and dead in their rout. Gen. Nikolai Vatutin's forces, which captured Zhitomir yesterday, were speeding west and southwest through a 200-mile breach in the Nazi east wall, far beyond the territory lost to an abortive German counter-offensive in November and December. After capturing 150 more communities yesterday, advance Soviet units were 35 miles from the pre-war Polish border and less than 90 miles from the prewar Rumanian frontier.
"Our tank and motorized troops dealt the enemy considerable blows, breaking through into his rear^to intercept most important communication. lines and smash .German' " reserves which came up to the front lines," said the midnight Moscow bulletin recorded by the Soviet monitor.
Large-Scale Retreat Seen 

 Heavy Raids
On Europe

 Ball Bearing Plants
And German Airbase
Principal Targets

By The Associated  Press
LONDON, Saturday, Jan. 1.—
A great fleet of American Flying Fortresses and Liberators bombed Paris for the first time since mid-September yesterday, blasting two vital ball-bearing plants and simultaneously blasting the
Nazi airbase at Chateau Bernard on the French west coast.
The American heavy bombers were escorted by a powerful fighter force of American and British planes. The escorting fighters together shot down six German planes with a loss of only one of their "own.
Allied aerial forces in the Paris raid and other forays yesterday probably totaled well over 1,000 planes, and the operations maintained the great Allied year-end aerial offensive during" which
probably 3,500 planes swooped over German dominated Europe in a 48-hour period. Thus the Allies averaged almost 100 planes an hour, or nearly two per minute.
Bearing Industry Hard Hit

 The Paris attack, the first at the French metropolis since the bombing of the Caudron-Renault and Hispano-
Suiza airplane works and the Cam ball bearing works on Sept. 15, was designed to strike a further telling blow at the enemy's ball bearing supply so essential to his war effort. That particular industry already had been hard hit by .last fall's, American raids on Schweiniurfc, Germany, and Turin in Italy.

Hitler Offers German People
Little Hope in New Years Talk
Asks Dogged Resistance, "
As War Will Leave Only
Survivors, Annihilated

By The Associated Press
LONDON, Dec. 31.—
Adolf Hitler, in a grim New Year's message to the German people today offered them only hope of dogged resistance for thenlives and, anticipating invasion from the west, boasted that "wherever they land the Allies will receive an appropriate welcome."
In a long written message distributed by DNB to German, newspapers and recorded from a Berlin broadcast by The Associated Press, Hitler again sounded the German propaganda note that " in this war there will be no victors and losers, but merely survivors and annihilated."
A separate New Year order of the day to the Army called 1943 "a second year of great crisis" initiated by the Russian winter offensive of 1941-42.
Even as the Russians,.in one of their greatest victories of the war, were driving toward pre-war Poland's borders and drawing near Rumania's frontiers, Hitler said "a Napoleonic catastrophe seemed imminent for the German front, yet we were able to master the situation."
Germany, he said, was fighting with a "fanatical hatred," and inspired by "the old Biblical saying: "An eye for
an eye and a tooth for a tooth."