A 45-mlnute procession of RAF bomber* roared across the Straits of Dover
In moonlight last night, and a continental radio blackout Indicated
that the weekend loll in the new aerial campaign
to level Germany had ended.
to level Germany had ended.
—The politically-shaken Bulgarian capital of Sofia was blasted for an
hour and 45 minutes this afternoon by several waves of Allied planes
whose explosives caused great destruction and killed many persons, the
Sofia radio1 disclosed tonight.
For the llth straight day. Cape Gloucester, in the New Britain island area in greatest danger of
invasion by Gen. Douglas MacArthur's New Guinea forces, has been pounded by Allied bombers.
Headquarters that Mitchell announced today medium bombers. which hit their targets from minimum altitude, delivered the latest attack in a series which have exploded approximately 1.000 tons of bombs in that small area alone.
invasion by Gen. Douglas MacArthur's New Guinea forces, has been pounded by Allied bombers.
Headquarters that Mitchell announced today medium bombers. which hit their targets from minimum altitude, delivered the latest attack in a series which have exploded approximately 1.000 tons of bombs in that small area alone.
Sofia Raid Prods \
Satellite to Quit
RAF Resume Air Raids
On Nazi-Held Europe
LONDON, Saturday, Dee, 11.—(AP)—
A 45-mlnute procession of RAF bomber* roared across the Straits of Dover In moonlight last night, and a continental radio blackout Indicated that the weekend loll in the new aerial campaign
to level Germany had ended.
Following the departure of the first" procession of bombers last night, other planes were heard thundering out toward northern France as the skies cleared and presented good risibility for the first time in days.
BERN. Switzerland, Dec. 10—(AP)
—The politically-shaken Bulgarian capital of Sofia was blasted for an hour and 45 minutes this afternoon by several waves of Allied planes whose explosives caused great destruction and killed many persons, the Sofia radio1 disclosed tonight.
American planes apparently made the shattering attack on the' reportedly wavering Axis satellite nation,and it was indicated that the target again was the railroad district which was hit so hard last
Nov. 24 by U. S. Liberators of the northwest African command.
Under Alert 2 HoursThe rail yards are a mile from parliament, scene of fervid Bulgarian deliberations of political and military import following the tripower announcement at Teheran---
Chinese Win Great 40-Day Battle
Japan's overland drive (arrow) to capture Changteh and
push on to Changsa, has been frustrated by victory of the Chinese
in a great 40-day battle in which American fliers aided,
and which resulted in the Japanese being driven from Changteh.
Yesterday Chinese forces were reported pursuing the beaten
foe 13 miles north ol Changteh.
Chinese Press
Japs in Hunan
Foe Driven From Fertile
Farm Lands
CHUNGKING, Dec. 10.—(AP)—
Victorious Chinese soldiers fought on north of captured Changteh in the fertile farm land of northern Hunan province today in a bid to clear the area of Japanese invaders, the Chinese high command announced.
The army said its forces had marched more than 13 miles to the northeast of the Yuan river port
west of Tungting lake and lo the northwest had advanced 20 miles. where several hundred Japanese were killed and many taken captive, the Chinese said.
On the northern shore of the lake, Chinese battered at the Japanese defending Ansiang and reported progress. Japs Driven Across Yuan
One Chinese spokesman said all Japanese troops south of the Yuan river had been driven across the stream.
"The battle for Changteh in particular and for North Hunan in general may be regarded as completed, inasmuch as it has passed its peak." he said.
Bombers Rock
Jap-Held Cape
Mediums Hit Japanese
llth Straight Day
HEADQUARTERS. Dec. 11.—Saturday)—(AP)—
For the llth straight day. Cape Gloucester, in the New Britain island area in greatest danger of
invasion by Gen. Douglas MacArthur's New Guinea forces, has been pounded by Allied bombers.
Headquarters that Mitchell announced today medium bombers. which hit their targets from minimum altitude, delivered the latest attack in a series which have exploded approximately 1.000 tons of bombs in that small area alone.
This aerial assa'olt on enemy supplies was coordinated with naval action by PT boats which sank or set afire five barges in the New Guinea-New Britain sectors.
Australians Progress
A spokesman said Australians who capture the jungle supply high point of Wareo on the Hnon pnninsula of New Guinea still are progressing north of there.
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