Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Current Events December 28, 1943;


The Army Monday night took possession of the nation's vast railroad system, acting on orders from President Roosevelt who ordered the seizure so that tramsportation of war materials could continue in. the face of a s t r i k e threat.

                                KINGSPORT, TENN.,TUES., DEC. 28, 1943

FDR Orders
Seizure To
Halt Strike

Accept Arbitration
Before Army Acts

Washington — AP —
The Army Monday night took possession of the nation's vast railroad system, acting on orders from President Roosevelt who ordered the seizure so that tramsportation of war materials could continue in. the face of a s t r i k e threat.
The seizure order vns carried out by Leut.-Gcn. Errhon B. Somrrvcll. chief of army services, actins for Sccrct.iry of War Stimson. Major General C. P. Gross, chief, of ihe Army's Transportation System, was plnrced in charge of oper a ti n g the lines.

Put Airstrip
Under Fire

New Landing Cuts
Jap Supply Lines
To West, South

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